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Our Heroes - Pakistan Army


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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EAST PAKISTAN. Saidpur. December 1971. Pakistani troops planning the battle against the Indian Army.




Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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EAST PAKISTAN. Near Burinda. Pakistani soldiers reinforce their defences, 11 kms from the frontline with India.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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1971, East Pakistan .



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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It was the early in the morning and Ghaznavi Company of PMA was on an exercise in Shankiari, near Kakul.

Although it was summer but morning in this area is really cold. While advancing, it was noticed that a Bengali cadet is not with rest of the company. It was an alarming situation. So the advance was stopped, company was ordered to take defensive position. This company was under the command of Captain Shabbir Sharif, who went back to search for the cadet. He saw the cadet lying under a tree, shrunk with cold and having drowning pulse.

Shabbir picked him up along with his load and brought him to the rest of the company. His luggage was divided among rest of the company, while Shabir and other cadets started providing him medical aid.

After the treatment, he gained consciousness. Although ambulance and stretcher could be called for help as it is always a backup arrangement, but Shabbir didn’t want his company to be defamed by calling the incident that a cadet had to be transported in the ambulance.

Captain Shabir asked him what happened? What made him faint? In reply he said,” Sir what can I do? In summer it is so cold, I am afraid how cold it’s going to be when its winter?”

سر یہاں اتنا گورمی میں اتنا شوردی ہوتا، تو پتہ نہیں شوردی کے موسم میں کتنا زیادہ ہو گا

Whole Company burst into laughter and the advance was resumed. However Shabbir paid special attention to the cadet during rest of the exercise.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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20 February 1994 Peshawar.

A bus of "Peshawar Model School" was on its way to school after picking students and teachers. There were seventy boys and seven teachers including six female in the bus. As the bus left G.T Road, the driver braked suddenly. Everyone stunned with the sudden impact and inquired driver. Having a pale face with fear, the driver pointed towards the road, where a masked man with an automatic gun was standing in front of bus.

Meanwhile another masked man took position near driver's side window and the others towards the bus door. "Open the door or I shall lite up your bus", with hand grenades, the masked gunman shouted. Driver opened the door and all three terrorists came inside the bus.

"Change its direction and drive towards Islamabad. If you try to breathe without my permission I shall blow your brains out and kill everyone in this bus", the leader of the kidnappers shouted. Everyone was trembling with fear. The driver changed the direction and left towards Islamabad. Everyone was so terrified at the moment that couldn't dare to ask anything, but when the kidnapper ordered the driver to head towards diplomatic enclave; the driver asked in a feeble voice” What do you want?"

Slapping the driver on his head the hijacker said,” We are taking your funeral procession to the graveyard. Now shut up." Terrified driver was unable to speak even a word. There was a Police check point on the starting of diplomatic enclave.

They signaled the bus to stop, but instead of stopping, hijacker ordered driver to keep driving and warned the police officials not to stop them if they didn't want anyone to be dead. "Move there", pressing the gun barrel against the driver's head, the gunman pointed towards the Afghan embassy. Before the guards could be alert, the bus reached the embassy's compound. Hijackers had ordered children to stand in windows so that no one could fire inside.

The embassy's staff was at high alert and police authorities were informed. Interior Secretary Javed Bukhari was one of the immediate officials to reach the sight. The area where hijackers were present had been surrounded by Pakistani Law enforcement agencies and every kind of external communication with the hijackers had been stopped. Initially hijackers demanded a room to move, which was fulfilled immediately.

Interior Minister Lt. Gen (R) Naseer Ullah Babar along with Corp Commander Lt. Gen Ghulam Malik reached the spot to negotiate with the hijackers. Naseer Ullah Babar saw that the hijackers were Afghan nationals and they were in their early 20's of age. "We won't hear anything from you. We want food supplies for 50,000 people in Kabul and $ 500,000 in cash. Any smart move will lead everyone to hell", said the leader. "Which group you belong to?", asked Naseer Ullah Babar. "We don't belong to any group, we are ready to die for Afghanistan", while answering the hijacker stammered a little. "Please don't panic and have mercy on children, I assure you no one will try to interpose you", Naseer Ullah Babar said.
21 February 1994
12 Hours of kidnapping had passed and the new date on the calendar appeared. "I am willing to provide you a helicopter which will take you to the Kabul and I also promise you to provide food for 50,000 people. But it will take a day or two you know that, but I can't provide you the money yet", Naseer Ullah Babar said.

