PAF F-16 | Discussions

Defence Minister always has zero say. He has always been a rubber stamp
(from used rubber IYKYK)
Wrong rubber stamp. The correct rubber stamp is the minister of defence production under whom operates the DG Acquisitions.
What is written on paper, and how the world works, are two different things. Nonetheless, best not to give too many details.
It's public info, if people are going to question a minister, we better direct them to at least the right minister.

It is like saying the federal education minister is responsible for the condition of schools, but that is not true, it is the provincial governments that are. Nothing secret in this sort of info.

Coming back to the original question of why so few F-16s were acquired, it was indeed a let down of magnanimous proportions. Pakistan strategically pivoted into the US lap only for 76 odd AMRAAM firers (off which only 18 were new), even the AMRAAMs were a version before the latest (c-7 first international orders date back to 2008). Here is a list of non-nato countries who have strategically pivoted to the US at some point or other:

1. Saudi Arabia (200+ F-15s, latest AMRAAMs c-7/c-8s)
2. South Korea (50+ F-15s, 150+ F-16s, c-7 first ordered in 2008)
3. Japan (200+ F-15s, c-7s/c-8s)
4. Singapore (40 F-15s + 50 F-16s, c-7s first ordered 2008)
5. Taiwan (100+ F-16s, now in V spec, c-7s)

Pakistan did not bargain a good deal.
Relevant SIPRI data:

RecipientSupplierYear of orderNumber orderedWeapon designationWeapon descriptionNumber deliveredYear(s) of deliverystatusCommentsSIPRI TIV per unitSIPRI TIV for total orderSIPRI TIV of delivered weapons
JapanUnited States2014?17?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM17?2016New$33 m deal; AIM-120C7 version0.610.210.2
JapanUnited States2005?25?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM25?2006NewAIM-120C-5 version0.61515
JapanUnited States201756?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM56?2020; 2021NewAIM-120C-7 version0.633.633.6
JapanUnited States2019?192?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM192?2021; 2022; 2023NewAIM-120C-7 version0.6115.2115.2
JapanUnited States2020?362?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM32?2023NewAIM-120C-8 version0.6217.219.2
South KoreaUnited States2002147AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM75?2006NewPart of $110 m deal; for F-15K combat aircraft0.688.245
South KoreaUnited States2008?125AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM125?2011; 2012; 2014; 2015NewAIM-120C-7 version0.67575
South KoreaUnited States2014?274?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM274?2016; 2017; 2018NewAIM-120C-7 version0.6164.4164.4
South KoreaUnited States201960?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM60?2021; 2022NewAIM-120C-7 version0.63636
South KoreaUnited States2019?60?AIM-120D AMRAAMBVRAAM60?2021; 2022New0.84848
PakistanUnited States2007500?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM500?2010; 2013; 2014New$265 m deal; AIM-120C-5 version; for F-16 combat aircraft0.6300300
Saudi ArabiaUnited States2000500AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM169?2006New$475 m deal; for F-15 combat aircraft0.6300101.4
Saudi ArabiaUnited States200614?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM14?2008NewAIM-120C-5 version0.68.48.4
Saudi ArabiaUnited States2013500?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM500?2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019NewAIM-120C-7 version0.6300300
Saudi ArabiaUnited States2022?280?AIM-120D AMRAAMBVRAAM0New0.82240
SingaporeUnited States200450AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM50?2006New$25 m deal; AIM-120C-5 version0.63030
SingaporeUnited States2006?100?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM100?2009; 2010NewFor F-15SG combat aircraft; AIM-120C-5 version0.66060
SingaporeUnited States2008?200AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM200?2013; 2014; 2015; 2016NewAIM-120C-5 and AIM-120C-7 versions0.6120120
SingaporeUnited States2014100AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM100?2016; 2017NewAIM-120C-7 version0.66060
TaiwanUnited States2007?218?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM218?2013; 2014New0.6130.8130.8
Today in F-16 history
17 May 1986
A Pakistani F-16 shoots down a Su-22 of the Afghan Air Force, making Pakistan the second country after Israel to put F-16s into military action.
(Read more...)
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Relevant SIPRI data:

