Over Dozen Army Casualties in Tirah

I am not aware of the specifics of the Pakistani Army deployments in these regions.
Is the Pakistani Army interested in stopping the conflict ? even seeking a military solution
Is the Pakistani Army deploying enough troops for the job ? I suspect the answers are no to the above questions.

To be honest, no one knows, and I doubt even the Pakistan Army knows. Let's just say it's a matter of waking up and then deciding what to do; there is no strategy in their actions.
To be honest, no one knows, and I doubt even the Pakistan Army knows. Let's just say it's a matter of waking up and then deciding what to do; there is no strategy in their actions.
How can they not know what's going on in a place which has seen continuous military presence over the years?
How can they not know what's going on in a place which has seen continuous military presence over the years?

Pakistanis, by nature, aren't forward thinkers or able to think deeply about their actions and long-term ramifications. We are the type of species that will start doing something and leave things halfway; the Soviet-Afghan War is just one example; instead of turning the victory in one's favor, we honestly dropped the ball and weren't able to control the monster. If you study the operations that went on, you will know why it was bound to fail eventually; just like the Soviet-Afghan War, there was no thinking of what to do afterward in KP.

Some will say it's by design, but only God knows. When you hear the ISPR Spokesman, you will know why we are completely f_cked—it's a Twilight Zone.
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What I fear is that the narrative may shift where TTP may become the equivalent of BLA rather than being a terror group and gain popular support - maybe even a Mukti Bahni
Bilkul......and if you follow da money all these sardars and harami waderay tribal chieftains sitting in Muscat, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Sharjah, Doha, Lundon, Manama, Kuwait, Istanbul and Toronto. My question has always been....and it'll always be.......in haramion ko paisay kon deta hae?

Without millions of dollars spent on causing trouble, nothing can happen, but its happening.
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Bilkul......and if you follow da money all these sardars and harami waderay tribal chieftains sitting in Muscat, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Sharjah, Lundon, Istanbul and Toronto. My question has always been....and it'll always be.......in haramion ko paisay kon deta hae?
It’s like you are almost afraid to put the blame on the entity that controls pakistan both overtly and covertly. How come none of you a holes go after the Na-Pak fouj that has puppets across the political landscape and take them to the cleaners on why these things are occurring. Why do the same old incompetent, uneducated old f*cks keep being brought back to office (who btw openly talk shi* on the army to the Indians and to the former afghan government of Ghani).

It’s like you know the answer but are too chicken sh*t to call them out, wait no…you want the army to go ham with the Pashtuns but use a soft glove when dealing with punjab and Sindh. Like I said, artificial state occupying two large provinces and wonders why their soldiers are getting straight killed left and right.
We still got millions of afghani in our country bro. Until they are fully expelled and never allowed back in, this shit won’t stop! They’ve been poisoning the border areas with their extreme tribal jahiliyat.
I don’t know if you are a very young man or delusional army worshipper.

Afghans or no Afghans this has been going on for last 20 years and the bastards in charge refuse to give proper equipment to our troops.

Solution is simple but the traitors are to busy ruining the country
I don’t know if you are a very young man or delusional army worshipper.

Afghans or no Afghans this has been going on for last 20 years and the bastards in charge refuse to give proper equipment to our troops.

Solution is simple but the traitors are to busy ruining the country
You should read this guys commenting history. You’ll understand then
I don’t know if you are a very young man or delusional army worshipper.

Afghans or no Afghans this has been going on for last 20 years and the bastards in charge refuse to give proper equipment to our troops.

Solution is simple but the traitors are to busy ruining the country
Shut up. Which Pakistani have you met who wants the destruction of our country? Stop blaming the army. Bewquff insaan. You want to fracture our country along ethnic lines?......our policies have not worked, but that don't mean we want the balkanization as the next step.

Its our establishment that throws our army under the bus. Blame them!
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Our military is totally dumb, for past 20 years they have not been able to come with a counter to these hit and run raids on check posts. If they can't counter these cave men, what the hell they would do against india
Asim Munir too busy Shafting PTI.
No time for his actual job.
These things are bound to happen.
They never learn. For the dozenth time exact same incident happens in the same area , under same circumstances. Nothing changes on the military side.
No cameras at the base . No drones or air surveillance.
No air cover in case of an attack.
Rubbish army.
Not gonna get any sympathy for constant incompetence
It’s like you are almost afraid to put the blame on the entity that controls pakistan both overtly and covertly. How come none of you a holes go after the Na-Pak fouj that has puppets across the political landscape and take them to the cleaners on why these things are occurring. Why do the same old incompetent, uneducated old f*cks keep being brought back to office (who btw openly talk shi* on the army to the Indians and to the former afghan government of Ghani).

It’s like you know the answer but are too chicken sh*t to call them out, wait no…you want the army to go ham with the Pashtuns but use a soft glove when dealing with punjab and Sindh. Like I said, artificial state occupying two large provinces and wonders why their soldiers are getting straight killed left and right.
You need to just come on out as an Indian bhai.......just do it.....its ok......we don't mind. We've had millions of yous in our country singing da tune. We're all tired of yous.
Same old story. For 20 years we've not developed the doctorine to counter this. Lack of tactics and equipment. It's not impossible, NATO operated in similar territory and took a lot less casulties.

Pakistan should have implemented a counter extremist ideology when the bombings started, they completely failed at all fronts. Extremists have allies in the higher up who always protect them, remember these same extremist were part of the Afghan mujahdeen so it's a strong ideology which spread like wild fire, on top billions of petrodollar funding, and foreign alliances were built, Pakistan leadership made billions in exchange for turning a blind eye. They are not naive, they knew exactly what was happening but as long as their pockets are full who cares.

Pakistan must implement a counter ideology to extremists which is tradional Islam which has always been in this region, no extremist version, or moderist version. Also free and fair independent elections is a must, anti corruption drive, accountability, independent and powerful institutions so justice is given to the people, major police reforms to provide the best security to its citizens. This will all give hope to the population and bring their trust back to the state, the same people will then back the state and the minority extremist and trouble makers will be sidelined. Will our leadership implement this? Absolutely NOT. In balochistan we have less religious extremist but more secular extremists, exact same problem, accountability must be done to those rulers who harmed the innocent, who blunder the wealth. How can the state win the people heart and support when the people witnessed their corruption, false cases, killings, kidnapping.
Something is seriously wrong with Baloch and Tribal Pashtoons, they just don't stop fighting/killing and can live in peace... And on top of that our Chu Army is busy with Politics and arresting journalists and tiktokers and making p0rn videos, Satya naas ker diya hai mulk ka.

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