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Our Heroes - Pakistan Army


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
3 December 1971
1330 HRS

"Tauheed! I repeat Tauheed" Lieutenant Colonel Ali Imam, the commanding officer received this message from his Brigade Head Quarter. After having a round of all companies, he went straight to the Bravo Company.

"Look young man, the company has a rich tradition of valor, never let anyone say that 1971 proved fatal for the battalion", with a heavy heart, Colonel said to the Major (Company Commander). Major immediately called his R Group (Reconnaissance Group) and ordered them to march forward as per their SOP (Standard Operation Procedure).

1630 Ho

Company Commander went to see his colleague, the Delta Company Commander Major Ghazi ud Din Rana. Clad in the fit uniform, having a side arm, a G-3 Rifle on the shoulder, a machete tied to the leg and a grenade in the hand, which he was tossing like a tennis ball.
"Buddy don't you think the rifle, grenade and machete is just an extra luggage for you an officer?", Ghazi asked major in a surprised manner.

"Sir actually I have done all this to build up the little bit moral of my jawans, don't you know that we are going on a little war?" with a wink, the Major replied smiling.
"That's alright but where is your hamlet? Don't you want to save your head?" Ghazi asked
"Sir that's an additional burden, it irritates me", Major replied.

"You better put that burden my dear and better stop playing with the grenade, its not a toy". Ghazi said angrily.

"Really"?, major said skeptically and both friends laughed.
Major requested Ghazi to cover the right flank of Bravo Company as this flank was to play a vital role during raid.

0730 Hours

Major was assigned the task to capture the "Gurmukhera Bridge" and capture the "Saboona Ridge", which was the backbone of enemy defence in the area. This goal was successfully achieved and now major was positing the defence.

2100 Hours

As per the orders of Indian Brigade Commander Surjeet Singh, 4 Jaat regiment and squadron of T-54 tanks was ordered to recapture the area.

Major was busy in setting up the trenches when he heard the distant noise of tanks. To welcome the enemy, the 3.5 Rocket launcher and the Energa Grenade were placed. As the tank passed by the troop nearest to the position, the Major took the rocket launcher and fired. The light of burning tank exposed the position of advancing Indians and tanks as well. Pakistani troops laid intense fire and two more tanks were lit up. The Indians were hunted like sitting ducks. These tanks kept on burning and the ammunition exploded inside them for the whole night.

04 December 1971
0700 Hours

An operation was launched in the area to search for the enemy soldiers hidden in the area. Major was leading the operation himself, when his jawans noticed someone on a tree. Major ordered him to come down. As he descended the tree, he was found as the 2nd Lieutenant, the OP of Indian Artillery. Meanwhile, the jawans also brought a Risaldar who was a Muslim. After frisking the stack of Slidex cards was recovered from him. These cards contained the cipher codes for wireless transmission. Bottles of liquor, dirty pictures, uniforms, playing cards, beverages, a huge pile of Indian currency and a fixed frequency wireless set was recovered from these bunkers.
Major ordered to burn some part of the currency to make tea as the there was short of firewood in the area and took the wireless set himself. This set was still tuned on the frequency of Indian brigade head quarters and the transmission was on, which was showing all the activities of Indians in that area.

2030 Hours

Enemy launched a full scale attack to take the position. The enemy wireless communication had shown the direction of enemy attack, so Major had received the information already and deployed anti tank weapons on respective positions and a hot engagement was ready for the enemy. Attack was repulsed vigorously. Having fourteen personnel killed, twenty one injured and eight missing, the enemy ran away.

05 December
1971 2000 HRS

Indian 4 Jaat along with a large number of T-54 tanks, launched a massive attack. They were attacking in waves after waves. Infantry and artillery laid burning iron on Pakistani positions. Everyone on the Pakistani side took cover in trenches. Pakistan Army held their fire until the Indian infantry reached close to their position.

Major Narayan Singh the company commander of 4 Jaat regiment reached near the trench of Major, he shouted loudly,"Where is your commander, tell him to come out and fight with me", Major who was listening enemy transmission on the captured wireless set, got furious; Jumped out of his trench and ran towards Narayan. Narayan tossed a phosphorus grenade towards Major, which exploded, setting fire on the uniform of major. Without caring about it, major jumped on Narayan, throwing him on the ground, Major emptied the magazine on his chest with Narayan's own sten gun. Pakistani and Indian soldiers were seeing it like armed spectators. Indians ran back while Pakistani soldiers started shooting them with their weapons while the dead body of Narayan was sent to Pakistani Battalion Head Quarters. Indians tanks were just 2 meters away from Pakistani Posts which were repulsed only by the fire of Energa Grenade, Rocket Launcher and artillery. Indian Cavalry lost nine tanks, 19 men were killed and 34 captured whereas Pakistan lost its 3 person killed and eleven injured.

06 December
1971 1100 HRS

After a shelling of four hours, enemy started its attack. It was the first time since 3 December that enemy was attacking in the broad day light. Tanks were advancing from everywhere. Major himself was Manning a 106 MM antitank weapon, suddenly his No.2 spotted two tanks advancing, major took the sight and fired. First tank exploded like a water balloon. The second was also approaching behind it in a ready to fire position. In spite of running or leaving his position, Major orderd to load the second round in the cannon. Major fired while the tank also shot at the same time. The tank was lit to flames but its shell also exploded near Major, tossing him meters high. When the Major landed on the ground, he was martyred.

Today the world knows the valiant officer as Major Shabbir Shareef Shaheed Nishan e Haider.

(After the martyrdom of Major Shabbir Captain Hudayat Ullah Khan took over the company. 6FF repulsed the attack of 6 December as well. This sector remained under the control of Pakistan Army until ceasefire. Every attempt to retake the area by Indian Army proved to be useless).


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
4 September 1965
Chamb Sector

1400 hrs

Sir what's the plan to evacuate the wounded and the Martyrs?

