PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

What you’ve said does make sense & all the exaggeration and rubbish (not exclusive to this topic)on social media drives me nuts too but a few questions remain. For one while there are no squadron markings on PAF J-10’s (unlike all their other fighters🤔) they appear to be using 2 distinct camo schemes. This would strongly suggest 2 squadrons? If so, 10 aircraft per squadron would not be enough?

Well, it is quite possible and likely that PAF will place future orders. But the initial order seems to be 20 aircrafts. If the initial order was more, then there should not have been such a big gap between deliveries.

About Camo scheme, I think not an issue if both camo schemes eventually are placed in a single squadron.
You really dare to ask him a question and expect an honest reply? ;)
He seems to be so sure on numbers as if he was present during the agreement.

All that could be personal opinions and assumptions. Most obvious assumption is to match india's Rafale numbers. But there is not a single official document or statement that proves that imaginary number of 36 aircrafts.
Pakistan has officially confirmed the purchase of at least two squadrons of Chinese Chengdu J-10 single-engine fighter jets.

The order was announced by Pakistan’s Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad in a public event on December 29, 2021, Pakistani media reports.

The size of the acquisition was not revealed, although several Pakistani sources have claimed that between 25 and 36 aircraft have been purchased.


To get the proof---you have to be somebody for the info to be disclosed---.

Are you a somebody---?

The actual numbers are more than twice that number---.

hahaha... When you are caught with your pants down, you replied a total loser response. Sorry for such wordings but that's what it is. Instead be a man and accept that you have no source. You are in public forum, you are not an authority yourself, whatever anyone has to say here is to be backed by sources. Its as basic as anything.

I can only laugh at a person who liked your comment and pity on your escape route instead accepting that you don't have any proof.

In future, with more orders the number could reach even 50+ but the fact of the matter is there is no confirmed source that tells us that initial order was for an imaginary number of 36.

How come first 20 birds were delivered so quickly and next 16 are taking ages if it's the same order ?? Think for yourself!
Pakistan has officially confirmed the purchase of at least two squadrons of Chinese Chengdu J-10 single-engine fighter jets.

The order was announced by Pakistan’s Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad in a public event on December 29, 2021, Pakistani media reports.

The size of the acquisition was not revealed, although several Pakistani sources have claimed that between 25 and 36 aircraft have been purchased.

Dear, this reference blog has not declared Pakistani "sources".

I actually always believed that first order was for 20-25 aircrafts. Ironically it was the only figure that was ever given out by any official (Sheikh rasheed) as well.

Having said that, PAF might eventually place further orders and in future the number of J-10Cs in PAF can likely increase. (Or probably they could have placed the second order already). My discussion was just for the first order which I believe is complete by now)
He seems to be so sure on numbers as if he was present during the agreement.

All that could be personal opinions and assumptions. Most obvious assumption is to match india's Rafale numbers. But there is not a single official document or statement that proves that imaginary number of 36 aircrafts.

There was once a typical stupid fan-boy post in the old PDF and he appluaded this report as agreeable on all accounts!
So yes, he always presents his post in that "confident" way and even more so regardless what BS it is ... according to him, the JF-17 is already capable to use AMRAAMs, has fuel-tanks in the cockpit walls since they are green and it uses an Italian engine! That's all what this fan-boy claimed and he agreed on it! Objection or even questions were not allowed because I am just a stupid foreigner and a spy anyway. ;)

Some people simply believe that being self-confident with a big ego is enough to turn opinions into facts, because some other people simply believe everything...
Dear, this reference blog has not declared Pakistani "sources".

I actually always believed that first order was for 20-25 aircrafts. Ironically it was the only figure that was ever given out by any official (Sheikh rasheed) as well.

Having said that, PAF might eventually place further orders and in future the number of J-10Cs in PAF can likely increase. (Or probably they could have placed the second order already). My discussion was just for the first order which I believe is complete by now)

You can be rest assured that PAF will get more J-10C. It doesn't make sense to get a few dozen and quit. Yes, new orders will be placed. The PAF has for the first time had a good taste of a truly 4.5th platform which supercedes the F-16. We can gauge by the response that PAF is extremely satisfied with this platform. This fighter is in the league of the Eurofighter.
The J-10 and Eurofighters are very different aircraft, despite the similar configuration. One is a pure air superiority fighter with secondary strike capability, that can supercruise, the other is a true multirole aircraft that can't really supercuise meaningfully. Aerodynamically it's similar to the Rafale not the Eurofighter.
The J-10 and Eurofighters are very different aircraft, despite the similar configuration. One is a pure air superiority fighter with secondary strike capability, that can supercruise, the other is a true multirole aircraft that can't really supercuise meaningfully. Aerodynamically it's similar to the Rafale not the Eurofighter.
Let’s hope the PAF requests the J-10 be improved to keep apace or just ahead of the Rafales, as India sets to be dependent on that bird, as their frontline platform, for the next 15 years if the following interview with a retired Indian Air Marshall is anything to go by:

hahaha... When you are caught with your pants down, you replied a total loser response. Sorry for such wordings but that's what it is. Instead be a man and accept that you have no source. You are in public forum, you are not an authority yourself, whatever anyone has to say here is to be backed by sources. Its as basic as anything.

I can only laugh at a person who liked your comment and pity on your escape route instead accepting that you don't have any proof.

In future, with more orders the number could reach even 50+ but the fact of the matter is there is no confirmed source that tells us that initial order was for an imaginary number of 36.

How come first 20 birds were delivered so quickly and next 16 are taking ages if it's the same order ?? Think for yourself!

A lots of posters have disclosed information on public forums worldwide that has shocked the intel agencies at how easily the information was released.

One of the most critical information released was on a forum by a "lowly rated " forum member who was made fun of the supposed " superior knowledge " members till it was found to be true---.

I have been caught many a time " with pants down " but here I am but more times with " my pants held up tight "---.

Defence procurement is a "wait & see" game---.

You too will find out the truth in years to come---. The numbers will match Rafale procurement---or any similar aircraft that the enemy procures---.
You guys are still debating about ordersize when the documents were already leaked that Pakistan only bought 20 jets, that too on 11 friggin years of installments.

You guys are still debating about ordersize when the documents were already leaked that Pakistan only bought 20 jets, that too on 11 friggin years of installments.

View attachment 65072

That is wonderful news---. You have cleared the fog---.

It is good that you do not have a concern if another 6 + 6 + 6 arrived in a certain period of time.
Well, it is quite possible and likely that PAF will place future orders. But the initial order seems to be 20 aircrafts. If the initial order was more, then there should not have been such a big gap between deliveries.

About Camo scheme, I think not an issue if both camo schemes eventually are placed in a single squadron.
The minister who first announced that J-10’s were coming said 25No. And there were credible (not social media rubbish) reports of negotiations for another 25 earlier this year. Ref the Cammo, you got any other examples of any other PAF Squadron using 2 totally different schemes in this way?

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