Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Another day, another snake you grew in your backyard biting you.
I want to add this, Indonesia does interfere as well in the past, even we tried to invade Malaysia and Singapore (not succeed due to British commonwealth coalition) and also invading East Timor

Both interference do not give any benefit for Indonesia, only to satisfy unjustified and stupid desire
Your mistake was invading. The right way is to make them economically dependent and strategically important.
Your mistake was invading. The right way is to make them economically dependent and strategically important.

Invasion is not the first action, the first action is to go inside their politics. For example, the reason Brunei becomes independent is because Indonesia help. There is internal interference first and Indonesia support particular power within the country. The same also happen in East Timor when Indonesia sided with one political power over other political power

When the ones we supported lost, then the invasion action comes and happens
Your mistake was invading. The right way is to make them economically dependent and strategically important.

Many decision is derived from stupid machoism desire. It happens in extreme level like what Indonesia did in the past and Russia did in the past and present.

Political interference is not that extreme but still it is wrong and stupid as it is a policy not made for long term objective but short term.
Best practice is not to interfere other country politics, especially Afghanistan that has militant population

For India, they also need to do the same with BD or else risks getting sideline if the opposition win
Absolutely right - hope Pakistan's establishment learn now after losing many things and opportunities in past almost 45 years from 1970s
Many decision is derived from stupid machoism desire. It happens in extreme level like what Indonesia did in the past and Russia did in the past and present.

Political interference is not that extreme but still it is wrong and stupid as it is a policy not made for long term objective but short term.
We don’t have any machismo desires or any other fantasies with these tribal afghani. Our policy is very simple. Don’t try to influence our country with radicalism or ethnic sectarianism. Don’t partner with neighbors and try undermining our country.

We don’t even care what gubment afghani have anymore as long as it’s cordial with us.

The only other concern we have is that they accept their refugees in our country and their offspring back as Afghani citizens.
Best practice is not to interfere other country politics, especially Afghanistan that has militant population

For India, they also need to do the same with BD or else risks getting sideline if the opposition win
In principle , agree with you..... but Afghanistan case was unique... let's start with Russian invasion of Afghanistan .... during that era Soviet Union was peer equal of America and it has reached Pakistan s border and Pakistan's territorial integrity was under threat ... Soviets helped India in 71 war with Pakistan so Pakistan had some scores to settle............. it's believed that America used Pakistan against Soviets , that's not true.....after the Soviet invasion Pakistan asked the Americans for help in fighting Soviets, America refused , it said : Afghanistan fate is sealed , nothing can be done now.... Pakistan disagreed and organized the insurgency against the Soviet on her own...when it started showing results Americans jumped in , rest is history that you know........ Americans invasion of Afghanistan... Pakistan asvised the Americans against the invasion but the Americans were blood thirsty after 9/11 ..they coerced Pakistan to give corridor to America for the invasion.... Pakistan agreed with a condition that talibans will not be designated a terrorist entity and Pakistan will not fight talban ..America is history that you , I will ask you what options did Pakistan have and what was best way forward for Pakistan?
In principle , agree with you..... but Afghanistan case was unique... let's start with Russian invasion of Afghanistan .... during that era Soviet Union was peer equal of America and it has reached Pakistan s border and Pakistan's territorial integrity was under threat ... Soviets helped India in 71 war with Pakistan so Pakistan had some scores to settle............. it's believed that America used Pakistan against Soviets , that's not true.....after the Soviet invasion Pakistan asked the Americans for help in fighting Soviets, America refused , it said : Afghanistan fate is sealed , nothing can be done now.... Pakistan disagreed and organized the insurgency against the Soviet on her own...when it started showing results Americans jumped in , rest is history that you know........ Americans invasion of Afghanistan... Pakistan asvised the Americans against the invasion but the Americans were blood thirsty after 9/11 ..they coerced Pakistan to give corridor to America for the invasion.... Pakistan agreed with a condition that talibans will not be designated a terrorist entity and Pakistan will not fight talban ..America is history that you , I will ask you what options did Pakistan have and what was best way forward for Pakistan?

What people refuse to understand is that Pakistan historically has taken on massive enemies and come through to the other side when most nations would have collapsed

When your enemy is planning and plotting you can't back off

Unfortunately for the Afghans, from the beginning they CHOSE to be a enemy of Pakistan and this has bought Pakistan terrorism but for Afghans it has bought RUIN
What people refuse to understand is that Pakistan historically has taken on massive enemies and come through to the other side when most nations would have collapsed

When your enemy is planning and plotting you can't back off

Unfortunately for the Afghans, from the beginning they CHOSE to be a enemy of Pakistan and this has bought Pakistan terrorism but for Afghans it has bought RUIN
Yep , Pakistan can punch above her weight and get away with it .....some call Pakistan Israel of China 😀
Yep , Pakistan can punch above her weight and get away with it .....some call Pakistan Israel of China 😀
Enemies we've stitched up in our history include

Some lesser ones including Hindus and Afghans in general
Taliban winning and getting rid of the Afghanistan govt was supposed to be a great win for Pakistan!

It is still much much better than India spreading terror through Afghan consulates.

Dealing with the TTP will be much easier. Pakistan hasn't even started yet.
I doubt India will want to interfere, don't see any benefit from doing that... We would prefer a friendly govt but viewing every mutually beneficial commercial trade deal as a sign of interference is just conspiracy theory..

Considering the shared border, geography and access to raw material and market It is only natural BD would want a good relationship irrespective of govt in power

India has interfered for 20 years in Pakistan through Afghanistan during the presence of US/NATO. Absolutely no one can deny this fact.

Why do you think the US/NATO kept on accusing Pakistan? They were right. We did it because your country India needed to be removed from Afghanistan at all cost. We succeeded and that is the most important achievement. Next thing is to destroy the TTP. There is not a doubt that the TTP will be destroyed. Like I said, Pakistan hasn't even begun yet. We are observing the Taliban who keep making empty promises. When push comes to shove the TTP will be obliterated.
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What people refuse to understand is that Pakistan historically has taken on massive enemies and come through to the other side when most nations would have collapsed

When your enemy is planning and plotting you can't back off

Unfortunately for the Afghans, from the beginning they CHOSE to be a enemy of Pakistan and this has bought Pakistan terrorism but for Afghans it has bought RUIN

Afghanistan will never ever be a friend of Pakistan. Never. Afghanistan has a lot of enmities with Pakistan and they even claim Pakistani territory.

Pakistan should have a very firm policy against Afghanistan. There is no other way. I say this as a Pashtun who has family on the other side of the border. Zero tolerance against Afghanistan.
Yep great way of getting recognition from other countries by having a bunch of brutes operating from it.

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