Young man there's no plan till now...

Sir how can we go back without our brothers?
Boy this is battlefield and much has to be tolerated here.

Then allow me sir. I'll go and snatch an enemy vehicle.

Just shut up and go to your company. This is battlefield not your aunt's home where you can snatch toys from your cousin.

This was the argument taking place between a second lieutenant and the battalion adjutant Major Anwar ul Haq.

The battalion attacked enemy posts of Throti and Chakk Bhagwan area of Chamb Sector. In cover of heavy artillery and cavalry shelling, enemy laid intense fire. Pakistani troops kept on advancing. While advancing, a splinter of an artillery shell hit the right arm of the second lieutenant. Instead of stopping and getting medical aid, the officer covered his wound with his field dressing. He captured an enemy bunker and was giving his company fire support by a captured machine gun. After heavy bloodshed from both sides, the battalion received orders to retreat as a strategy, the vehicles were left across the River Tavi; to evacuate the wounded and the martyrs was the question.

It was unacceptable for the lieutenant to leave his men behind. After a while, he got an idea he went to his company, took two volunteers and entered the enemy territory after two hours when it was dark.
Threat of attack by Pakistani troops also compelled the enemy to retreat. Now the Indians were leaving their posts and retreating. After observing the situation, the lieutenant spotted an Indian made "Shaktimaan" truck., a 25 pounder howitzer along with its ammunition trailer at the sight. He ordered both of his men to go and look for the wounded and Martyrs, while he himself went towards the enemy truck.

"Hey you come here", in a loud and gruff voice, the lieutenant called a Sikh Indian sepoy who was packing up.
Being unable to differentiate between Indian and Pakistani officer because of dark, the Indian soldier approached the lieutenant in a very obedient manner. "Yes Sir", he said.

"Tie that howitzer behind the truck and also the ammunition trailer with it", with his full confidence and dominant expression, lieutenant ordered the Indian soldier.

While the Indian soldier was obeying the orders, both the men of lieutenant gathered their wounded men in the truck .The lieutenant was observing the area in great detail, noting all the prominent defensive features. As the task was completed, he decided to drive the truck himself whereas his right arm was already wounded and told his men to make the enemy soldier, who was still considering the lieutenant as his officer, sit between them.
When the lieutenant started to drive towards the Pakistani positions, the Indian soldier said in a muttered voice,

"سر جی اودھر کدھر چلے او۔ اودھر تے مسلے نیں"
(Sir why are you going there, don't you know that’s the muslim ( Pkaistani) side"

"سردار جی فیر کی ہویا آپاں وی مسلے ای آں"
(Sardar Ji so what, Don't you see we are also Pakistanis), the lieutenant said with a loud laughter.
Then the Indian realized his mistake but it was too late. The arrangement for the evacuation of dead and wounded were made.

The news of this action by the lieutenant spread in the unit like fire. It was very important for Pakistani side as the lieutenant observed the enemy position closely. He was called for a debriefing by the HQ, where he described all the points. Further attacks were planned which proved to be so successful that enemy feared to lose a major portion of Kashmir. The credit goes to the lieutenant.

Today the world knows brave second lieutenant as 2nd Lieutenant Shabbir Shareef from 6 FF. He was awarded Sitara e Jurrat for this act of valor.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
December 3, 1971
Taitwal Sector, Kashmir

Enemy attacked on the sector with its full battalion on the Pakistani posts situated at the height of 7000 feet. A company of 20 Pakistani soldiers repulsed the attack. The second attack by enemy was laid on "Toot Margali", which they captured. On December 07, 1971, the ceasefire was implemented and it resulted in the surrounding of a Pakistani post "Berru wali Naar". In reply Pakistan Army captured two peaks named "Gursi Danna" and "Gatti Pathra" which resulted the surrounding of an enemy brigade in "Lepa". The Pakistani post "Beeru wali Naar" was supplied through a lake which was under observation of Indians whereas the Indian Brigade was to be supplied after covering a distance which took supplies about 4 to 5 days to reach. This issue became a burning question for Indian command.

April 20, 1972

The harsh argument between Pakistani Lieutenant Colonel of Azad Kashmir regiment and the Indian Commander Colonel Changyapa was taking place.
"Colonel I demand you to give us a way towards Lepa for our telephone lines and supplies as soon as possible, otherwise I know that how to do it." Changyapa said.
"If it is so, go and do it yourself. Let me see how are you going to do it", Pakistani Colonel replied.

April 27, 1972

Enemy attacked on "Gatti Pathra" and "Gursi Danna" to capture and make way into Lepa. But in spite of intense artillery firing and man power, wasn't able to take even an inch of Pakistani area, leaving 150 dead men behind. Resultantly, he blocked the way towards "Beeru wali Naar" and Pakistani company was running out of supplies.

May 01, 1972
Chakothi Lepa Sector, Kashmir

A tall and handsome man came out of the mosque in Lepa, after offering Zuhar prayer. Going to a nearby cloth merchant Haji Sher Zaman and bought a piece of plane white cloth and wrapped it on his head. The cloth merchant asked in a surprised manner that why is he buying this piece only?
"This is a part of my "Kaffan" and I shall keep it wearing until I drive out Indians of my area". The handsome person answered who was actually a Lieutenant Colonel of Azad Kashmir Regiment.

May 04, 1972

Enemy attacked again with concentrated bombardment of light and heavy artillery, but couldn't move even an inch. His target was to capture "Beeru Wali Naar" to get a passage way to Lepa. Pakistani Division Commander Major General Abdul Majeed Malik planned for a counter attack. The task was given to the Lieutenant Colonel of AK Regiment. The plan was to capture "Chak Parts" situated at 9000 feet, which could protect "Beeru" from enemy attack.

