Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam (Urdu: آپریشن عزم استحکام) is a counter-insurgency operation launched by the government of Pakistan in June 2024.[1] The operation was approved by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and aims to eradicate extremism and terrorism in a comprehensive and decisive manner.[2] The operation will not only include military action, but socio-economic uplift to deter extremism.[3]

conducting such operations mean spending millions. what happened to the socio-economic uplift during previous operations?

sustainability is the thing that is lacking. every sector of the society lacks planning on sustainability and we come back to square one.

the only continuity in efforts is seen in damaging the cause to the limit where it becomes an earning source again and again.

keep milking until the land become barren.
How is it different from Operation Radd-ul-Fassad? In terms of scope and objectives.

Or we need to re-name it to "reinvigorate" it every now and then?

It's a circus and the clowns are our political and military leadership with the public paying to see as audience and happily enjoying it.
آپریشن ہوتا ہے تو پیسا آتا ہے۔

زیادہ آپریشن ہوتا ہے تو زیادہ پیسا آتا ہے۔​
If the Ops don't include kinetic ops in Balochistan where most of BLA manpower lies, and atleast targeted airstrikes in Afghanistan, where most of TTP's manpower resides, this op is a farce to take these Chinese for a ride.

That is one of the hidden objectives. To install Governor Rule in kpk.
You dont need governor rule on KPK when the CM is already doing whatever you want him too.
First, as soon as Gandapur took over, he gave the KP police 3 billions.
Second, the governor he is "at odds" with, is his first cousin on his mother side.

Pakistan approves new operation to root out terrorism​

June 23, 2024 5:00 PM
Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif chairs a meeting of the Apex Committee on the National Action Plan in Islamabad on 22 June 2024. The committee approved launching a new nationwide counterterrorism campaign. (Pakistan's Prime Minister's Office)'s Prime Minister's Office)

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif chairs a meeting of the Apex Committee on the National Action Plan in Islamabad on 22 June 2024. The committee approved launching a new nationwide counterterrorism campaign. (Pakistan's Prime Minister's Office)
Pakistan’s top civilian and military leadership has decided to launch a new multi-faceted nationwide counterterrorism campaign amid the country’s deteriorating security situation.
A high-powered meeting chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif gave the go ahead for operation “Azm-e-Istehkam,” or Resolve for Stability, to “combat the menaces of extremism and terrorism in a comprehensive and decisive manner,” said a statement issued by the prime minister’s office.
The announcement came as Pakistan faces near daily attacks targeting security personnel and amid mounting pressure from China to ensure the security of its workers. Several Chinese nationals were killed in an attack earlier this year.
“The fight against extremism and terrorism is Pakistan’s war and is absolutely essential for the nation’s survival and well-being,” the official statement said.
Along with an intensified military push, Azm-e-Istehkam will have a diplomatic push.
“In the politico-diplomatic domain, efforts will be intensified to curtail the operational space for terrorists through regional cooperation,” said the statement after the Apex Committee on the National Action Plan reviewed the ongoing counterterrorism campaign and internal security in the country.
Pakistan has a history of courts freeing terror attack suspects because of a lack of evidence. The new campaign aims to counter that through legislative actions.
“The renewed and full-blown kinetic efforts of the armed forces will be augmented by full support from all Law Enforcement Agencies, empowered by effective legislation to address legal voids that hinder effective prosecution of terrorism-related cases and award of exemplary punishments to them,” according to the statement.
Chinese concerns
The new counterterrorism operation comes as Islamabad attempts to convince Beijing it is taking the security of Chinese nationals extremely seriously.
“The forum also reviewed measures to ensure foolproof security for Chinese nationals in Pakistan.” Saturday’s statement said. “Following the Prime Minister’s approval, new Standard Operating Procedures [SOPs] were issued to relevant departments, which will enhance mechanisms for providing comprehensive security to Chinese citizens in Pakistan.”
This comes after Liu Jianchao, minister of the Central Committee of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, told a bilateral political forum in Islamabad last week that Pakistan’s poor security was a hurdle in bringing Chinese investment to the cash-strapped South Asian nation.
“As people often say confidence is more precious than gold, in the case of Pakistan, the primary factor shaking the confidence of Chinese investors is the security situation,” Liu told a gathering that representatives from major Pakistani political parties attended. It was held as part of the third meeting of the Pakistan-China Joint Consultative Mechanism of Political Parties on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
The corridor, commonly known as CPEC, is a flagship project of Beijing’s global Belt and Road Initiative and focuses primarily on energy and infrastructure.
Five Chinese nationals working on the China-funded Dasu hydropower project and their Pakistani driver were killed in March when a suicide bomber rammed the convoy with an explosives-laden vehicle.

