Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

So the " Warrior of Allah/Islam " have time to attack Pakistan, which is a bad but still a Muslim country but while a literal Genocide is taking place in Palestine, they Afghan Taliban haven't even issued a statement or did anything to fight them ? Of course...



Pakistan border paramilitary and the Army have engaged the border militias of the Afghan Taliban after a Taliban-fired mortar shells hit a Pakistani border fort from inside Afghanistan this afternoon in a completely unprovoked attack. No casualties were sustained.

Appropriately disproportionate retaliatory kinetic engagement by the Pakistan Armed Forces, including heavy calibre weaponry and guided artillery, have resulted in extensive damage to all Taliban positions in the area, with multiple total eliminations of offensive Taliban tactical infrastructure.

Representative Image

Aug 12, 2024
So the " Warrior of Allah/Islam " have time to attack Pakistan, which is a bad but still a Muslim country but while a literal Genocide is taking place in Palestine, they Afghan Taliban haven't even issued a statement or did anything to fight them ? Of course...

Afghans/Taliban are not real Muslims. They are ethnocentrists that hate other races of Muslims.
This is so disturbing and frightening. Really sickening behaviour by Taliban!!!!
I just hope sanity eventually prevails.
It won't, you want to bet that within few weeks we will be discussing same thing, Problem is that these people just can't stop fighting, there is something seriously wrong with their mentality and DNA.

Mujahid: we are investigating Pakistan’s violation of Afghan airspace​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (TOLONews): Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, in response to some reports, said that the Islamic Emirate is investigating the issue of Pakistan’s fighter jets patrolling Afghan airspace.

Mujahid said that if Afghanistan’s airspace is violated, they will respond seriously.

This comes as recently unconfirmed reports have emerged regarding the patrolling of Pakistani fighter jets in the airspace of Kunar and Nangarhar provinces in Afghanistan.

The spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate highlighted that no country has the right to violate Afghanistan’s airspace and said: “The patrolling of Pakistani planes has not yet been confirmed. We are investigating this matter, and if such a thing has happened, we will take serious action.”

Some experts believe that as long as the issue between Kabul and Islamabad is not resolved at its root, such incidents will continue.

“As long as the fundamental disagreements between the two countries are not resolved and thoroughly analyzed, I am certain that such incidents will be repeated,” Sayed Moqadam Amin, an international relations expert, told TOLOnews.

Earlier, there have also been reports of US drones patrolling Afghan airspace, which prompted a strong reaction from the officials of the Islamic Emirate.
It won't, you want to bet that within few weeks we will be discussing same thing, Problem is that these people just can't stop fighting, there is something seriously wrong with their mentality and DNA.

Perhaps the afghans need more fish and fibre in their diet in order to increase their IQ.

PS, not to digress but I've noticed here in the UK that afghans ABSOLUTELY hate reading books and hate women who are more educated and successful than they are. Have no idea why that is.
Close the borders.

Kick them out.
Close the borders.

Kick them out.

We do, then double the amount come back. For a people who claim that they hate and loathe Pakistan and Pakistanis they sure are addicted to coming to our country.

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