This was a steep gradient from Pakistani side, with no natural cover. A full brigade of Indian soldier was deployed on Chakk Patra where as Pakistan had only a platoon to attack. Only having 4 small cannons (Maximum range 3 miles) and two mortar guns. Whereas enemy had six Medium 95 pounder guns, 12 field guns and 20 mortar guns. In order to conduct the raid, Pakistanis had to climb a 2 miles high steep gradient which was directly under enemy fire. The only climbable area was covered by minefields. Colonel decided to lead his men through this area.

At about 2100 HRS, the attack commenced. Major Yar Afzal Afridi and Major Sabir Khan Shaheed were the troop commanders. After crossing a distance of 1000 feet, it was revealed that 80 soldiers have lost their way in darkness. Now only 120 people had to conduct the raid. Colonel was monitoring the situation himself from a nearby ridge. He ordered Major Jamshed Gulzar to join the attackers and take part in raid. Suddenly the enemy came to know about the situation and laid fire of every kind of weapon. The fire was so intense that nearby trees started to fall down and the splinters of rocks began to hurt but Pakistani troops kept on moving. The jawans climbed the rest of the area in a hurried manner and finally reached near the enemy bunkers, made with thick tree trunks.

Now it was Pakistan's turn. Soldiers jumped into the bunker and started shooting Indian soldiers from a distance of meters. They began to empty their weapons on enemy and hurling their grenades on the terrified running Indian soldiers. After guns they killed Indians by their bayonets. At about 5 hours after the commencing of raid, the Chakk Patra was under the feet of Pakistani soldiers.

05 May 1972
0600 HRS

Major Jamshed Gulzar was transmitting the wireless message to the Colonel. Colonel received it on wireless in a cheerful mode and encouraged Jamshed by saying,"

جمی بیٹا دشمن اندھابھی ہو چکا ہے اور ڈرپوک بھی اس سے اپنے ایک ایک جوان کا بدلہ لو کوئی زندہ نہ بچ کے جائے"

After this conversation, Colonel came out of his trench along with Major Ghulam Ahmed, Sergeant Gulzar, Corporal Kabir and Corporal Zakir Hussain. Suddenly a mortar shell exploded near them, martyring the Colonel, Major Ghulam Ahmed and Corporal Kabir. The Colonel still had his head wrapped in the piece of Kaffan. He was awarded Sitara e Jurrat for the second time for his act of valor.

Today the world knows the brave Colonel as Lieutenant Colonel Haq Nawaz Kiani Shaheed Sitara Jurrat


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
September 1987
Bilafond Sector, Siachen

Quaid OP was an important post of the sector. It was located about 22000 feet high and had a great strategic importance. It literally pinned down Indian army in this sector as it covered almost every supply path and the drop zone, which made it impossible for the Indians to survive. Seeing this, Indians launched a massive attack on the post, and after getting its 200 soldiers killed by Subedar Atta Muhammad and his 7 companions, they finally captured the post. To counter the Indian advantage and give them a surprise, Pakistan decided to give Indians a throat punch by capturing the largest Indian post of the sector, which were functional as the area head quarters as well. This operation was named as Operation Qayadat. 4 Groups of SSG were designated to launch the attack; NLI and Sindh Regiment were assigned for supply and medical aid whereas a company of SSG was kept in reserve.

24 September 1987

(Enemy noticed the movement of Pakistani troops, who penetrated deep inside the enemy territory and were about to launch the attack. Surprised enemy started howitzer's air burst. The attack was launched with full force on the Indians. Neglecting every fear, Pakistani troops were advancing. Captain Salak Cheema got Martyred and the Pakistani troops started to face difficulty in advancing. This reserve group of SSG to was mobilized.

The Captain who was the company commander of the reserve troops called his med for a briefing. After the briefing them, he called his Havildar Noor Muhammad.

"Noor Muhammad, this is my will. I gave it to the CO. You also have a copy of it.", handing over a paper to Noor Muhammad, he said.

"Sir what are you saying?” shocked Noor Muhammad said.

"As a Muslim we must be prepared to die. I also have some amount payable to the mess. Tell me how much it is. I want to pay it as soon as possible", Captain further said.

Now he went to his every Jawan and checked the weapons and luggage himself. "Gather as much ammunition as you can", he advised.

2100 HRS

Captain along with his team reached the area. Though it was a dark night but the black spots of exploded shells could be seen on the snow. Explosions were shaking the ground, but the slogans of Allah O Akbar being raised by the attacking Pakistani Troops were still audible to the captain and his men. Enemy had shifted the fire of all his artillery to the area but Pakistani Tigers were still advancing. Captain saw that the right flank of attack platoon is under machine gun fire and three commandoes embraced martyrdom. He advanced rapidly towards the machine gun bunkers. Throwing a grenade inside, he numbed the enemy machine guns, but a bullet also pierced his leg. Meanwhile the Commanding Officer Colonel Atique Awan called on the wireless. Captain reported him the situation. As he was bleeding heavily, the weakness in his voice was prominent.

"What is it Captain? Why do you sound so weak?, Colonel asked

"No sir its not weakness, I think it’s the rough weather ", Captain didn't tell him about his injury.

Now Pakistani troops were getting closer to the Indian Position, as the reinforcement by the Captain, revived the attack. Now there was high wall of snow in front of them which was to be crossed to continue the attack. But it was covered by heavy machine gun fire. It was about 5:30 AM now and the sun was about to rise. The visibility was a bit clear and the enemy could spot Pakistanis now. Neglecting every fear, Captain started climbing the wall. Still the enemy machine gun fire was on. Captain and his two companions were successful to cross the wall. Now the machine gun bunkers were right in front of them. Loading a round in the RPG, captain held the launcher and fired. The explosion shattered the bunker in to pieces of flesh, concrete and metal. Now it was the second bunker. Again the rocket was fired and the smell of burnt flesh surrounded the atmosphere. Now it was an easy task for Pakistani troops to capture the post. The captain and his two comrades advanced. Enemy was afraid to see the tigers advancing.

