Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Not with the Afghans, we have given numerous peace talks with the Afghans and even the TTP

All they do is go back on their word
Refuse to obey any laws and cause deshatgardi
Show no mercy and kill all of these rats including those who are in Pakistan.

Nuke the cursed Nation called Afghanistan to hell.
they are and never were our ie Pakistan soldier they always served the empire under the leadership of mafia boss appointed by empire!

no shaheed all rented guns fighting for plots and wealth!

Is there a particular genetic trait in Pakistanis that we can only operate on the very extremes of every spectrum? You don't need to rip your clothes off and run out into the street screaming whenever anything happens. Kindly, refrain from discounting the enormous debt you owe to your Shuhada and Ghazis. Best if you instead identify the actual issues and keep the criticism aimed at them.

Hindus - Afghans BOTH are our enemies

I can show you a fair few Hindus who have done more for Pakistan than either one of us. Leave religion out of this.
The military officers in charge of the battle must have carrots and sticks when going after miscreants; separate the miscreants from the population then pursue the miscreants. Otherwise it’s an exercise in futility, and the ultimate reason for the op in the first place, to give the Chinese a sense of security will not be achieved.
Only way security can be achieved is when the people are given their right.

It’s a very basic concept but unfortunately we are try to make it complicated. If the foundation is not strong you can apply as many patches you want at the top, building will fall. A country has to fix its law and order by making everyone equal in the eye of the law. Applying resources where the people are struggling and change the mindset of the people.

Right now everyone knows the government is corrupt and is only looking after their own interest. When the generals have sold their country why would an ordinary man sell his loyalty to make money.
Show no mercy and kill all of these rats including those who are in Pakistan.

Nuke the cursed Nation called Afghanistan to hell.
You can kill as many rats as you want but if you don’t fix issue at the source you are just wasting resources.

You expect corrupt individuals to somehow makes decisions that will benefit the country?
Only way security can be achieved is when the people are given their right.

It’s a very basic concept but unfortunately we are try to make it complicated. If the foundation is not strong you can apply as many patches you want at the top, building will fall. A country has to fix its law and order by making everyone equal in the eye of the law. Applying resources where the people are struggling and change the mindset of the people.

Right now everyone knows the government is corrupt and is only looking after their own interest. When the generals have sold their country why would an ordinary man sell his loyalty to make money.
I want to see them patch it as much as they can, till the point they see the limits of their power to do COIN without genuine democracy. The sooner they see their limits even the Chinese investors will be demanding IK release and a new election to finally get serious about getting things done.

In the meantime I hope the PTI hires Gen. Tariq Khan to formulate the PTI’s strategy to COIN. To figure out the right amount of carrot and stick. His understanding is first hand and measured.

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We already had many military operations but after a while we are back to square one. Where is frontier Corps, frontier constabulary, the rangers, police, anti terrorism police force, they should be fully capable to deal with the terrorists, extremists, smugglers, mafias, dacoits in those regions.

Pakistan paramilitary needs reforms. We should disband frontier Corps and frontier constabulary, incorporate them all in to KPK rangers, rangers should have a special wing to deal with special operations against terrorists and militants, the FIA and IB should be giving intelligence to the rangers, who will be backed by the police to carry out operations. This way the local government's and people will be on board.

The police, then rangers backed by special assault unit, FIA, IB or some investigation agency should be on board whenever rangers are involved. Army and ISI job is to fight external forces.

The problem is that there is no consistent political strategy in place before or after leadership changes. Each new leader disregards the work of their predecessor and pursues their own agenda, resulting in a cycle of building foundations only to have them torn down and rebuilt by the next leader.

We've had so many operations, but remember, military action is an extension of a political aim. As Sun Tzu said, as one of the four discords, if there is discord in the state then never make war. Right now, the state is acting on one of the five reasons for war which is internal disorder. Even the U.S. had to settle for a political solution, as it was a drain on it's resources over time.
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I want to see them patch it as much as they can, till the point they see the limits of their power to do COIN without genuine democracy. The sooner they see their limits even the Chinese investors will be demanding IK release and a new election to finally get serious about getting things done.

