Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Menace of terrorism and AfPak cooperation​

The Frontier Post


Pakistan’s Armed Forces carried out intelligence-based operations (IBOs) in the border regions inside Afghanistan against terrorist outfits launching attacks on Pakistan’s LEAs and innocent people from Afghan soil. According to the details, the Pakistani forces targeted the terrorists affiliated with the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group, which are responsible for the March 16 attack in Mir Ali, North Waziristan, and multiple other terrorist attacks in the country, resulting in scores of deaths of Pakistanis including law enforcement officials and innocent civilians.

Pakistan faces a continued risk of cross-border terrorism from its joint border with Afghanistan, where the banned terrorist groups have made their sanctuaries on Afghan soil and attacked Pakistani troops and civil and military installations across the country. Similar situations exist on the Pak-Iran border, wherein, Baloch insurgents camped on Iranian soil frequently illegally cross the border to perpetrate terrorism in the country.

Recently, the TTP and other Afghanistan-based terrorist groups have launched multiple large-scale attacks against Pakistani Security Forces and impounded significant human and material losses to the country.

The government of Pakistan displayed utmost resilience and restraint in the face of unceasing incidents of terrorism against innocent civilians and huge life losses of its Security Forces, which the terrorists orchestrated from inside Afghanistan.

Despite the continuous use of Afghan soil in the growing terrorism in Pakistan, Afghan nationals have also been involved in terrorist attacks against the national institutions on our soil, which clearly illustrates the magnitude and the volume of the terrorism threat animating out of Afghan soil against Pakistan.

Pakistan has publically voiced its serious concern over the presence of terrorist sanctuaries in Afghanistan, which are continuously weighing war against Pakistan and causing loss of lives and damage to critical infrastructure and properties. Islamabad called on the Taliban leadership to take action against the proscribed terror outfits based in Afghanistan and handed over the TTP leadership to Pakistan.

Pakistan maintains that these terrorists pose a grave threat to Pakistan’s security and have consistently used Afghan territory to launch terror attacks inside Pakistani territory. Meanwhile, these terrorist groups are a collective threat to regional peace and security which needs to be eliminated through joint efforts, teamwork, and cooperation between the two brotherly nations.

Unfortunately, the Afghan interim government largely ignored Pakistan’s concerns and continued its hidden support for the terror outfits that unceasingly trade in death dance and bloodshed in Pakistan.

Pakistan always prioritized dialogue and cooperation to confront the terrorist threat and sought cooperation from Kabul over the past two years. Due to the absence of necessary support from Afghanistan, Pakistan’s political and military leadership unanimously decided to respond in the same coin to Kabul as it deals with Islamabad. Pakistan’s yesterday’s attack against terror outfits was a sensation to the Afghan interim government that Pakistan would not compromise on its security anymore.

Pakistan always stood with the people of Afghanistan through thick and thin and presently seeks the same cooperation from Afghanistan.

It is time that Afghan leaders rethink the policy of siding with Khwarij terrorists shedding the blood of innocent Pakistanis and making a clear choice to stand with the people of Pakistan. Otherwise, the Pakistani military would use all possible options to deal with the menace of terrorism to ensure the security and protection of its nation at all costs.
I'm sure people have seen the discourse lately following PAFs air raids against TTP targets and how poor Pakistan's narrative building has been and how it is essentially on the backfoot.

First of all, strategically Pakistan is behaving like it's the weak one on the backfoot due to its own insecure mindset.

Pakistan should make an official claim on Wakhan corridor to counter any Afghan claim. It should be diplomatically aggressive and show it won't tolerate anti-Pakistan sentiment from Afghanistan. It should consider establishing a buffer zone at the border.

Secondly, Pakistan's state peddled narrative through educational curriculum, state-media and other forms has created a very submissive and inferiority ridden population. We have apologists for those who have harmed us in the most brutal ways, even our children.

These cowards are only tough against Indians, they beg for forgiveness and slavery when it comes to everyone else, especially their Muslim brothers who just call them kaffirs.

Two things need addressing:

1. An intricate state information network to peddle narratives that are in favour of Pakistan in the public. This means journalists, news channels, think tanks, and just public figures with large followings. Armed forces accounts alone are not enough!

2. The state narrative needs a clear shift. The slavery complex and cuckoldery is quite frankly embarrassing and shameful. They need a backbone of independence.

3. PAKISTAN STATE APPARATUS NEEDS TO BE AGGRESSIVE, make counter claims against Afghans, threaten harsh retaliation, consider buffer zones, annexing Wakhan. They need to FEEL they crossed your red line. Not your shaky words.

Pak needs to learn to grow a spine and be independent and aggressive in self defence, no need to be apologetic.

@Mrc @hussain @hussain0216 @RescueRanger @Signalian @Panzerkiel @ghazi52
- Official claim on Wakhan corridor to counter Afghan claims.

- Establish buffer zone at Western border to blunt any cross-border terrorist movements

- Air strikes based on intelligence on any terrorist presence

This must all be backed up by a strong information network that Pakistan lacks. Even Afghans have a far stronger information network it's embarrassing.

News channels, public figures with large followings, think tanks, TV, etc.

I especially don't see many news channels with organic followings, especially in English language.
Wakhan should have been annexed years ago.
They don’t accept the durand line.
Wakhan and buffer zone between us and Afghanistan should be shown as much importance as was given to gaining nuclear weapons.