Meanwhile at the Pakistani Brigade Headquarters, enemy transmission was intercepted

"Sir its Pakistanis everywhere. We can't hold them. A large number of casualties all over the place. a frightened voice said.

Forgetting every fear, the charge continued. When the enemy position was only meters away, a shell exploded near the Captain, tossing him many feet above the ground. When he fell, he was already a Martyr. But his story didn't finish here. Right after the capture of the post, a heavy snow storm hit the area. Covering every inch of the ground and making everything invisible. When the storm was over, everything vanished under the thick layer of snow, including the bodies of martyrs as well.

July 1988

It was summer season in the area. The snow started to melt in Bilafond Sector, a strange sight was seen. 14 bodies, encased in crystal clear snow were visible deep inside the Indian Territory. It was perceived that these might be the bodies of Captain and his comrades as their bodies were not recovered. A flag staff meeting was held. It was decided that Pakistanis will dig it out. The digging started and the bodies were recovered. Normally a body buried in snow turns brown or greenish after such a long period, but these bodies were fresh as if these young men are asleep with cluster of red color on their White jackets. Their identification was confirmed as Captain and his companions. This sight amazed the Indians and the Indian Company commander expressed his wonder as well.

August 06, 1988

The dead body of captain was brought to his village Pashoonghari, where thousands of people offered his Namaz e Janaza. At that day, all the soldiers of Siachen Sector observed fast for their hero.

Today the world knows the brave Captain as Captain Muhammad Iqbal Shaheed Hilal e Jurrat.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
06 September 1965

Barki Hudiara Sector
About 0100 Hours

Major along with his 90 men were moving towards their devised position. Keeping in mind the intelligence report of an expected Indian raid, the soldiers were moving cautiously. Suddenly the rattling sound of machine gun broke the silence in the dark night. Realizing that the fire came from the Pakistan Rangers post, Major ordered his men to move quickly. On his way he saw a man going towards Pakistani side. "Halt! Who comes there?” Major shouted at the man.

"Sir I am from the post of Rangers, Indians have launched a massive attack and our Major Sahab along with many other men has embraced martyrdom. I am going back to inform the authorities. Our field phone is also knocked out", the Havildar of rangers told the Major.

The Major ordered his men to disperse and take position along with the BRB Canal which was also known as Ichhogil Canal. Maintaining the silence, they spread. Voices of advancing Indian soldiers and the heavy sound of engines were evident of massive movement of Indian Infantry and a tank regiment. Indians had no idea that Pakistan army is in the area. Though 90 men had no comparison to fight with one brigade and a tank regiment, but the major was still in an aggressive mood.

"جوانو گھبرانا بالکل نئیں۔اساں ایہناں نوں بہت کٹنا اے'' (Don't be afraid jawans, we will give them a tough time). In his typical cheerful mood, he encouraged his men

Major climbed to a higher position and started observing the area with binoculars, waiting for the Indians to come in their small arms range. When the Indians came in range, one of Indian snipers spotted the Major. He fired a bullet at him, without damaging the bone; the bullet pierced through his left arm.

Major came to his men, showing his wounded arm, he said ''ویکھو منڈیو ایہہ لالے دی گولی اے ساڈا کج نئیں وگاڑ سکدی۔کسے نوں بچ کے نہ جان دیو'' (Look boys, its Hindus bullet can't to any damage to us. Never let anyone go alive).

Major contacted the battalion headquarters for artillery support. This area was not registered then in the Pakistani artillery map. So, the artillery was hesitant to send fire as it can hit Pakistani troops as well.

"Dont worry about us. Note our location and send SOS fire. We will provide directions regarding the enemy position", Neglecting the fear of loss, major said to his CO Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim.

Till then enemy had no idea of Pakistani strength in this area. They were advancing fearlessly. As the first round of Pakistani artillery hit them, they were frozen at the spot because of terror and surprise. Major directed the artillery right at the enemy. They started to get shot like sitting ducks. Moreover Major also ordered his antitank crew to fire. Turning two Indian tanks into rubble, Pakistani recoilless rifles started operations. Moreover, 90 men also opened the doors of hell for the Indians. Instead of advancing, Indians had to run for their lives now. Repeated waves of artillery fire, sharp whistling of antitank rounds and the rattles of automatic weapons turned the fertile belt of wheat crops into ditch of hell. Enemy advance was nipped in the bud.

All night long and the whole next day, Indians tried to advance, but Pakistani troops stopped them by giving lethal blows. These moments were precious for Pakistani troops to establish the defense line. As the day of 07 September started, Major and his comrades were ordered to come back as Barki was established as the choke point and Major Aziz Bhatti was the man holding the position. Major and his men came back.

As Major reached his battalion headquarters, his CO hugged him.

"Good work son. I don't have enough words to commemorate you", his CO Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim said.

Major was taken to the GOC Major General Sarfraz Khan. "Good work Major, you saved the day. Tell me how many men you lost?" General asked.

Major said,"Only two martyred and a few injured".

General was extremely surprised as he expected massive casualties. Thinking that Major might be in shock and that's why he is not in full senses, General said,"Look Major I know you are tired. Take some rest."

"Sir you can count my men", Major replied politely.

Pakistan army kept Indians pinned down for 17 days. When the ceasefire was announced. Major was assigned the task to negotiate with the Indians to settle the border territory. In spite of the ceasefire, situation was still tense from both sides and the firing incidents were common. On such a day, Indian company commander Major Puri and Indian Armor officer Major Hira Singh were sitting on the border, facing Pakistan. They saw a smart and well built Pakistani officer in Major's uniform, crossing the border and coming all alone towards them. In a surprised manner, they saw him approaching.