In the meantime I hope the PTI hires Gen. Tariq Khan to formulate the PTI’s strategy to COIN. To figure out the right amount of carrot and stick.
I just don’t want innocent foot soldiers to lose their lives.
You can kill as many rats as you want but if you don’t fix issue at the source you are just wasting resources.

You expect corrupt individuals to somehow makes decisions that will benefit the country?

The source is Afghanistan,

What more can we do??

What the hell have the Afghans ever done for us, or what have they done to seek peace?

Why do you make excuses for these lannati people?
The source is Afghanistan,

What more can we do??

What the hell have the Afghans ever done for us, or what have they done to seek peace?

Why do you make excuses for these lannati people?

I don't want to take any sides, but we've also failed to help stabilize the situation after Zia's death; the Americans are also equally at fault. Don't forget we ourselves ran madrassas that radicalized the people within our borders and across. Lal Masjid was one, and to this day, the writ of the State isn't established on it, so this should tell you the problem is far worse inside as well.

We created a monster and unleashed it on the Afghans as well.

Also, do not forget the Russians were invited by the Afghans themselves, which we helped morph into a perverted religious conflict (Jihad).
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I just don’t want innocent foot soldiers to lose their lives.
Me neither. This is why I advocate a reinforcement of the fencing with pillboxes and reinforcement of the hilux with v shaped hulls. I argue against incursions into Afghanistan, because we will need to do business with them and better to just have a closed border then bad blood.

Unfortunately we do need to police our areas. The way it should be done though. Should be KPK police supported by the PTI government in the non-border areas and only police like duties.
The source is Afghanistan,

What more can we do??

What the hell have the Afghans ever done for us, or what have they done to seek peace?

Why do you make excuses for these lannati people?
To solve any issue in life, you start by fixing what’s within first. Only then you start to look outwards and find solutions.

Look around the world, look at the history and try to learn from it. These military operations are a temporary fix.

i am not making excuses for anyone but unfortunately you think military operation is the only solution. How many soldiers have we sacrificed for the past 23 years and yet we are still in a similar situation?

Military men are not super human with high intellect, they are men from the same society which is in complete chaos right now. You think the same generals that are destroying the country to increase their bank account will make a decision for the betterment of the country?
Is there a particular genetic trait in Pakistanis that we can only operate on the very extremes of every spectrum? You don't need to rip your clothes off and run out into the street screaming whenever anything happens. Kindly, refrain from discounting the enormous debt you owe to your Shuhada and Ghazis. Best if you instead identify the actual issues and keep the criticism aimed at them.
shaheed is someone who is killed fighting for Allahs cause what cause is rented army fighting for? please explain!
Another colonial war on behalf of the white western master, going all the way back to the 18th century...now the false narrative is being built to sell the latest colonial service. The descendants of the jamedars who fought the freedom fighters on behalf of their british masters are renewing their perennial commitment.
You know you can make a GPT for free and use that to post this exact rehashed stuff via a webhook or similar process. You gotta have a day job that needs attention.

Even then, if you must post manually I suggest creating a spreadsheet with your usual posts and just quickly copy pasting them in here.
Do any Pakistanis find it significant that this briefing came from the Defense Minister rather than a general or military spokesman?
For that individual - yes - imagine if a proper Jewish space laser believing MAGA member became sec of defense and then made statements.
I don't want to take any sides, but we've also failed to help stabilize the situation after Zia's death; the Americans are also equally at fault. Don't forget we ourselves ran madrassas that radicalized the people within our borders and across. Lal Masjid was one, and to this day, the writ of the State isn't established on it, so this should tell you the problem is far worse inside as well.

We created a monster and unleashed it on the Afghans as well.

Also, do not forget the Russians were invited by the Afghans themselves, which we helped morph into a perverted religious conflict (Jihad).
Unlike individualist tendencies, the Pakistani public is more collectivist, like the East Asian countries. The animosity to Indian hegemony in the region and the lingering effects of radicalism in the society can be channeled towards economic efforts, as they were in East Asia after WW2.

Outcompeting the Indians in international business and individual career progression should be what young people are incentivized to try to achieve. It’s a far healthier outlook then inward self-destruction what starts as bickering in a filing economy, so easily escalates into violence and occasional murder.

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