At least a dozen more Chinese nationals have been killed in Pakistan in targeted attacks in the last few years.
After the March attack, Pakistan ramped up efforts to enhance the protection of Chinese nationals, including the formation of a new security unit in the capital. A special military unit already exists for the protection of Chinese projects in Pakistan. It is supported by local law enforcement agencies.
Terrorism landscape
According to the South Asia Terrorism Portal that maintains data on terror attacks in the region, Pakistan has witnessed over 300 terrorism-related deaths so far this year.
Dozens of Pakistani security personnel, including officials, have died in the first half of 2024 in militant attacks and counterterrorism operations. On Friday, five Pakistani soldiers were killed when an improvised explosive device blew up their vehicle in the Kurram tribal district near Afghanistan.
Last year, Pakistan recorded a six-year high in terrorism fatalities with most of the attacks concentrated in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces that border Afghanistan.
Islamabad blames the rise in terror attacks on Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan that it says has sanctuaries in neighboring Afghanistan. The Afghan Taliban have rejected evidence of cross-border terror attacks provided by Pakistan as an effort to malign Kabul.

Reports gathered by the United Nations and research groups based in the United States indicate the Afghan Taliban have maintained ties with foreign militants.
Past operations
Pakistan launched massive military operations against terrorists between 2009 and 2017 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. While the operations managed to kill and flush thousands of militants to Afghanistan and dismantle their cells within Pakistan, they also caused a mass displacement of citizens and millions of dollars in damage to property and infrastructure.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has lately seen a wave of Jirga, or consultative public gatherings, where locals have expressed serious concerns over growing militant violence and frequent counterterrorism operations.
Pakistani military spokesperson Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry told the media last month that security forces had conducted more than 13,000 intelligence-based operations this year, mostly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.

Qabza Mafia start another operation... Mark my words this will end up like "Operation Search Light"
These loot کھسوٹ establishment crooks only wants to steal every last drop of resources and put final nails in coffin of Pakistan....
Nobody is alive to tell them why didn't you do any such operation in Sindh where even labrourer is not safe from dakoos? Are these kachy ke dakoos there true fathers?
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I have deleted some off topic and frankly obnoxious posts. Please keep foul language and pointless name calling to a minimum.

Lip service to please the Chinese

I'll say this much: Mr. Liu personally, after the conference, met Gen. Munir and threw the 1971 book at him. Telling him we warned you to correct the prevailing situation before 1971, and you didn't listen, and you're not listening now. There is also word that Mr. Liu told the Munir to release Imran Khan and work on straightening out the political front as this uncertainty isn't doing any good for either party.

Now, Liu is the Minister of the Central Committee of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, so he holds a lot of weight.

What's different now is that any grievances China had were previously addressed behind closed doors, never in public forums like the one he attended.
Just saw a very alarming vlog by Waqar Malik on the operation where he gave some background and quoted Murad Saaed's tweets in the past. Allah khair karay!
Probably not, not because it didn't work elsewhere but because the religious Extremism is just a front for ethnocentric jahilat and Extremism

So you can try to counter the religious side with teachings, but how are you going to change a jahil ethno Extremist population who think they can lay claim to sovereign Pakistani territory

Ethno nationalist can be countered by promoting Pakistan ideology, and why Pakistan was created, the sacrifices made. Has our governments ever tried that? Instead they are busy looting. The ethno nationalist propaganda is based on grievances, where rich and powerful players come from different region in the name of development and steal the local resources, the locals stay poor whilst the looters store wealth in Swiss banks. I was reading a while back on Balochis trading with each other on iran/Pak border, our security forces stopped them but themselves started trading and made millions, will this not breed ethno nationalism. These people have seen the real face of our rulers.
I'll say this much: Mr. Liu personally, after the conference, met Gen. Munir and threw the 1971 book at him. Telling him we warned you to correct the prevailing situation before 1971, and you didn't listen, and you're not listening now. There is also word that Mr. Liu told the Munir to release Imran Khan and work on straightening out the political front as this uncertainty isn't doing any good for either party.

Now, Liu is the Minister of the Central Committee of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, so he holds a lot of weight.

What's different now is that any grievances China had were previously addressed behind closed doors, never in public forums like the one he attended.
First time Chinese have openly aired their concerns. The mil-establishment better take this seriously or else face the consequences.
Ethno nationalist can be countered by promoting Pakistan ideology, and why Pakistan was created, the sacrifices made. Has our governments ever tried that? Instead they are busy looting. The ethno nationalist propaganda is based on grievances, where rich and powerful players come from different region in the name of development and steal the local resources, the locals stay poor whilst the looters store wealth in Swiss banks. I was reading a while back on Balochis trading with each other on iran/Pak border, our security forces stopped them but themselves started trading and made millions, will this not breed ethno nationalism. These people have seen the real face of our rulers.