The Major shook hand with Major Puri and Major Hira Singh, introducing him to them. It was a moment of shock for both Indian officers as the name of that Pakistani officer was a sign of terror for the Indians in this area. The meeting started and Indians accepted his all recommendations without any argument. Later Indians confirmed that the day Major stopped Indian raid, it was strength of a full infantry brigade and a tank regiment. About a hundred enemy soldiers were killed and seven tanks were destroyed and the dream of General Chauhdary to have the breakfast at Lahore was shattered. It was all done under the valiant leader ship of the Major. For his act of valor, he was awarded Sitara e Jurrat.

Today the world knows him as Colonel Shafqat Hussain Baloch (Sitara e Jurrat).


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
09 September 1965
CMH Kharian

In a state of boredom, the young Lieutenant was lying on his bed in CMH. About five days ago, he was with his men, conducting a raid, unleashing hell on enemies and advancing in the area of Troti. While advancing a bomb splinter wounded his right arm. Instead of going back to RAP (Regimental Aid Post) and getting his injury treated, he took out his field dressing from his pouch and wrapped it around his wounded arm. Forgetting about the injury, he kept on moving forward, providing valuable information to the troops and giving lethal blows to the enemy, with the bomb splinter still in his arm.
Days later, his adjutant Major Anwar, noticed the paleness on his face and difficulty to move his arm. This was evident that there is something wrong with him. Major called him and saw that there is a dusty field dressing on the lieutenant's arm which looked old. Major Anwar removed the bandage and to his surprise, the bomb splinter was still in his arm.
Major ordered the young man to go to Chak Kirpal where ADS (Advance Dressing Section) was established but ADS transferred the Lieutenant to the CMH as the wound needed treatment beyond dressing.
Now he was lying on his bed in state of idleness. Getting irritated on the situation as his men were shedding their blood in the battle field and he was resting in the hospital. He wanted to join the battle but the rules and regulations were forcing him to stay in hospital as his wound was severe.
As per schedule, doctor came to the ward, attended him and continued the round. But the lieutenant jumped up and went to the washroom as he had a plan. Breaking the window and making a passage, he left the hospital without any formal documents and went to his unit.
Reporting on duty, he went to his adjutant Major Anwar, who was stunned to see him just after three days of his injury. He himself sent the lieutenant to the hospital after seeing the terrible wound and expected his release from the hospital after a month. But just after three days the young man was standing in front of him, having his arm in the sling. Major took him to the CO Colonel Iqbal who was also surprised to see him.

"Who released you?” colonel asked him. But the lieutenant didn't answer.
"Where is the discharge slip of CMH?” he asked again. Lieutenant remained silent again.
"Look young man, your full arm will have to be amputated if the infection spreads", colonel advised him.
"Sir I can't rest on the bed while my men are already in the Battle zone. I don't care about my arm, I will fight in a serious voice, the lieutenant answered.

Colonel knew that the boy is stubborn and will never be convinced.
"Go to the A company and raise the morale of soldiers", colonel ordered him.

The company commander Major Riaz Hussain Pervez got injured in a battle and was now in CMH. So, the command was transferred to the lieutenant.

14 September 1965

B Company was advancing to capture an enemy held village "Kala Rawan Da"کالا راواں دا. A company was sent to stay on the upper ground and provide fire support only if asked. Colonel Iqbal was observing the area with binoculars when he noticed someone with the advance party. Having a sten gun in the left hand, while right hand in a cloth sling which was covered with mud to camouflage its white color. Colonel thought for a moment that it was only the lieutenant who had his right arm injured and he advised him to stay in reserve, who else could it be with the sling? He sent someone to call him. When he came closer, he was surprised to see that it was the same lieutenant.

"Young man I know how eager you are to fight with the enemy, but you are injured. You don't need to go to the front. Go to your men and do what I have ordered", colonel said his strictly.
"Yes sir", in a compelled manner, the lieutenant said and marched back to his lines as it was not his nature to watch war like an armed spectator but to be the man of action himself.
For the rest of battle days, he kept the morale of his jawans up and did a great job in his sector.
Later the brave lieutenant was awarded Sitara e Jurrat for his acts of valor and got promoted to the rank of Captain.

Today the world knows the brave young lieutenant as Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed (Sitara e Jurrat, Nishan e Haider)


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
May 18, 2009 1430 HRS

"Khalid I have to repay so much to my mother land. Make sure that you do it well."
"What are you saying? What happened?" "Listen to me very carefully. Take good care of Maan ji and my children after me. It’s your responsibility. I wish I could walk freely in the streets of Mingora as we used to in college days."

"What happened brother. Tell me."
"I am hit."
"Oh come on, a bullet or two can’t harm you. Sending you backup don't worry it will be with you in a few minutes."
"Roger Out"

This was the wireless communication between two brothers, fighting at the same front securing the flanks of their respective battalions. Major Khalid Majeed of19 Punjab was assigned the task to secure from Shalapalu to Jura while his elder brother Major Abid Majeed had to secure from Jura to Nazarabad, which was done very efficiently. Khalid was ordered to secure the area while his elder brother Major Adib was ordered to move forward.
Leading a convoy of 13 vehicles, he left the area. As the convoy crossed a road bend, the last vehicle came under heavy enemy fire. The driver and a soldier were martyred on the spot while Sepoy Tariq and Sepoy Nowsherwan were injured badly. Going to rescue them was out of question as the heavy shower of bullet was covering every inch of ground. It was clear that the two soldiers will die as they were not only injured and bleeding profusely but also they were in the enemy firing range. Major Abid decided to help his comrades. Everyone was tense at the moment, he decided go himself.