"I want you to manage the money as soon as possible. I won't compromise over it. You are an expert negotiator I must say. Initially I am releasing fifty five children and five female teachers, but once again listen I won't compromise over money", hijacker said in a gruff voice. One batch was released after twenty hours of kidnapping. Hijackers also allowed the food to come in.

Some competent young officials of the IB disguised as waiters of a famous hotel, took in the food so that they could observe the situation, make a comprehensive plan to launch a counter attack and decide modus operandi.

While all this was going on, the hijacker suddenly turned into a furious mood and ordered to send the Naseer Ullah Babar in. "Listen you Minister, I want money before 12:00 AM or I will shoot a person after every half hour. Don't forget that we still have children and a teacher in our custody.", hijacker said. "Don't worry I will arrange $ 500,000 before midnight", Naseer Ullah Babar said. "No not half a million dollar this time, I want five million dollar before midnight or you will have to start a body count", hijacker threatened again. Now it was enough, so the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto made a committee to control this crisis.

Corp Commander Lt. Gen. Ghulam Malik, Interior Minister Naseer Ullah Babar, Interior Secretary Javed Bukhari and Foreign Secretary Zahid Saeed were taking part in the discussion. After an analysis, the hostage rescue operation was being considered to be raid by SSG Al-Zarrar Company (also known as Black Storks). Intelligence Bureau updated about the locations of three hijackers; two of them were in the room with hostages and last one was positioned in corridor. They were armed with sub machine guns and grenade. A press on the trigger could kill everyone in the room. Room had large glass windows on two of the walls with no grills on it, so it was easy to break it. But there was a threat for the hostages.

21 February 1994 Islamabad 12:00 am

After 36 hours of terror, everyone in the room was dozing but hijackers were on high alert, as according to the promise to provide money by Naseer Ullah Babar was to be fulfilled after some time. But in the conference room, Pakistanis had planned something different. After a series of long argument by Gen Malik and Minister Naseer, Prime Minister had approved rescue operation. At about 11:00 pm, a troop of thirty commandos had cordoned off the area and removed everyone from the scene. A stun grenade was tossed inside the room.

The flash bang not only diverted the attention of hijackers but also blinded everyone in the room including two hijackers. The hooded commandos entered the room while breaking the glass windows and opened fire on the hijackers. Killing both the terrorists at the spot, commandos gave a room clear signal to the command. But inside the corridor, situation was different, the hijacker was alert by the sound of flash bang. He was ready to resist. So, he opened fire, but could fire only a few rounds as a burst by a commando’s 9 mm hit him on the forehead.

Only 15 rounds were fired during this operation. All three hijackers were killed while none of the hostages was even scratched. The hijacking lasted for 36 hours but commandos finished it in only 20 seconds. The commandos took the bodies from the sight and the hostages were returned to their homes after medical checkup.

Note: Because of strict privacy terms, we are unable to publish the names of commandos and intelligence officials who took part in this operation. It is also pertinent to mention that this news became a highlight among local and international newspapers of the world.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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In October 1968, Pakistan Military Academy was blessed with the arrival of its six new instructors when its 18th Course was started. It consisted of two types of instructors, The Dasher or “Dashkaray” and The Teachers or Danishwaran. “Danishwaran” were welcomed with open arms as they consisted of Captain Muhammad Afzal (runner up for the Sword of Honour), Captain Fazle Qadir (Sword of Honour, Later Tamgha e Basalat) and Captain Rauf Ahmed.

These officers had a very amiable and polite reputation of being an officer; moreover they had shown excellent set of skills in the recent war of 1965. However, other group “Dashkaras” were facing reluctance to be taken by any Company Commander because of their stubborn and strict reputation which had preceded them before their arrival in the Academy.

These officers were Captain Shabir Sharif, Captain Farooq Nawaz Janjua and Captain Nadir Pervez. However, they were welcomed in Ghaznavi Company PMA by its commander Major Syed Riaz Hussain Jaffari of Signals Corps. Instead of giving any motivational or inspirational speech to the instructors, Major Jaffari loaded them with lots of responsibilities.

They all proved to be more than equal to the added responsibilities and the 18th war course gave astonishing results as out of 147 cadets, 145 passed out which is an outstanding result by itself for a course at the PMA. It is pertinent to mention that in those days, the command of the PMA was being held by a hard task master Brigadier (later Major General) Abu Bakar Osman Mitha, the founder of SSG.

Following picture consists of “Daniswaran” and “Dashkaras” in a group photo.

