Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

In principle , agree with you..... but Afghanistan case was unique... let's start with Russian invasion of Afghanistan .... during that era Soviet Union was peer equal of America and it has reached Pakistan s border and Pakistan's territorial integrity was under threat ... Soviets helped India in 71 war with Pakistan so Pakistan had some scores to settle............. it's believed that America used Pakistan against Soviets , that's not true.....after the Soviet invasion Pakistan asked the Americans for help in fighting Soviets, America refused , it said : Afghanistan fate is sealed , nothing can be done now.... Pakistan disagreed and organized the insurgency against the Soviet on her own...when it started showing results Americans jumped in , rest is history that you know........ Americans invasion of Afghanistan... Pakistan asvised the Americans against the invasion but the Americans were blood thirsty after 9/11 ..they coerced Pakistan to give corridor to America for the invasion.... Pakistan agreed with a condition that talibans will not be designated a terrorist entity and Pakistan will not fight talban ..America is history that you , I will ask you what options did Pakistan have and what was best way forward for Pakistan?
Missed out on the biggest part here like a typical pendu. Bhutto got hanged cuz he refused to instigate the Islamic jihad in Afghanistan. We got fooled! Bhutto was immediately replaced by Zia ul fuq no?

We had no ware with all to fight the Soviets. We got conned into this Afghani quagmire. Still paying da price no?

Teenage pendu dulhan…..😝
Missed out on the biggest part here like a typical pendu. Bhutto got hanged cuz he refused to instigate the Islamic jihad in Afghanistan. We got fooled! Bhutto was immediately replaced by Zia ul fuq no?

We had no ware with all to fight the Soviets. We got conned into this Afghani quagmire. Still paying da price no?

Teenage pendu dulhan…..😝
Are you for real ? ..... Bhutto is the one who who started Afghan jihad .....I will not accept you as my dullahan , you stink too much.
Are you for real ? ..... Bhutto is the one who who started Afghan jihad .....I will not accept you as my dullahan , you stink too much.
Bullshit! He got hanged for dissent on the Afghanistan issue! He said no to Kissinger.

Pendu dehati dulhan
Bullshit! He got hanged for dissent on the Afghanistan issue! He said no to Kissinger.

Pendu dehati dulhan
Why would Russia invade Afghanistan if everything was honky dorry there ?
Enemies we've stitched up in our history include

Some lesser ones including Hindus and Afghans in general
Interesting tidbit.......I was in NY when 9/11 happened......there was heated discussion going on inside the beltway , why did Pakistan aquieced so easily ? It was revealed during the discussion Musharraf told Bush : you go to Afghanistan against our wish but I assure you you won't be able to leave without our permission..... hehehe Trump begged Pakistan to let them get the hell out of there

UN report says Kabul assisting Pakistani Taliban, Afghanistan’s ‘largest terrorist group’​

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations described the proscribed militant network Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as the “largest terrorist group” in Afghanistan this week, confirming Pakistani officials’ assertions the current Afghan administration is harboring the group and facilitating its cross-border attacks.

In November of last year, Pakistan issued a strongly worded statement against the Kabul administration, reporting a 60 percent increase in militant violence and a 500 percent surge in suicide bombings since the Taliban’s return to power in 2021.

Former caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar said there was evidence the Afghan Taliban were “facilitating” such attacks, despite repeated requests from Pakistani authorities to prevent their soil from being used against any state. He noted that 15 Afghan nationals were involved in suicide attacks in Pakistan while 64 had died in clashes with Pakistani law enforcement.

Pakistan also launched a deportation drive against “illegal immigrants,” primarily Afghans, citing security concerns.

“Notwithstanding continuing assertions by the Taliban that there are no foreign terrorist groups in Afghanistan other than ISIL-K [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Khorasan chapter], Member States reported that over two dozen groups still operate in the country, enjoying freedom of maneuver under the de facto authorities with oversight from the General Directorate of Intelligence,” said the report by the UN Sanctions Monitoring Team released on Wednesday.

“TTP remained the largest terrorist group in Afghanistan, with an estimated strength of 6,000–6,500 fighters,” it continued. “One Member State expressed concern that greater collaboration between TTP and Al-Qaida could transform TTP into an ‘extraregional threat.’“

It said that Al Qaeda’s training had resulted in TTP shifting tactics and highprofile attacks against hard targets.

The report highlighted weapon transfers to TTP as well as the release of Daesh prisoners from local jails after securing their consent to join the banned Pakistani militant network.

“One Member State detailed how the Taliban exerts pressure on TTP through funding, reportedly providing 3.5 million afghanis ($50,500) on a monthly basis to TTP leader Noor Wali Mehsud ... while also directing him to garner additional sources of revenue from donors,” it added.

The UN document said the Afghan Taliban remained concerned that excessive pressure might push TTP towards collaboration with Daesh.

It acknowledged that TTP had intensified attacks against Pakistan, “significantly increasing from 573 in 2021 to 715 in 2022 and 1,210 in 2023, with the trend continuing into 2024.”

The report also noted that advanced military equipment, especially night vision devices transferred to TTP after the Taliban takeover, had added lethality to the groups attacks against Pakistan’s military border posts.

“Despite current stability, Afghanistan will remain a source of insecurity for Central Asia and the region in most scenarios,” it added, questioning the ability of the Taliban administration to with complex governance challenges in Afghanistan.

Pakistan should kick Afghan ambassador out of the country based on this report and stop trade ties with Afghanistan. should call OiC on Afghanistan, approach UN mission to condemn afghanistan. lastly if Afghanistan does not change then conquer afghanistan
Pakistan should kick Afghan ambassador out of the country based on this report and stop trade ties with Afghanistan. should call OiC on Afghanistan, approach UN mission to condemn afghanistan. lastly if Afghanistan does not change then conquer afghanistan
Take a chill pill , pretty soon talibans will be singing kambaya .
Are you for real ? ..... Bhutto is the one who who started Afghan jihad .....I will not accept you as my dullahan , you stink too much.
Why would Russia invade Afghanistan if everything was honky dorry there ?
Hunky dory? Bhutto got hanged in 1977!

The US had brought in all its jihadis into the fray during that time as soon as Bhutto was hanged just when Zia showed up. The killer of 20k Al-Balastinian in Jordan no? 😝

The Soviets put up Bibrak Karmal, Hafeezulla Amin right after him because ZiaUl Fuq was already pumping in saboteurs.

dehati pendu dulhan.
Hunky dory? Bhutto got hanged in 1977!

The US had brought in all its jihadis into the fray during that time as soon as Bhutto was hanged just when Zia showed up. The killer of 20k Al-Balastinian in Jordan no? 😝

The Soviets put up Bibrak Karmal, Hafeezulla Amin right after him because ZiaUl Fuq was already pumping in saboteurs.

dehati pendu dulhan.
You have the IQ of a chimp and Witt of a monkey are verrrry cool dude
You have the IQ of a chimp and Witt of a monkey are verrrry cool dude
Abay chal do ttakkay da cabby. Can’t put 2 n 2 together on why Bhutto got hanged.

A humble cabby pulled your chadi down and the shahri Babu lost his cool no
I exposed a Jersey City Eff-Sola cabby a few months ago. Don't become the next one to get exposed.


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