Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

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Pakistan leadership when it suited them used to say we are brothers with Afghans, one nation. The TTP will never give up and Taliban and Haqqani Network will not take action against those who supported them for 20 years against Usa/Nato. Pakistan leadership will also not declare war on Afghanistan because of the consequences.

I agree, ID cards should be given to all, so we can track the movements and official checkpoints should only be allowed to cross over.
What about the 10,000s of pastun who have relatives on both side of borders, they make their living trading with afghan pashtun, they visit them, get married with their relatives etc. I don't see the possibility of completely shutting the border. Pakistan policy makers still see Taliban, Haqqani Network as an ally, whilst the Taliban leader calls himself as Amir ul Muhmineen, the leader of all the ummah. He wants the border open for the pashtuns free movement, he wants Pakistan to negotiate with ttp for a settlement. Taliban is already finding alternatives to Pakistan port, the Iranian chahabar port. What do we have to influence them?
Legal ports of crossing remain open, but through the proper paperwork, like any other country that wants a secure border.

If the Afghans want easier (not free) movement they have to agree to take the TTP back and not let them come near the border, use agreed upon border crossings, and build out that railway to Central Asia so Pakistan can move goods to and from China via the railway.

If Pakistan is to bear the economic cost of Afghan freer movement, it needs its own interests met as well.

If the afghans want to trade through Iran, that’s their prerogative, but Pakistan needs the rail corridor to Central Asia and China, unmolested, and without a compromise of letting Indian cargo transit Pakistan.
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Pakistan leadership when it suited them used to say we are brothers with Afghans, one nation. The TTP will never give up and Taliban and Haqqani Network will not take action against those who supported them for 20 years against Usa/Nato. Pakistan leadership will also not declare war on Afghanistan because of the consequences.

I agree, ID cards should be given to all, so we can track the movements and official checkpoints should only be allowed to cross over.

Pakistan was always open to all Muslims, but Afghans are scum

It's not always about Pakistan, what have the Afghans done for us, or how have they helped us, that you think we should always have to endlessly deal.with their fassad

Maybe afgans going to chabar or going through Tajikistan or Uzbekistan maybe best for everyone
¿?????? So we shouldn't kill the Afghan terrorists?????????

You been killing them for last how many donkey years, rather decades, thousands of us and them have died but it seems those who want this rather lucrative business of terrorism, will always create "terrorists" and "terrorism" out of thin air to carry on this non sense. have you ever wondered why this phenomena of "terrorism" wont go away?

Pay heed when I asked you " do you want to go to war with traitors in GHQ at helm"? They dont give monkeys to the will of Pakistanis, why would they care if some random afghan turn up and blow himself up or what not. This whole situation serve their purpose, since they have treacherously bendover India surrendering to the will of uncle sam. Everyone has forgotten Kashmir and India as a enemy nation.

Stop being naïve, look at the bigger picture.
Afghan terrorists

I don't think Afghans are that much ethno extremist as you are. You literally hate people based on their location. That's called racism. You are extremely right-wing ultra nationalist / extremist. I have seen 100s of your posts in which you are hating not only afghans but sometimes even Pakistan's own citizens (pashtuns and Balouchs). There should be no space on online forum for propagating hate against people based on ethnicity. If you show hatred against an ethnicity within Pakistan than you should be banned forever. This should be redline.

Lastly, the TTPs are mostly Pakistanis, They were production of Pakistan army General Zia's religious drive of Madrassas, when US drones start bombing Pakistani tribal areas and hitting bombs at funerals killing 100s of tribal people then those people picked up arms against brutalities of the state by allowing a foreign power to do massacres.

Clean up your mind. Stop hating people based on ethnicity. What If you were born in Afghanistan? You have no control on it. All humans are God's creations. All these borders are man-made. Don't consume yourself on man-made's geography. Try to come out of your tiny little bubble that's created with extremism of your own.
You been killing them for last how many donkey years, rather decades, thousands of us and them have died but it seems those who want this rather lucrative business of terrorism, will always create "terrorists" and "terrorism" out of thin air to carry on this non sense. have you ever wondered why this phenomena of "terrorism" wont go away?