Sitting Left to Right:
Captain (later Lt. Col, Muhammad Afzal Khan, 29th PMA 9FF. Runner up Sword of Honour to Shabir Sharif, and Chairman Pakistan Steel Mills- Karachi, Late),
Captain (later Major, Shabir Sharif Shaheed (Nishan e Haider, Sitara e Jurrat, Sword of Honour 29th PMA, 6FF),
Captain (later Brigadier Fazl e Qadir) Tamgha e Bisalat, Sword of Honour (25th PMA 9FF)
Major (later Colonel) Syed Riaz Jaffari (SIGs) Imtiazi Sand, Commander of Ghaznavi Company
Captain (later Brigadier) Rauf Ahmed (26th PMA 9FF)
Major Raja Nadir Pervez (Sitara e Jurrat (27th PMA 6 Punjab, MNA – Minister of Estate Defence) –
Captain (later Major) Farooq Nawaz Janjua Late, Sitara e Jurrat, Sword of Honour (30th PMA 4 Punjab)



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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The platoon commander Captain Slaeem Ishaq (Later Maj Gen) was replaced. He was a tall handsome and soft natured guy but strict in discipline; he was favorite of every cadet. Every cadet of Tariq platoon was tense regarding the arrival of new platoon commander. War veteran of 1965, recipient of sword of honor, Sitara e Jurrat, a strict disciplinarian and known as ڈشکرا by his fellows and دس نمبریا by his commanding officer. With his particular reputation he entered PMA and soon became the center of attention of every cadet. Well built, strong, piercing eyes and thick but trimmed moustache were enough to tell cadets that their leader is indeed a tough guy and the training by him proved to be even tougher for the young chaps. This commander insisted on nothing but best of the best. Rigging, pushing and pressing always to bring out their best. He instead of giving any motivational speech to the cadets clearly told the cadets that he is going to relegate every cadet who is not going to perform according to his standards. It was clear to the cadets that each and every moment of their training is going to be an uphill task.

It was the withdrawal exercise; their platoon commander was watching and shouting at them loudly. As they were moving forward, there was a pool of mud in their way which made the movement slow.

"Be quick you lazy bums"

"Move forward sleepy heads"

"Why are you meditating during work you chickens?"

Their platoon commander was observing and shouting at them. Though it was a withdrawal exercise but the platoon Commander wanted to make it aggressive as well.
Beret, mirror shining shoes and crisp uniform, the platoon commander was looking very smart. Though cadets were trying to give their best, but it was not according to the standards of their commander. "Hey look here", he shouted and to everyone's surprise, the platoon commander jumped in the pool of mud with his crisp uniform and crossed it in the manner which he wanted his chaps to. Now everyone understood and followed the path of their leader.

It was not just the physical training; he also focused the most on the character building and ethical development of his cadets.

"I will relegate each of you if I ever come to know that you have done some unethical thing or were dishonest. I don't care even if you all have to go home.” was the warning which cadets always heard.

"Never hide anything from me. Even if you have someone's blood on your hands. I expect you to come to me and tell me the truth.....and let me handle the rest", was his second advice they always got.

One day when he was going to Rawalpindi, near Haripur, he stopped as bus was parked at the roadside and a cadet was fighting with the conductor and bus driver at the same time. Driver was bleeding from nose and the conductor was trying to suppress the pain as well. Whereas the shirt of the cadet was torn.

"Stop everyone", he shouted, coming out from his car.

The fight stopped and he took the cadet with him to his car.

"What was the reason?” he asked the cadet. "Sir both driver and conductor were misbehaving with a poor passenger. I tried to stop them and they forced me to get down, so I thrashed them", cadet replied.

"Shabash! Always stand for the right and fight the enemy. Never care how huge the enemy is", tapping his shoulder, his platoon commander said.

"Take Position"

"Prepare to throw"


Were the commands given by training staff of Nowshera field firing school. The platoon commander was cautiously watching his boys, wearing a steel helmet and goggles. Two of his cadets were in the trench now.

"Take position", staff shouted.
"Prepare to throw", Boys pulled out the safety pins.

"THROW". This was the point when safety lever was to be released and grenade to be tossed in the air and after 4 seconds the HE-36 grenade would explode. But unfortunately while throwing, the grenade fell in the trench by one of the cadets, while the safety handle released. There were few seconds in explosion, the platoon commander was observing the situation he rushed towards the trench, picked up the grenade from trench and tossed it in the air, the grenade exploded instantly. Cadet received minor injuries while platoon commander received a shrapnel on his steel helmet as he leaned over his cadet to protect him from any incoming shrapnel.