RecipientSupplierYear of orderNumber orderedWeapon designationWeapon descriptionNumber deliveredYear(s) of deliverystatusCommentsSIPRI TIV per unitSIPRI TIV for total orderSIPRI TIV of delivered weapons
JapanUnited States2014?17?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM17?2016New$33 m deal; AIM-120C7 version0.610.210.2
JapanUnited States2005?25?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM25?2006NewAIM-120C-5 version0.61515
JapanUnited States201756?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM56?2020; 2021NewAIM-120C-7 version0.633.633.6
JapanUnited States2019?192?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM192?2021; 2022; 2023NewAIM-120C-7 version0.6115.2115.2
JapanUnited States2020?362?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM32?2023NewAIM-120C-8 version0.6217.219.2
South KoreaUnited States2002147AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM75?2006NewPart of $110 m deal; for F-15K combat aircraft0.688.245
South KoreaUnited States2008?125AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM125?2011; 2012; 2014; 2015NewAIM-120C-7 version0.67575
South KoreaUnited States2014?274?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM274?2016; 2017; 2018NewAIM-120C-7 version0.6164.4164.4
South KoreaUnited States201960?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM60?2021; 2022NewAIM-120C-7 version0.63636
South KoreaUnited States2019?60?AIM-120D AMRAAMBVRAAM60?2021; 2022New0.84848
PakistanUnited States2007500?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM500?2010; 2013; 2014New$265 m deal; AIM-120C-5 version; for F-16 combat aircraft0.6300300
Saudi ArabiaUnited States2000500AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM169?2006New$475 m deal; for F-15 combat aircraft0.6300101.4
Saudi ArabiaUnited States200614?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM14?2008NewAIM-120C-5 version0.68.48.4
Saudi ArabiaUnited States2013500?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM500?2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019NewAIM-120C-7 version0.6300300
Saudi ArabiaUnited States2022?280?AIM-120D AMRAAMBVRAAM0New0.82240
SingaporeUnited States200450AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM50?2006New$25 m deal; AIM-120C-5 version0.63030
SingaporeUnited States2006?100?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM100?2009; 2010NewFor F-15SG combat aircraft; AIM-120C-5 version0.66060
SingaporeUnited States2008?200AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM200?2013; 2014; 2015; 2016NewAIM-120C-5 and AIM-120C-7 versions0.6120120
SingaporeUnited States2014100AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM100?2016; 2017NewAIM-120C-7 version0.66060
TaiwanUnited States2007?218?AIM-120C AMRAAMBVRAAM218?2013; 2014New0.6130.8130.8

Well lets not forget many on this list paid full price hard cash, we were getting our heavily subsidised. Beggers cannot be choosers!
Well lets not forget many on this list paid full price hard cash, we were getting our heavily subsidised. Beggers cannot be choosers!
Same defeatist mentality as most of our leaders. One who is opening up their country for all manner of war logistics is a beggar? One who is taking the risk to alienate a portion of the border population for a whole generation or more is a beggar?

Multiple ex-american officials (presidents, sec states, sec defenses) have over the years mentioned in their books how they were surprised by likes of Mush, Zardari, Kiyani, Pasha etc that they rolled over so cheaply. All cut from the same cloth: "is my retirement property safe"..
I wonder what we will write in the history books: "baraa sauda kia, pooray chouda puranay f-sola, aur attahra naye. Baqi chautees ko amreekan thel laga kar naya bhi kia".

And that's about it, all of the WOT, couldnt even get the attack helis that Zarvan could have sworn he saw landing in karachi. No javelins, just some TOWs, HARM disabled F-16s, no P-8s just some older P-3s, the list goes on and dont even get me started on the missed industrial opportunity. The Wisdom and foresight of our leaders, wah wah.

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