"Lay down cover fire", he shouted and while cover fire was on, he went himself to take his men out.
Between the showers of bullets, he picked up both the soldiers one by one and brought them to a safer zone.
"Sir please leave us and go. Please leave us and go", Tariq and Nowsherwan were requesting, but Major Abid ignored and started bandaging their wounds. His shoulder was exposed and a terrorist who saw him taking his men behind a rock, fired at him. Maj. Abid was hit. Ignoring the injury he kept on nursing his men but another enemy bullet hit him in the ribs. Blood started to flow profusely. It was clear now that this area was under enemy fire as well, so he picked up his men and shifted them to the place where enemy had no access. But in this whole process, he received three more bullets and was badly injured. He took out his wireless set and talked to his brother Major Khalid who was just 100 meters away from him.

Khalid was feeling very tense after the communication. He himself got hit on his left arm by a bullet. Cleverly deploying his men he charged and the group of terrorists was eradicated within minutes. Now he took out his wireless and called his brother, but no reply from the other side. He rushed toward his brother’s position.
What he saw was unexpected and shocking for him. His brother was lying on the ground motionless in his blood soaked uniform, his gear lying beside him while his men were listening to injured Tariq and Nowsehrwan who were telling that how Major Abid laid his life to save them.

Why Major Saab? Why us Sir ji? in a voice filled with tears Tariq and Nowsherwan asked and Khalid leaned his head in a state of silence….

Both Brothers Major Abid and Major Khalid volunteered for this mission.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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April 1989

Captain Sadaqat from the electronic warfare cell intercepted an enemy transmission. A person named Captain Vijay Kumar was asking his base to have the photographs of two specific peaks under Pakistani occupation, named as Nusrat and Nasreen. He presented this report to the Major, his Company commander from 1 Commando Battalion. It was an alert that Indians are going to do any misadventure in this area.

Major sent this report to Brigadier Riaz Bukhari, who understood the sensitivity of the matter and decided to do aerial reconnaissance himself. After a short aerial view of the area, he spotted some moving dots heading towards the peak. It was an alarming situation that enemy is soon going to reach the post. 9 Azad Kashmir Regiment was assigned to block the way of intruders. But they were far away from Indians and because of adverse weather and snow walls; they might not make it in time. Now the situation was more adverse.

It was decided to drop commandos through helicopters, but it proved to be useless as there was no place for them to land. Now it was decided to do a sling operation. 11 commandos from 1 Commando were decided to be dropped on the peak hanging from the helicopter with a rope. Just before the commencement of the first flight, a storm broke out in the area. Though it was very risky but it was decided to continue the mission. One after the other, 11 commandos were dropped. Indians were only able to hear the noise of helicopter but were unable to see it as thick fog covered everything. Captain Sadaqat was still scanning the enemy wireless transmission.

Vijay Kumar was leading the Indian party, he told this situation to his base headquarters, but they did not believe that any flight can be made in this area. Luckily the wind from North to South started blowing which shifted the fog towards Indians. The fog covered their anti glare goggles and they were unable to see far. Major was observing this situation very closely as he was leader of the 11 commandos. He signaled his men to move forward. When they were just 15 meters away from the Indians, Major fired warning shots and shouted, "1 commando has surrounded you. Drop your weapons and surrender, we will let you go. Otherwise we guarantee your death."

They refused to surrender. It was actually the initial patrol by Indians. Pakistani commandos opened fire and a bloody battle started.
"A battalion of Pakistanis is already on the peak, send back up", in a harassed voice, Vijay Kumar sent a message on wireless.

Indians started to climb the ropes, but Pakistani commandos made it impossible by opening gates of hell on them. They tried to climb again and again but it was impossible for them. During all this, major was observing the area below the peak. A notable concentration of the enemy was observed. He ordered his men to take cover behind the rocks and contacted Major Abdul Haq of Artillery.

"We can't fire. Don't have the idea of your location. You can get hit as well", Haq hesitated.
"Don't hesitate, I will direct you about the enemy location.", Lion hearted Major replied.

The first two shells landed near Pakistanis, but soon it was shifted on the enemy. For a period of 3 hours, Pakistan Artillery kept on shelling the Indians. At about 11:00 pm, Major saw the Indians cutting their ropes and burning their camp to retreat. After a short period of 15 minutes, everyone was gone.
Major was called to the base camp, where he was personally congratulated by General Ali Kuli Khan. Later he was awarded Sitara e Jurrat.

Today the world knows the hero as Brigadier Abdul Rehman Bilal.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Brig. Hashim Khan – Once A Young Captain Who Saved A Belgian Mountaineer’s Life & Became A Hero!

A member of Belgian Mountaineering Team approached the local Army Aviation Base and requested that one of their team members need help. The team was climbing the Rakaposhi Mountain when he slipped from the gradient and wounded badly, making him unable to move. The team brought him down to Camp 5 which was located on the altitude of 5500 meters in the upstream of Jaglot Gah.

The Captain of Alouette III helicopter and his Co-Pilot Major Azam were assigned the task to bring down the Mountaineer. When the pilots reached the Base they were informed that Camp 5 is located on the height of 6000 meters. Calculations told that to carry the load from such a height, it was necessary to off load the excessive weight. So, the Co Pilot and some safety measures such as back door, seats and skis from the helicopter were removed. Moreover, some of the fuel was also drained.

When the Captain took off for the rescue, he was alone for the mission. Soon he reached adjacent to Camp 5. Altimeter was showing the reading of 6500 meters which was 200 meters more than the possible altitude taken by an Alouette III helicopter. There was no place for the chopper to land and the skis were also removed, therefore it was a very difficult task to keep the chopper stable. Showing a high level of excellence and professionalism, the pilot managed to load the wounded mountaineer in the chopper. In the meantime, the red light of fuel tank started blinking, showing that the chopper is running out of fuel. They flew back to the base making a flight of 14 minutes, while the fuel warning kept on blinking. When the chopper landed safely, there was fuel of only 1 minute remaining in the tank.

This was not just a rescue mission but it was also a world record of the highest flight taken by an Aloette III helicopter. The first record was to fly on an altitude of 19500 feet on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, but it was broken by an altitude of 22000 feet done by the Captain.

