Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Who will make those payment? The government that is full of corrupt individuals?

Great ideas but you guys keep forgetting these decisions are made by a government that is elected and respected. You want the form 47 government to think about the people?
The military officers in charge of the battle must have carrots and sticks when going after miscreants; separate the miscreants from the population then pursue the miscreants. Otherwise it’s an exercise in futility, and the ultimate reason for the op in the first place, to give the Chinese a sense of security will not be achieved.
It's mowing the grass

Their is no real end game or solution because of they type of backwards people In Afghanistan or our tribal areas

The best you can do is manage the situation,
Constant IBOs
And occasional big operations every few years to kill as many yahoos as we can to try and get a few years of reduced fassad

Mowing the grass now and then is the only real option
Zionists will be awfully proud of you for borrowing their vernacular...

Why were these backward tribal yahoos quiet until 2001? If you have to do constant IBOs, then you've already lost...
Their is a border fence and patrols, you can't cross the fence in large numbers

Their are no, no fo zone.

The TTP are like criminals, they have long sought to get money out of locals
Didn't Pakistani army fence the border?
Another colonial war on behalf of the white western master, going all the way back to the 18th century...now the false narrative is being built to sell the latest colonial service. The descendants of the jamedars who fought the freedom fighters on behalf of their british masters are renewing their perennial commitment.
Didn't Pakistani army fence the border?

Of course, large scale movement is impossible and would trigger security services and any large group of TTP would just be blasted by drones, or helicopters etc

Only small scale movement is possible
After all this 7-page blabber, no one really has told us why this operation would hurt our national interests or at least is not needed. The way lawlessness is spreading throughout the country, especially across KPK, it should be worrisome for any law-abiding Pakistani.

Just this recent incident in Swat where an innocent person was burned to death alive should be an eye opener. It was not just a spontaneous reaction from the mob. The way it was done and propagated makes it appear to be a planned act of terrorism to stir ethnic unrest. It’s just one example. The writ of the state and rule of law are pre-requisite for a peaceful society. The state has to deal with these sick-minded bloodthirsty elements in the society who might be active under the garb of political workers. After all, thousands of terrorists (i.e. murderers of thousands of innocent Pakistanis) were reportedly brought back from Afghanistan and settled into the cities and towns of Pakistan by IK government (without even informing the parliament of Pakistan). No one really expect those terrorists to turn into law-loving citizens overnight. The state has resources to trace those terrorists out and their mentors to be brought to justice.

We already had many military operations but after a while we are back to square one. Where is frontier Corps, frontier constabulary, the rangers, police, anti terrorism police force, they should be fully capable to deal with the terrorists, extremists, smugglers, mafias, dacoits in those regions.

Pakistan paramilitary needs reforms. We should disband frontier Corps and frontier constabulary, incorporate them all in to KPK rangers, rangers should have a special wing to deal with special operations against terrorists and militants, the FIA and IB should be giving intelligence to the rangers, who will be backed by the police to carry out operations. This way the local government's and people will be on board.

The police, then rangers backed by special assault unit, FIA, IB or some investigation agency should be on board whenever rangers are involved. Army and ISI job is to fight external forces.
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Another colonial war on behalf of the white western master, going all the way back to the 18th century...now the false narrative is being built to sell the latest colonial service. The descendants of the jamedars who fought the freedom fighters on behalf of their british masters are renewing their perennial commitment.

Yes yes, Afghanistan Afghanistan

No bruv, plenty of time has been given, their was always going to be fallout after the collapse of the Afghan Republic and kicking out of NATO, uSA and India
Especially with the remnants of Afghan military and intelligence

But you can't allow afghans to constantly act stupid
Where is frontier Corps, frontier constabulary when they cross the border? Its their job to stop them and take action.
Yes you can. The country with the largest military budget and the most advance weapons ended up sitting at the table.

You start by respecting your own country’s constitution first before waging war on anyone. The corrupt Bajwa for his own extension removed Pakistan from a favourable position when it was time for Pakistan to be at the table.

Decisions are not being made for the future of the country, they are being made by small men who are thinking about their on future.
This has disaster written all over it

Not with the Afghans, we have given numerous peace talks with the Afghans and even the TTP

All they do is go back on their word
Refuse to obey any laws and cause deshatgardi
Do any Pakistanis find it significant that this briefing came from the Defense Minister rather than a general or military spokesman?

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