PAF SAM based Air Defense System - News, Discussion & Updates

Absolutely! Chinese are children in this game. They know nothing of value. Ever wonder why no one wants their weapons and most of their purchase come from Pakistan and from small and worthless countries with no option to buy anything else?
You guys are really delusional aren't Ya ? Chinese are children in this game ? Hahahah

1. China acquired the S-300PMU1 and S-300PMU2 systems, later licensed produced them as the HQ-15 and HQ-18 respectively. Despite having access to both systems, China prioritized the enhancement of their HQ-9A system over the HQ-15 and HQ-18. Infact, even PLAN's type 51 destroyes had their s-300F replaced with HQ-9s. What does that tell you?

2. In September 2013, during Turkey's T-LORAMIDS program, the HQ-9 emerged as a top contender outperforming other systems such as Patriot PAC 3s, Isreal's ARROW AND S-300PMU2s in trails. It was only after U.S response of withholding funds for integrating the Chinese system into NATO defenses that led to the deal bieng cancelled. They later went for the s-400 which was also for political reasons

3. China procured S-400s in 2018. Yet, don't anticipate further orders, as they leveraged its technology to advance systems like the HQ-9C and HQ-19 instead. Type-55s , Type 52 all use HQ-9s.

4. Morocco opted for HQ-9B , a country that ususally has buys and has acess to military equipement from the West.

5. About not having options? Pakistan is purchasing CAMM-ER which is developed by MBDA UK.

The fact is the China has surpased Russia in almost all military technologies barring maybe Nuclear submarines. Why doesnt China use R-77?
Indians live in their own fantasy land. Beijing is making inroads in international military equipment sales. Serbia and Thailand purchased HQ-22 along with HQ-17AE, last year. Saudia Arabia purchased HQ-17 AE this year. Egypt is separate talks with China to acquire the Chengdu J-10C. The list goes on
Wrong! YJ-12 has a range of 400 KM. CM-302 has less than 300 KM range for obvious reasons. Brahmos deployed has a range of 600 KM with 800 KM being deployed.
Lol YJ-12 has range of 540 km where you heard about 400 km crap, just Google
Yeah and I have bridge to sell to you :sneaky: Willing to buy?

BTW, you trust channels on youtube?

Good God! And I thought you were alright but here you are, trusting youtube channels. 😄
We are not claiming but Indian channels saying that, do you have a comprehension issue?
eturning to the topic, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has significantly upgraded its Air Defence network, transitioning from point defense to area denial. While Air Defense (AD) systems are not a cure-all, they serve as a formidable deterrent. For instance, during the Ukraine war, Ukrainian AD systems, consisting of Soviet-era S-300s and Buk missiles, compelled Russia to launch Standoff Munitions (SOMs) from its own airspace.

Air Denial- HIMADS
HQ-9BE - 300 KM
HQ-9P - 125 KM
HQ-16EV- 150 KM

New System being developed by GIDS
HQ-16A ( Older batches) -40/60 KM
SPADA 2000 - 60KM
FM-90 - 25KM

Point Defence

LD-2000 ?
Oerlikon GDF005

What we are missing is an ABM and a new potent SPAAG like Korkut.
HQ-9BE High to medium air defense (HIMAD) system
Pakistan Air Force this air defense system has an interception range of 300 kilometers and up to a height of ninety thousand feet.

China round now is the leader in 5G tech n is leading the way in AI through r&d n its applications.
Jamming was done by Erieye and Dassault Falcon 20ECM, nothing Chinese about it.

Jesus Christ! You need to read your own airforce's narratives!

Its from Kaiser Tufail. Incase you did not know, he is one of the most learned veteran from your own airforce. I heard Windy is related to him somehow? Or may be not.
This interpretation of the article happens when you were busy being a lousy student in grammar class.

His sentence is indicating that the Erieye was in the rear along with a DA-20 which was the aircraft undertaking jamming.
Are u retarded? Erieye is just AWACS, and DA20 uses Chinese JN1101 electronic warfare suite.

This might come as a shock to you but friend and foe technologies actually exist. It's called IFF, look it up and all radars and aircraft are fitted with it.
Not retarded - just a google user.
How much would PAF's reaction time be improved, when using this combination of SAMs and interceptors, say in the event of another 'limited' Indian misadventure?? Will PAF assign sectors to be completely covered by either SAMs or aircraft, to balance workload??

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