Belgian King announced "Order of Leopold" (The Highest Award given to a foreigner by Beligain King) where as the "Aero Spatial" also announced the award for the Captain.
Today the world knows this Hero as Captain Hashim Khan ( Later Brigadier Hashim Khan).

Mr. Hashim Khan also appeared in the Pakistani Dramas "Sunehray Din" and "Alpha Bravo Charlie". This is his last Photograph in Uniform.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Year 2005

Wahga Border, Lahore

It was a usual day for the officials deployed at the gate of Wahga Border. A company of Rangers was at stand by along with some intelligence officials and a number of journalists. The exchange of prisoners was going to take place from both sides. Pakistan released some fishermen and a number of villagers who crossed the border erroneously whereas India was also going to do the same. At the fixed time, the gates were opened, cameras flashed and the groups started crossing the gates. In a group of fishermen approaching Pakistani side, there was also a tall old man. Lean, weak, wearing worn out clothes. His hands and legs were shaking; it was difficult for him to walk.

The group was taken to a border check post where NDRA officials along with concerned authorities were present for the verification of the people. Everyone went to the desk and by introducing himself; he got his permission to enter Pakistan. The whole group was verified, except for the old man as he had no tongue in his mouth to speak, his condition was enough to tell that he is mentally disoriented. With a feeling of pity, the intelligence official asked him to provide any possible details but it was not possible for the old man. He gave the old man a writing pad and asked him to write his name. With shaking hands, the old man just wrote a number 335139.
The old man was given in the charge of Rangers. The officials tried to get some possible information but it was of no use because the old man could provide nothing but just a number 335139. Intelligence officials searched for this number. It resulted to be the "Army Number" of a soldier. Now GHQ was informed and a team was sent immediately. As the team entered the room, the old man stood upright and saluted the Major Leading the team. Tears rolled down from the eyes of old man and he started saluting Major again and again. Old man was taken by the team, to the Lahore Cantonment, with a feeling of love and affection.

The old man was verified as a soldier of Azad Kashmir Regiment. He was sent to Kashmir in August 1965 for operation Gibraltar. Srinagar is such an area which is separate from rest of the Kashmir and it is connected to the other parts of the land by small bridges. These bridges had great importance and destruction of even one bridge could lead a full brigade to a failure. The group of that soldier was given the task to destroy such bridges. In operation, the soldier got badly wounded and lost his way to the rendezvous point. His companions tried to find him but they couldn't and the soldier was declared MBK (missing believed killed) in the files.

The soldier was captured by the Indian Army and was taken to prison.

Here another test of patriotism, courage and honor for the mother land begun. The soldier was tortured with every possible way to investigate. He was pierced with blunt tools, his nails were pulled, his limbs were burnt, his bones were broken but he didn't tell anything to the enemy but his number and name. Each time, when he was asked about his mission details, facilitators or hideouts, he said nothing but raised the slogan of Pakistan Zindabad. For many months, enemy kept torturing him but he told nothing. The Indian Colonel who was the in charge of investigation was being humiliated by his higher authorities. He was unable to stop the soldier from raising the slogan of Pakistan Zindabad. In the cold nights of Srinagar, when everyone was asleep and it was quiet everywhere, the soldier kept raising the Slogan of Pakistan Zindabad before the investigation unit. One day when patience of Indians ran out, they accepted their defeat and chopped off the Soldier's tongue to stop his slogans, but next day it was even more humiliating for them to see that soldier wrote Pakistan Zindabad on the walls of 6x4 cell, from the oozing blood of his chopped off tongue. The Indians accepted their defeat and finally transferred the wounded soldier to Amritsar Jail, Where he was sentenced life imprisonment by the Army Court. The Indians never disclosed the identity of that soldier to Pakistani authorities and kept him in jail.

After 40 years in 2005, the soldier was handed over to Pakistan without any proper verification. Nowadays he is under intense care of Pak Army. After a couple of weeks COAS General Ashfaq Perveiz Kayani visited CMH to meet the Soldier. The soldier stood upright and saluted the General. COAS embraced the soldier by saying “You are the finest soldier”.

The name of the Soldier is Sepoy Maqbool Hussain ( P.A No. 331539 ) Sitara e Jurrat.

The Whole nation is Proud of you Maqbool Hussain


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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6th September the martyrdom anniversary of Pakistan's national hero Squadron Leader Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui Shaheed (Hilal-i-Jurrat).

On 6th September, 1965, Squadron Leader Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui led a formation of three F-86 aircraft on a strike against Halwara airfield. Soon after crossing the Indian border Squadron Leader Rafiqui had been warned about a large number of enemy interceptors being in the air by the leader of a returning F-86 formation. He, however, continued his mission single-mindedly.

On the way back, the formation was intercepted by about ten Hunter aircraft out of which Squadron Leader Rafiqui accounted for one in the first few seconds. After Squadron Leader Rafiqui shot down one Hunter aircraft, his guns jammed due to a defect and stopped firing upon which he refused to leave the battle area as he would have been perfectly justified to do; he, instead ordered his No. 2 Group Captain Cecil Chaudhry to take over as leader and continue the engagement with the enemy. He himself now took up a defensive position in the formation in an attempt to give it as much protection as was possible by continuing fighting maneuvers in unarmed aircraft whilst the remainder proceeded to give battle to the enemy.

This called for a quality of courage and dedication on the part of Squadron Leader Rafiqui equal to the best in the history of air-fighting. The end for him was never in doubt. He chose to disregard it and in the process, his aircraft was shot down and he was killed but not without his action enabling his formation to shoot down three more Hunter aircraft.

Squadron Leader Rafiqui thus provided exemplary leadership in battle and displayed outstanding courage in the face of exceptionally strong opposition. His inspiring leadership and selfless example significantly affected the subsequent course of the air war in which the P.A.F. never failed to dictate terms to an overwhelmingly larger and better equipped enemy. Squadron Leader Rafiqui's conduct was clearly beyond the call of duty and conformed to the highest tradition of leadership and bravery in battle against overwhelming odds. For this and his earlier exploits, he is posthumously awarded Hilal-i-Juraat.


