Over Dozen Army Casualties in Tirah

Thank you imran khan for saying absolutely not, pissing off US in the process causing them to give latest weapons to the talibs which eventually ended up with ttp.
Yous not the first one here with this sentiment. There have been thousands like you along da way.

Abbu Abbu I lub da talibunny and I wanna be afghani……..😝

Pakistani kaafir and afghani my lub 😝
Not really. You see this is how deranged and unhinged you are as a person by labeling people as something because they don’t fall into your idiotic category.

You honestly sound deranged, with clear lack of intellect to be posting excessively on subjects you have no grasp of. Now take a hike
Thank you imran khan for saying absolutely not, pissing off US in the process causing them to give latest weapons to the talibs which eventually ended up with ttp.

But General Munir has been meeting everyone in the US Administration to improve Relations

So why would US give Arms to Taliban
So why would US give Arms to Taliban
sorry, should have used better phrasing.

USA "left" behind "unintentionally". causing the talis to take control of them and supplied them to ttp.
Not really. You see this is how deranged and unhinged you are as a person by labeling people as something because they don’t fall into your idiotic category.

You honestly sound deranged, with clear lack of intellect to be posting excessively on subjects you have no grasp of. Now take a hike
Stop blaming our beleaguered army for this nasty situation in our country. I have never met an army man who takes pleasure in turning into another Zia ul Fuq or Musharraf. Our professional army men loathe interfering in third class and third world politics and/ or sectarian extreme jahilliyat tribal warfare.

The establishment has committed a cardinal sin by repeatedly dragging our army into this total mess, because they themselves are incompetent.

The real derangement is to side with shitty afghani tribals against your own country.
Thank you imran khan for saying absolutely not, pissing off US in the process causing them to give latest weapons to the talibs which eventually ended up with ttp.
Not exactly sure what the connection there is and I don’t consider Taliban Khan’s actions any smart than those of establishment but there was little to be done in withdrawal based on the timeline the walking corpse Biden gave to the US military -but it was a way of uncle Sam giving Pakistan the finger of supporting the Haqqanis throughout.

If aabpara was truly smart - they would have sent whatever they could and whoever they could to go after and bring all these weapons to PK.
They don't have a cuck fetish. A civilian in the heartland of Pakistan makes fun of these guys, they abduct and torture him. So it's not like they tolerate dissent. There's another reason why generals let common jawans get murdered in heinous ways. They created and armed the people who murdered the jawans, so what does that tell you?

Exactly.. the TTP are a product of the Generals.... They need an enemy to get $$$ from the Americans and the American Dream Green Card. The soldiers are just sacrifices of the poor servants they abuse and hate anyways.... It's all a setup....
Thank you imran khan for saying absolutely not, pissing off US in the process causing them to give latest weapons to the talibs which eventually ended up with ttp.

Lol... Pakistan is a failed banana Republic of Faujistan... Lol
Same old story. For 20 years we've not developed the doctorine to counter this. Lack of tactics and equipment. It's not impossible, NATO operated in similar territory and took a lot less casulties.
You can kill thousands of them, but they will always come back, because at the end of the day this is an ideological war and the state's narrative building is lazy, slow, and ineffective. The tribal areas and have the 6th lowest HDI in the whole world (Lower than Balochistan) and until you educate these hot headed tribsemen who fire RPGs over land disputes, this conflict will never end.

Striking Afghanistan, Iran, or India will deter these countries from supporting terrorism, but educating our local populace, addressing their economic concerns, is the only sustainable way to eliminate terrorism altogether.
Today There is a Lot of Twitter News about MIR ALI in Waziristan
Thank you imran khan for saying absolutely not, pissing off US in the process causing them to give latest weapons to the talibs which eventually ended up with ttp.
how about calling this failure of intelligence and military for not protecting the boarders or soldiers?
If aabpara was truly smart - they would have sent whatever they could and whoever they could to go after and bring all these weapons to PK.

I have realized one thing, they are absolute shit at most things. We've been losing all our bets everywhere for decades now.

Nil strategic planning, just short term goals or political vendetta.
I have realized one thing, they are absolute shit at most things. We've been losing all our bets everywhere for decades now.

Nil strategic planning, just short term goals or political vendetta.
That’s by design - because what I was surprised to hear(with exceptions) is that the best and brightest are not the ones assigned to aabpara.

It’s the mediocre or even lesser performers that are shoved to intel.
1 ina lila as they are muslims. My sympathy ends with this sadly
These jawans follow higher ups order legal or illegal as they are from lord Almighty, when army is busy fighting its own nation, they can't ask for sympathy and support.
Military will continue to use deaths of low ranking grunts for PR and to gather sympathy from locals but that has its own limits.

I blame the deaths of these jawans on army and the low ranking soldiers they have it coming why ? Have we seen any accountability from high ranking officers after these deaths. Attack after attack but still no change shows where priorities lie for this institution.

Alot easier to blame Afghans in Pakistan & Balochs but Military has one single task to protect its people at any cost, if they can't do that and busy running side business it will only get worse
That’s by design - because what I was surprised to hear(with exceptions) is that the best and brightest are not the ones assigned to aabpara.

It’s the mediocre or even lesser performers that are shoved to intel.

I have heard the very same.

The question I should have asked, and do ask now, is that where do the brightest ones go?

I know a few, they got early retirement after a long tussle and started their own companies. Granted, they were in EME. Maybe that's where they all go, to the technical branches, and then artillery, infantry, and armor?

Also on a sidenote, and I might be shooting completely blind, I feel our whole intelligence outlook is stuck in the 80's, 90's, at least as far as strategic planning is concerned. Abhi bhi sab faujion kay hath main hai. Agencies worldwide take support from think tanks and private intelligence companies to shape up their thought. We have a few think tanks, but majority in them is mediocre. Because let's face it, jin ka engineering ya medical main admission nhn hota woh is main chalay jatay hain as a last resort.

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