Pay heed when I asked you " do you want to go to war with traitors in GHQ at helm"? They dont give monkeys to the will of Pakistanis, why would they care if some random afghan turn up and blow himself up or what not. This whole situation serve their purpose, since they have treacherously bendover India surrendering to the will of uncle sam. Everyone has forgotten Kashmir and India as a enemy nation.

Stop being naïve, look at the bigger picture.

The phenomenon of terrorism won't go away, because ethnocentric jahilat like afghans won't stop committing deshatgardi

We helped them free Afghanistan
We defeated the U.S, NATO and India and they all left with their tails between their legs

All their is left now is trade and friendship
We can have open borders, free trade, free movement of people

But we cantz because the afghans are donkeys
They want to control Pakistani sovereign land and territory and thus won't stop spreading fassad and terrorism

Pakistan has REPEATEDLY held peace talksz released TTP and family

PTI even idiotically bought back a bunch of the Afghan bastards back to Pakistan for no reason

Their is something wrong with the A.F.G.H.A.N.S

we can't endlessly have this fassad

When people like the afghans are your enemies, it's a waste of time talking about peace and friendship

Just be enemies,
Make the border as hard as possible
Get rid of all the Afghan scum In the country
Confiscate illegally held property
And throw the whole lot of them out

Being born in Pakistan does not give you citizenship if you are not legally a Pakistani citizen

The defeat of Afghanistan, U.S, India etc was a major deal

Their was always going to be fallout

That's why China turned up on the LAC to keep India under control whilst we deal with the Afghan fallout

But we can't turn our guns back on the Hindus until the Afghan situation calms down one way or the other
We have tried peace, it's worthless with these people
Just be enemies and treat afghans like the dirt that they are
I don't think Afghans are that much ethno extremist as you are. You literally hate people based on their location. That's called racism. You are extremely right-wing ultra nationalist / extremist. I have seen 100s of your posts in which you are hating not only afghans but sometimes even Pakistan's own citizens (pashtuns and Balouchs). There should be no space on online forum for propagating hate against people based on ethnicity. If you show hatred against an ethnicity within Pakistan than you should be banned forever. This should be redline.

Lastly, the TTPs are mostly Pakistanis, They were production of Pakistan army General Zia's religious drive of Madrassas, when US drones start bombing Pakistani tribal areas and hitting bombs at funerals killing 100s of tribal people then those people picked up arms against brutalities of the state by allowing a foreign power to do massacres.

Clean up your mind. Stop hating people based on ethnicity. What If you were born in Afghanistan? You have no control on it. All humans are God's creations. All these borders are man-made. Don't consume yourself on man-made's geography. Try to come out of your tiny little bubble that's created with extremism of your own.

Don't be ridiculous

The Afghans are our enemies, of course we should hate them, what do you want us to do, throw flowers at them or the hindutva trash
I never thought that military operation will get this much criticism. strange times!
The Afghans are our enemies, of course we should hate them, what do you want us to do, throw flowers at them or the hindutva trash

TTPs are mostly Pakistanis, They are production of Pakistan army General Zia's religious drive of Madrassas, when US drones start bombing Pakistani tribal areas and hitting bombs at funerals killing 100s of tribal people then those people picked up arms against brutalities of the state by allowing a foreign power to do massacres.
I never thought that military operation will get this much criticism. strange times!
Of course not, after two and a half decades worth of stellar performance and success by the jamedars in the war of terror...
TTPs are mostly Pakistanis, They are production of Pakistan army General Zia's religious drive of Madrassas, when US drones start bombing Pakistani tribal areas and hitting bombs at funerals killing 100s of tribal people then those people picked up arms against brutalities of the state by allowing a foreign power to do massacres.

So which Afghans have been attacking us since 1947?

Which Afghans were attacking us in the 50s, 60's, 70's?

They took a break in the 80's because the Russians were killing them, so we took in millions of the namak harams, for what?

TTP has existed for about 10 -20 years, but the Afghans have been attacking us for decades

And we haven't got time to differentiate between the type of Afghans who attack us.
It's either afghans or wannabe afghans

They are trained in Afghanistan
They don't obey law or any order or rules
They murder barbers and picnic goers

I don't understand what you want to talk to them about, sometimes the only thing you can do with a murderer is kill him for the sake of society

If you let these jahils live, they will cause chaos

Better to fight this enemy, get rid of millions of Afghans at the same time.
We can also work with Iran to bring the hammer down on the BLA types, they have gone quite after repeated IBOs and iranian operations
The phenomenon of terrorism won't go away, because ethnocentric jahilat like afghans won't stop committing deshatgardi

How old are you? I can assure you, there was ZERO terrorism back in 80s when we actually fighting a super power on Afghan soil.