Finally, the training was complete. Everyone was tense to consider himself relegated as they never saw their platoon commander happy from their performance. When the names were announced, everyone was surprised that no one was relegated. Moreover the sword of honor was also won by one of his Cadets (Later Major General) Shahid Aziz. This was the time when the cadets saw a bright smile under the thick moustache of their platoon commander, who later embraced Shaahadat in the war of 1971 and received Nishan e Haider, setting another bright example for his followers.

The world knows this bright star as Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed. (Sword of Honor, Sitara e Jurrat, Nishan e Haider).

In this Photograph he is standing with cadets of 44 and 45 PMA long course.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Gilgit Baltistan Scouts identify themselves with Gilgit Scouts which were raised in 1889. This force played a key role in fighting the war of liberation against Dogra Indian Forces in 1947-1948 and won independence for the people of Northern Areas (now Gilgit Baltistan).



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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“Mount every weapon towards the bridge; cover every inch of the ground. Let no one pass without being shot.”

April 11th, 1971

Paksey Bridge, Ishurdi Town,
East Pakistan.

13 FF (Athbara) unit of Pakistan Army had just settled in; to relax after a daylong operation of clearing Ishurdi Airfied and town from the rebels, when they were just informed of some activity in the area. The unit spent the whole day in clearing the traitors of East Bengal Rifles and such news was not a good surprise for them. CO of 13FF Lieutenant Colonel Amir Nawaz Khan got the intel that some elements have been noted moving around Paksey Bridge, also known as Hardinge Bridge .

It was over a mile long bridge connecting areas of Ishurdi and Bheramara. The bridge had vital importance for supply and communication of the troops in the area. Moreover, its capture by the enemy could create a vast gap between troops on the both sides. By the sunset, enemy acted fast and captured the bridge on the both sides; digging trenches and mounting its heavy weaponry.

It was a point of do and die for 13 FF, because any delay meant adding strength to the enemy and facing numerous hurdles to retake the bridge. But the tired soldiers after a day long battle and limited amount of the weapons and ammunitions were saying to wait for the supplies. Enemy was heavily armed and it could result in heavy damage if attacked without proper arrangements. The unit had its men scattered and it could take time to gather them.

0200 HRS
April 12th, 1971

Neglecting all odds, Lieutenant Colonel Amir Nawaz decided to move forward and hit the enemy harder than before. Paksey bridge was a steel bridge made of steel girders. Colonel Nawaz ordered Major Sabir Kamal, officer commanding of B Company to collect his men and move forward, taking cover from girder to girder so that the enemy fire could be avoided. But the men of B Company were scattered and it could result in providing ample time to the enemy to make its arrangements stronger. It was about 0500 HRS when Major Sabir Kamal took Captain Ishrat Ullah Qadri along with handful of his men and moved towards enemy position.

“Mount every weapon towards the bridge; cover every inch of the ground. Let no one pass here without being shot”, was the order issued by Colonel Amir Nawaz to 13 FF.

He ordered Major Sabir to advance and ordered the remaining men of B Company to be collected. On his order, every weapon was already pointing towards the enemy position, including every recoilless rifle and rocket launcher of the unit. Advance started on its devised time, facing stiff resistance from the enemy.

Major Sabir and his men kept on moving from girder to girder. But it was over a mile long bottle neck and enemy had concentrated its fire on the advancing men. When Sabir and Ishrat were in the middle of the bridge, it was looking impossible to advance any further. In the meantime, Colonel Amir Nawaz was able to gather the remaining men and he decided to lead these men himself to aid the advance party. Like a tidal wave, remaining men in his command hit the bridge, recoilless rifles and rocket launchers also started crushing the enemy like a sledgehammer. This was the decisive moment in the battle.

It was 0930 HRS when enemy started running but the riflemen were not agreeing to offer any concession to the enemy. They stood upright neglecting every danger and started sniping the enemy. Enemy was crushed badly. After a battle of about 5 hours, enemy left behind a large cache of weapons and dead bodies and never came back. The bridge was retaken from the enemy in less than 12 hours.

This battle earned Sitara e Jurrat to Lt. Col Amir Nawaz Khan and Maj Sabir Kamal , besides that 13 FF earned one Tamgha e Jurrat and three Merit Certificates (Imtiazi Sanad).



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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May 18, 2009 1430 HRS

"Khalid I have to repay so much to my mother land. Make sure that you do it well."