Their are NO local resources, all resources belong to the state

No other nation allows you to randomly mine, or buy and sell stuff without rules and taxation

This ethnocentrism has gone back to before even Pakistan was here

The tried Pakistani nationalism, the majority of people accepted it but the most retarded and donkey like caused problems FROM THE BEGINNING, terrorism has always affected us, it didn't start in the last 20 years

Zia thought he could circumnavigate the ethnocentric jahilat with religion, as we are all Muslims
All that did was mix religion and these people's ethno jahilat into one

Fundamentally the state HAS TO BE the final say, you can't submit 250 million people to the whims of deshatgard where people can't even go on a picnic or go the barbers because these people murder and kill

Get the military and police to SLAUGHTER the Afghans and any group of idiots in the country who can't obey law and order

Pakistans situation is under control simply because of our security forces, other countries by now would have collapsed in violence, with people as horrendous as the Afghans next door

And we got to hit them, we have to work with Iran to destroy the BLA types and their camps a d people


and remember we can ruin the lives of Afghans and Baloch terrorists far far far more then any damage they can do to us
Slowly taking apart afghan society should be our aim
I'll say this much: Mr. Liu personally, after the conference, met Gen. Munir and threw the 1971 book at him. Telling him we warned you to correct the prevailing situation before 1971, and you didn't listen, and you're not listening now. There is also word that Mr. Liu told the Munir to release Imran Khan and work on straightening out the political front as this uncertainty isn't doing any good for either party.

Now, Liu is the Minister of the Central Committee of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, so he holds a lot of weight.

What's different now is that any grievances China had were previously addressed behind closed doors, never in public forums like the one he attended.

The biggest problem is in Pakistan our institutes have no clue on how to handle situations, the military and agencies have great amount of power and they use this in the wrong way, and if you harm people, torture them, make video recordings, their will be a big backlash for generations. A civilian led negotiation agency should be formed to deal with all the grievances and strict action should be taken against the powerful for misuing their power, we should speak to the balochis and tribal area people, listen to their problems. Back in 2006s the tribal area people formed militias and lashkars to fight ttp but our security forces betrayed them and allowed them to get slaughtered. The balochis have similar issues, where our elite steal their resources, back their landlords but locals suffer.
First time Chinese have openly aired their concerns. The mil-establishment better take this seriously or else face the consequences.

Let's just say that Munir's ego was hurt after the talk. Now, unless he keeps his cool, thinks it through, and acts rationally, it will determine the course of action. But so far, the situation is somewhat out of his control; he bit off more than he can chew.

I spoke with my colleague the other day about the trip to China who was there; they tried very hard to pitch the SIFC and were completely rebuffed that the Chinese didn't even bother acknowledging it with a response.
The biggest problem is in Pakistan our institutes have no clue on how to handle situations, the military and agencies have great amount of power and they use this in the wrong way, and if you harm people, torture them, make video recordings, their will be a big backlash for generations. A civilian led negotiation agency should be formed to deal with all the grievances and strict action should be taken against the powerful for misuing their power, we should speak to the balochis and tribal area people, listen to their problems. Back in 2006s the tribal area people formed militias and lashkars to fight ttp but our security forces betrayed them and allowed them to get slaughtered. The balochis have similar issues, where our elite steal their resources, back their landlords but locals suffer.

The rule of law and accountability are what's hurting the country the most; if you fix this, half of your problems will be solved.
Their are NO local resources, all resources belong to the state

No other nation allows you to randomly mine, or buy and sell stuff without rules and taxation

This ethnocentrism has gone back to before even Pakistan was here

The tried Pakistani nationalism, the majority of people accepted it but the most retarded and donkey like caused problems FROM THE BEGINNING, terrorism has always affected us, it didn't start in the last 20 years

Zia thought he could circumnavigate the ethnocentric jahilat with religion, as we are all Muslims
All that did was mix religion and these people's ethno jahilat into one

Fundamentally the state HAS TO BE the final say, you can't submit 250 million people to the whims of deshatgard where people can't even go on a picnic or go the barbers because these people murder and kill

Get the military and police to SLAUGHTER the Afghans and any group of idiots in the country who can't obey law and order

Pakistans situation is under control simply because of our security forces, other countries by now would have collapsed in violence, with people as horrendous as the Afghans next door

And we got to hit them, we have to work with Iran to destroy the BLA types and their camps a d people


and remember we can ruin the lives of Afghans and Baloch terrorists far far far more then any damage they can do to us
Slowly taking apart afghan society should be our aim

Who is the state? Zardari, Nawaz, the corrupt elite? The provinces get royalties and when the people get nothing, they will complain, and after generations the complaints turn to hatred, especially when people are being kidnapped, killed, jailed. We all know our rulers Loot 24 7.
The rule of law and accountability are what's hurting the country the most; if you fix this, half of your problems will be solved.

This is a mentality problem, an ethical, cultural issue. You can travel the world and meet Pakistanis, when they are weak they are sweet and as soon as they get rich and powerful they become abusive. They believe they are special and above the law. @Signalian mentioned this a few times, it's not just in the military but whole leadership, the local leadership in a small areas act like a local mafia. When the British overtook India Pakistan Bangladesh we had the same problem, the mir jafer leadership cooperated with the British and allowed them to overtake as long as they keep their chairs.


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