We helped them free Afghanistan
We defeated the U.S, NATO and India and they all left with their tails between their legs

Did you? Our generals are the ones who ditched them over one phone call. I still remember Musharraf interview on CNN calling Afghan Taliban as a ground reality, that was before 9/11. Our generals rented our whole nation to yanks led group of nations descending on Afghanistan from Karachi to Khyber. Our country became open playground for CIA . And if that was not enough, when IK and Trump successfully removed NATO from Afghan soil, the same Army generals were itching to give yanks bases to start bombing Afghanistan again (the absolutely not episode).

So what are you on about? Our generals did anything and everything for yanks for nearly two decades for them to occupy Afghanistan.

But we cantz because the afghans are donkeys
They want to control Pakistani sovereign land and territory and thus won't stop spreading fassad and terrorism

Good or bad Afghan is the last of priority right now. You cant go to war with traitorous b@stards in GHQ. Skin these mofos alive who think of themselves not answerable to Pakistani citizens, this should be the first and only priority right now. You cant go to war with traitors at helm, end of. Consequences of which will be paid for next two decades by citizens, just like we did in WOT 1.0, while these b@satrds will enjoy their retirement packages on foreign lands after serving their foreign masters.
How old are you? I can assure you, there was ZERO terrorism back in 80s when we actually fighting a super power on Afghan soil.

Did you? Our generals are the ones who ditched them over one phone call. I still remember Musharraf interview on CNN calling Afghan Taliban as a ground reality, that was before 9/11. Our generals rented our whole nation to yanks led group of nations descending on Afghanistan from Karachi to Khyber. Our country became open playground for CIA . And if that was not enough, when IK and Trump successfully removed NATO from Afghan soil, the same Army generals were itching to give yanks bases to start bombing Afghanistan again (the absolutely not episode).

So what are you on about? Our generals did anything and everything for yanks for nearly two decades for them to occupy Afghanistan.

Good or bad Afghan is the last of priority right now. You cant go to war with traitorous b@stards in GHQ. Skin these mofos alive who think of themselves not answerable to Pakistani citizens, this should be the first and only priority right now. You cant go to war with traitors at helm, end of. Consequences of which will be paid for next two decades by citizens, just like we did in WOT 1.0, while these b@satrds will enjoy their retirement packages on foreign lands after serving their foreign masters.

Of course the Afghan harami weren't attacking us in the 80s, we had taken millions of the worthless namak harams into the country

All the Afghans did to repay Pakistan for helping them ,was endless fassad, deshatgardi, robbery, drugs and guns

But prior to that and after they have committed endless terrorism against Pakistan

Without Pakistan the Afghans would be slaughtered and still under U.S control, Pakistan was the singular reason for the defeat of the U.S and afghan Republic

So why keep causing endless fassad and deshatgardi now????
Why are the Afghans causing terrorism now ?
Of course the Afghan harami weren't attacking us in the 80s, we had taken millions of the worthless namak harams into the country

All the Afghans did to repay Pakistan for helping them ,was endless fassad, deshatgardi, robbery, drugs and guns

But prior to that and after they have committed endless terrorism against Pakistan

Without Pakistan the Afghans would be slaughtered and still under U.S control, Pakistan was the singular reason for the defeat of the U.S and afghan Republic

So why keep causing endless fassad and deshatgardi now????
Why are the Afghans causing terrorism now ?

I can assure you, there was ZERO terrorism during first Taliban government of late 90s. Are you old enough to remember that? I am witness to both 80s and 90s. Terrorism only started in all its ugly manifestation when Afghanistan was under American/NATO occupation, so who do you blame that for?
I can assure you, there was ZERO terrorism during first Taliban government of late 90s. Are you old enough to remember that? I am witness to both 80s and 90s. Terrorism only started in all its ugly manifestation when Afghanistan was under American/NATO occupation, so who do you blame that for?

But the Afghans have been attacking us since the 1940s

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