"What are you saying? What happened?" "Listen to me very carefully. Take good care of Maan ji and my children after me. It’s your responsibility. I wish I could walk freely in the streets of Mingora as we used to in college days."

"What happened brother. Tell me."

"I am hit."

"Oh come on, a bullet or two can’t harm you. Sending you backup don't worry it will be with you in a few minutes."


"Roger Out"

This was the wireless communication between two brothers, fighting at the same front securing the flanks of their respective battalions. Major Khalid Majeed of19 Punjab was assigned the task to secure from Shalapalu to Jura while his elder brother Major Abid Majeed had to secure from Jura to Nazarabad, which was done very efficiently. Khalid was ordered to secure the area while his elder brother Major Adib was ordered to move forward.

Leading a convoy of 13 vehicles, he left the area. As the convoy crossed a road bend, the last vehicle came under heavy enemy fire. The driver and a soldier were martyred on the spot while Sepoy Tariq and Sepoy Nowsherwan were injured badly.

Going to rescue them was out of question as the heavy shower of bullet was covering every inch of ground. It was clear that the two soldiers will die as they were not only injured and bleeding profusely but also they were in the enemy firing range. Major Abid decided to help his comrades. Everyone was tense at the moment, he decided go himself.
"Lay down cover fire", he shouted and while cover fire was on, he went himself to take his men out.
Between the showers of bullets, he picked up both the soldiers one by one and brought them to a safer zone.
"Sir please leave us and go. Please leave us and go", Tariq and Nowsherwan were requesting, but Major Abid ignored and started bandaging their wounds. His shoulder was exposed and a terrorist who saw him taking his men behind a rock, fired at him. Maj. Abid was hit. Ignoring the injury he kept on nursing his men but another enemy bullet hit him in the ribs.

Blood started to flow profusely. It was clear now that this area was under enemy fire as well, so he picked up his men and shifted them to the place where enemy had no access. But in this whole process, he received three more bullets and was badly injured. He took out his wireless set and talked to his brother Major Khalid who was just 100 meters away from him.

Khalid was feeling very tense after the communication. He himself got hit on his left arm by a bullet. Cleverly deploying his men he charged and the group of terrorists was eradicated within minutes. Now he took out his wireless and called his brother, but no reply from the other side. He rushed toward his brother’s position.

What he saw was unexpected and shocking for him. His brother was lying on the ground motionless in his blood soaked uniform, his gear lying beside him while his men were listening to injured Tariq and Nowsehrwan who were telling that how Major Abid laid his life to save them.

Why Major Saab? Why us Sir ji? in a voice filled with tears Tariq and Nowsherwan asked and Khalid leaned his head in a state of silence….

Both Brothers Major Abid and Major Khalid volunteered for this mission.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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EAST PAKISTAN. Boda (North of Saidpur).
Pakistani soldiers set explosives on a strategic bridge to be blown up .



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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President Ayub Khan with junior army officers including Capt. Asif Nawaz Janjua and Capt Gohar Ayub in 1962



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Maj Muhammad Tufail Shaheed....Nishan e Haider...


16 Punjab Regiment....1958 East Pakistan

Major Tufail was born in Hoshiarpur in 1914 and commissioned in the 16 Punjab regiment in 1943.After a distinguished career, which included several instructional and command appointments in his own Battalion and also in the Civil Armed Forces, he was posted to the East Pakistan Rifles in 1958 as a Company Commander.In august 1958, Indian troops captured a village in East Pakistan.

Major Tufail divided his men in three groups and it was decided that they would launch the assault during the dark hours of 7th august. When major Tufail's group was about fifteen yards from enemy, they came under heavy fire and three bullets entered major’s stomach.

Despite the shower of blood from his stomach, he kept moving forward and silenced the machinegun with a grenade. When another enemy machine-gun opened fire, killing his second in command, Major Tufail destroyed that gun too with a well-aimed grenade. During the hand-to-hand encounter that followed, he noticed the commander of the Indian post moving silently to attack one of his men. Though fatally wounded, Major Tufail crawled towards the enemy commander. He stretched out one of his legs and as the enemy stumbled he hit him in the face with his steel helmet, saving his troop,later he captured him and made him POW. Major continued directing the operation until the enemy was driven out leaving behind four dead and three prisoners.

Due to loss of so much blood, major Tufail fell on the ground for a while, but then stood up again and told his senior officer who later arrived at the battle field that “I have completed my duty, the enemy is on the run”.He fell down again...Major Tufail was taken to hospital but he later died the same day on 7th Aug 1958. Due to his glorious and brave command in the battle field he was awarded Nishan E Haider.


