PAF Future Acquisition Plans

It's not optimism It's news but please feel free to remain in denial and underestimating us. It is actually beneficial for us we have more jealous underestimating people who live in denial.

Let them believe what they want to---. You and I both know that Paf has what it needs and keeps getting what it will need---.

Posters are ignorant to the fact that it took many a years for operational F-35's and F-22's to get the HOBS missile---.

Just because you have an aircraft ---does not mean that you will disclose all its capabilities---.
A Chinese-made J-31 stealth aircraft during its recent test flights. The very aircraft has a single-wheel nose gear, which marks a distinction from the Naval version called J-35.
My over-enthusiastic friend, I think before calling other in denial modus or desillusional and at the same time making wild bold but unrealistic claims, let‘s wait until the J-31 in PAF colours will appear in less than 1.5 years!

… and then we „deniers“ all will accept your apology and still we‘ll love you since regardless all insults you bring fun & joy to our life. ;)

And by the way, there is a difference between „being involved“ and being part of the flight test crew in the same way there is a difference - unfortunately not understandable for old men - of getting a free ride for a few kgs too the moon and „to get J-20s, J-16, 055 DDG and an aircraft carrier“ for free!
Not agreeing / disagreeing with either of you. Just one question, Do you know what he does for a living?
I have a simple and noob question. Why can't PAC design (not talking about the development process) stealthy fighter aircrafts? We are seeing many cases of 5th Gen and now 6th Gen concepts out there like the one posted below of Airbus design of a stealthy loyal wingman drone. Not asking PAC to develop a wingman drone, but they can at least radicalize their design phase to match it more with the 5th Gen (go beyond and introduce 6th Gen designs if possible) designs out there. For example, the JF17 platform has matured quite well in case of capabilities (except for engine which is lack if I believe about RD93MA), but they can redesign it for the PFX program and can make it look more modern rather than a 70's look like fighter. They can even make the JF17 look like Sukhoi's Checkmate. After all, design also attracts potential customers in this day and age.


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I have a simple and noob question. Why can't PAC design (not talking about the development process) stealthy fighter aircrafts? We are seeing many cases of 5th Gen and now 6th Gen concepts out there like the one posted below of Airbus design of a stealthy loyal wingman drone. Not asking PAC to develop a wingman drone, but they can at least radicalize their design phase to match it more with the 5th Gen (go beyond and introduce 6th Gen designs if possible) designs out there. For example, the JF17 platform has matured quite well in case of capabilities (except for engine which is lack if I believe about RD93MA), but they can redesign it for the PFX program and can make it look more modern rather than a 70's look like fighter. They can even make the JF17 look like Sukhoi's Checkmate. After all, design also attracts potential customers in this day and age.

Why do we need to design when we can get a fully operational aircraft.

JF17 was a stepping stone into aircraft building technology---.

Why do we need to design when we can get a fully operational aircraft.

JF17 was a stepping stone into aircraft building technology---.
"Why do we need to design when we can get a fully operational aircraft."

As in procure a new one? Shouldn't PAC be going towards more self sufficiency and targeting exports in future with its aircraft development?
"Why do we need to design when we can get a fully operational aircraft."

As in procure a new one? Shouldn't PAC be going towards more self sufficiency and targeting exports in future with its aircraft development?

I have a simple and noob question. Why can't PAC design (not talking about the development process) stealthy fighter aircrafts? We are seeing many cases of 5th Gen and now 6th Gen concepts out there like the one posted below of Airbus design of a stealthy loyal wingman drone. Not asking PAC to develop a wingman drone, but they can at least radicalize their design phase to match it more with the 5th Gen (go beyond and introduce 6th Gen designs if possible) designs out there. For example, the JF17 platform has matured quite well in case of capabilities (except for engine which is lack if I believe about RD93MA), but they can redesign it for the PFX program and can make it look more modern rather than a 70's look like fighter. They can even make the JF17 look like Sukhoi's Checkmate. After all, design also attracts potential customers in this day and age.

Pakistan don't have time and money to repeat Tejas type development cycle.
"Why do we need to design when we can get a fully operational aircraft."

As in procure a new one? Shouldn't PAC be going towards more self sufficiency and targeting exports in future with its aircraft development?
Go to a mart and try to replicate zinger burger at home once and then count the cost difference plus added time.

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