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Mar 21, 2007
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May 28, 1989

It was time for Tahajud Prayer when his mother woke up from a dream. She saw that her house was filled with a countless people and they were all gathered to congratulate her. She saw them paying her their affection and saying nothing but, “Mubarak ho Maan ji”. It was not clear what it was all about but it was imminent that something very honorable is going to happen with her family. Next day when she saw, her small garden was full of beautiful flowers, with floral scent in the air. She couldn’t understand what it was all about. She called her most beloved son, but he was out in the field so she couldn’t talk to her.
May 28, 1989

He had just returned from the Attock fort after the unit inspection. Under his hawk eye super vision, he observed every step of the training being given to officers and jawans and was confident that his men can take up any task just on the notice of just a few seconds. He flew to Rahwali, Gujranwala as he had to attend an important event there.

May 28, 1989

“Who are you? Airborne!”
“What are you? Airborne!”

These were the slogans being chanted by the six paratroopers in the small compartment of an MI-17 helicopter. Paratroopers started their jump one after the other. Naik Sultan Ahmed was the third to jump. His “Sahab” patted on his shoulder before he was about to jump. “Khair ho”, were the last word said ho him by his “Sahab”.

On the ground, everyone was looking towards the skies, where one after the other, small dots floating on the sky began to appear. “Now the commander of this paratrooper contingent Brigadier Tariq Mehmood was to appear on the sky, who was the GOC of SSG and known as TM Tiger”, the announcement was made by the commentator on the ground. His wife Mrs. Iffat Mehmood was also looking towards the sky, where she could see the floating dots coming towards ground. Five parachutes were opened but the sixth wasn’t. Sixth member was falling down like a rock. She could see that the parachute of her husband wasn’t among the open parachutes; he was definitely the falling paratrooper. However, she didn’t think that it’s a threat but considered it as a motivational act by her husband. When he was about 200 feet above the ground, everyone could see that it was a parachute failure. TM could be seen struggling with para-chords to open the chute. Mrs. Iffat Mehmood could see her husband making summersaults and trying to open the chute. His speed was not less them 250 KMPH at that time. While he saw the ground nearer, he maintained his falling position of a paratrooper to land on the ground. Away from the landing point, he fell in a wheat field. Meanwhile the paratroopers in the sky also had taken measures to land as quickest as possible. Naik Sultan Ahmed was the first person to reach the landing spot. He got rid of his parachute and ran towards the falling spot of TM. He saw his “Sahab” lying on the ground. He looked as calm and intact as if he is just enjoying a sleep. As he got closer, he saw TM’s left cheek bone which was exposed and had torn out the skin. As he tried to pick him up, considering that his “Sahab” might be alive. He saw that almost every bone in his body had been crushed into pieces. His black dungaree was soaked in blood which was oozing from his body. TM left for heaven…

When the news reached his home at Pindi Ghape, his mother realized that this was the honor which she was told about in her dream. It was her most beloved. Like her dream, people from every part of the town were there to see their most beloved TM. Like the dream, her house was filled with people.

After a few days of TM’s burial, his brothers went on his grave to pray for him. There they saw a young boy in his early twenties. Weeping like a child, sitting near his grave, hand raised for a prayer. Everywhere on his arms, two alphabets “TM” were tattooed. They were surprised to see the young boy and asked that who was he? He told that he was a fan of TM and had met him once. He had heard a lot about TM as he was a living legend among people due to numerous acts of bravery. After meeting TM, he decided to join army, but couldn’t qualify ISSB so he wasn’t selected. Whenever he was free from home, he came to the grave and pray for him. TM’s brothers were greatly impressed with his passion and invited him to visit their home whenever he wants. So he used to visit them and talk a lot about TM with the family members.

TM was not just a uniformed officer among his ranks and friends but was a true source of inspiration. Major Abid Zaman, who is credited to clear the APS Peshawar from the terrorists, was also inspired by TM. Although he is no more, but the course he set and the acts of velour he has performed are still an inspiration for every brave person.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Nations live through the sacrifices of their heroes. They guard us with their blood and sweat that we may sleep in peace and comfort.

12th September the martyrdom anniversary of Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed NH

Hundreds of books have been written on 1965 war but one of the brightest chapters among those is that of Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed. Major Bhatti was a staff officer in Pakistan army when the war of 1965 war broke out. He had been commissioned into the Pakistan army in 1950 to the Punjab Regiment.

Being posted in Burki area of Lahore, Major Aziz Bhatti had a huge responsibility on his shoulders and that was of securing Lahore, the most important border city of the country.

Shelling was going on from the other side but despite the odds, Bhatti decided to move his platoon forward. Indian tanks and artillery continued to fire but the brave major continued to move his troops forward. Major Bhatti resisted the Indian army continuously for 5 days and 5 nights without sleeping for a moment. He was stationed at one of the most strategic outposts of Lahore, defending the BRB canal.

Despite the threat, Major raja Aziz Bhatti remained on the front while leading his team and kept his platoon informed about the moves of the enemy. For this purpose, he had to place himself on a higher position as the enemy tanks and artillery continued firing. Major Bhatti was exposed to the firing of the enemy and though he tried his best to counter Indian moves, he was hit by an enemy shell in the chest and embraced martyrdom on 12 September 1965.

Before getting martyred, Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed was given a message that he needed to get some rest and that his replacement was going to arrive soon but he responded, “Do not recall me. I don’t want to go back. I will shed the last drop of my blood in the defence of my dear homeland”.

To honour his services in the 1965 war, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed was awarded the highest military award of Pakistan i.e. Nishan-e-Haider. He is buried at his local village Ladian in Punjab.


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