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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“Are you the commanding officer or some bloody porter?”

15th Division of Indian Army started its advance towards Lahore on the night of September 06, 1965 at 0330 HRS. A small contingent of Pakistan Rangers offered them stiff resistance. Indians were thinking that they would capture Lahore within a few hours. But it proved to be a dream, Major Saadat Ali Khan of Pakistan Artillery started direct fire on the advancing troops of 15 Dogras and 3 Jaat, under the direction of his OP Captain Khushi Muhamamd. It slowed down the movement of advancing Indian troops. Day light brought a fatal message for Indians in the shape of F-86 Sabers, flown by some hard hitters of PAF. Roaring and rumbling the sky, Sabers started crushing the advancing columns of Indian Army like a sledge hammer. As the drivers of Indian vehicles saw the grim reapers flying overhead, they exited the vehicles and started running. PAF was hitting the vehicles as if it was a target practice.

At that time, the commander of 15th Division of Indian Army, General Narinjan Parsad was hiding in a sugarcane field. He left his jeep and was hiding for his life. He radioed his senior General Harbaksh Singh and told him the whole situation. Harbaksh was taken aback to know the situation. He drove his vehicle and reached the area to witness the whole situation. Firing by PAF and Pakistan artillery made it look like an apocalypse. A long and endless column of burning vehicles, corpse of Indian soldiers, craters on the land made by Pakistan Artillery shelling and the sky trembling with the roar of Sabers horrified Harbaksh as well. He located Narinjan Parshad and met him, who was hiding in a sugarcane filed. In his book Harbaksh Singh writes,

“Narinjan Parshad was hiding in sugarcane filed. His shoes were covered with mud, his beret was missing and he removed of all the insignias from his uniform. He was looking terrible. “Are you the commanding officer or some bloody porter?”I asked him. Besides him was his brigade commander Brigadier Pathak, who was looking pale and equally miserable.

Harbaksh took him back, but the Jeep of Narinjan Parshad was still there, which was later found by Pakistan Army. It contained some important official and personal documents of Parshad, having abusive and obnoxious language regarding his coworkers. These were later broadcasted from Radio Pakistan. It impacted his service and Narinjan Parshad was removed from the command.

P.S: Below is the actual jeep of Narinjan Parshad, which is displayed in Pakistan Army Museum Rawalpindi for public display.



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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4 August 1983

Gilgit Sector.

A member of Belgian Mountaineering Team approached the local Army Aviation Base and requested that one of their team members need help. The team was climbing the Rakaposhi Mountain when he slipped from the gradient and wounded badly, making him unable to move. The team brought him down to Camp 5 which was located on the altitude of 5500 meters in the upstream of Jaglot Gah.

The Captain of Alouette III helicopter and his Co-Pilot Major Azam were assigned the task to bring down the Mountaineer. When the pilots reached the Base they were informed that Camp 5 is located on the height of 6000 meters. Calculations told that to carry the load from such a height, it was necessary to off load the excessive weight. So, the Co Pilot and some safety measures such as back door, seats and skis from the helicopter were removed. Moreover, some of the fuel was also drained.

When the Captain took off for the rescue, he was alone for the mission. Soon he reached adjacent to Camp 5. Altimeter was showing the reading of 6500 meters which was 200 meters more than the possible altitude taken by an Alouette III helicopter. There was no place for the chopper to land and the skis were also removed, therefore it was a very difficult task to keep the chopper stable.

Showing a high level of excellence and professionalism, the pilot managed to load the wounded mountaineer in the chopper. In the meantime, the red light of fuel tank started blinking, showing that the chopper is running out of fuel.

They flew back to the base making a flight of 14 minutes, while the fuel warning kept on blinking. When the chopper landed safely, there was fuel of only 1 minute remaining in the tank.

This was not just a rescue mission but it was also a world record of the highest flight taken by an Aloette III helicopter. The first record was to fly on an altitude of 19500 feet on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, but it was broken by an altitude of 22000 feet done by the Captain.

Belgian King announced "Order of Leopold" (The Highest Award given to a foreigner by Beligain King) where as the "Aero Spatial" also announced the award for the Captain.

Today the world knows this Hero as Captain Hashim Khan ( Later Brigadier Hashim Khan).

Mr. Hashim Khan also appeared in the Pakistani Dramas "Sunehray Din" and "Alpha Bravo Charlie". This is his last Photograph in Uniform.


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