Any soyboy liberals still painting afghans as our brothers are delusional.
When someone bullies you in class, and you act weak, that gives them a signal that you are easy target. Afghanistan is the bully, Pakistan is target.

If you fight back aggressively, they will understand to back off.

Pakistan has been cuckold for many years they consider it their slave, it is weird for them for Pakistan to be aggressive so for a while they will complain like they've been wronged. But Pakistan needs to create a new norm.
Jamie just made this new account of Patrioti Anti-Youth and liking and commenting with himself.

@Mods are double accounts allowed? @Waz

Guy says source is "high IQ'. LMAO!

Guy literally knows not even basics of security & border management. Giving suggestions as if it was too easy. If managing Afghan & Iran border was that easy Pakistan would have done 5 decades ago.

boys like you don't understand the complexity of terrain and long borders. You have unimaginable vastness with all sort of terrain that's impossible to guard. Saying 'mindset and blabla' from the comfort of your home is too easy. Doing is different thing.

Military wasn't even that lame which you are trying to portray by simplying the whole thing as so nice and easy. Jamie / Anti-Patriot / Anti-Youth you need to put some sense into what you are saying or everybody is going to take you as a joker that you are. Making multiple accounts just for self praise is pathetic !
Jamie just made this new account of Patrioti Anti-Youth and liking and commenting with himself.

@Mods are double accounts allowed? @Waz

Guy says source is "high IQ'. LMAO!

Guy literally knows not even basics of security & border management. Giving suggestions as if it was too easy. If managing Afghan & Iran border was that easy Pakistan would have done 5 decades ago.

boys like you don't understand the complexity of terrain and long borders. You have unimaginable vastness with all sort of terrain that's impossible to guard. Saying 'mindset and blabla' from the comfort of your home is too easy. Doing is different thing.

Military wasn't even that lame which you are trying to portray by simplying the whole thing as so nice and easy. Jamie / Anti-Patriot / Anti-Youth you need to put some sense into what you are saying or everybody is going to take you as a joker that you are. Making multiple accounts just for self praise is pathetic !
Wtf are you talking about
Jamie just made this new account of Patrioti Anti-Youth and liking and commenting with himself.

@Mods are double accounts allowed? @Waz

Guy says source is "high IQ'. LMAO!

Guy literally knows not even basics of security & border management. Giving suggestions as if it was too easy. If managing Afghan & Iran border was that easy Pakistan would have done 5 decades ago.

boys like you don't understand the complexity of terrain and long borders. You have unimaginable vastness with all sort of terrain that's impossible to guard. Saying 'mindset and blabla' from the comfort of your home is too easy. Doing is different thing.

Military wasn't even that lame which you are trying to portray by simplying the whole thing as so nice and easy. Jamie / Anti-Patriot / Anti-Youth you need to put some sense into what you are saying or everybody is going to take you as a joker that you are. Making multiple accounts just for self praise is pathetic !
I'm sure people have seen the discourse lately following PAFs air raids against TTP targets and how poor Pakistan's narrative building has been and how it is essentially on the backfoot.

First of all, strategically Pakistan is behaving like it's the weak one on the backfoot due to its own insecure mindset.

Pakistan should make an official claim on Wakhan corridor to counter any Afghan claim. It should be diplomatically aggressive and show it won't tolerate anti-Pakistan sentiment from Afghanistan. It should consider establishing a buffer zone at the border.

Secondly, Pakistan's state peddled narrative through educational curriculum, state-media and other forms has created a very submissive and inferiority ridden population. We have apologists for those who have harmed us in the most brutal ways, even our children.

These cowards are only tough against Indians, they beg for forgiveness and slavery when it comes to everyone else, especially their Muslim brothers who just call them kaffirs.

Two things need addressing:

1. An intricate state information network to peddle narratives that are in favour of Pakistan in the public. This means journalists, news channels, think tanks, and just public figures with large followings. Armed forces accounts alone are not enough!

2. The state narrative needs a clear shift. The slavery complex and cuckoldery is quite frankly embarrassing and shameful. They need a backbone of independence.

3. PAKISTAN STATE APPARATUS NEEDS TO BE AGGRESSIVE, make counter claims against Afghans, threaten harsh retaliation, consider buffer zones, annexing Wakhan. They need to FEEL they crossed your red line. Not your shaky words.

Pak needs to learn to grow a spine and be independent and aggressive in self defence, no need to be apologetic.

@Mrc @hussain @hussain0216 @RescueRanger @Signalian @Panzerkiel @ghazi52
Another Indian in disguise encouraging and egging war between two Muslim countries.
I'm sure people have seen the discourse lately following PAFs air raids against TTP targets and how poor Pakistan's narrative building has been and how it is essentially on the backfoot.

First of all, strategically Pakistan is behaving like it's the weak one on the backfoot due to its own insecure mindset.

Pakistan should make an official claim on Wakhan corridor to counter any Afghan claim. It should be diplomatically aggressive and show it won't tolerate anti-Pakistan sentiment from Afghanistan. It should consider establishing a buffer zone at the border.

Secondly, Pakistan's state peddled narrative through educational curriculum, state-media and other forms has created a very submissive and inferiority ridden population. We have apologists for those who have harmed us in the most brutal ways, even our children.

These cowards are only tough against Indians, they beg for forgiveness and slavery when it comes to everyone else, especially their Muslim brothers who just call them kaffirs.

Two things need addressing:

1. An intricate state information network to peddle narratives that are in favour of Pakistan in the public. This means journalists, news channels, think tanks, and just public figures with large followings. Armed forces accounts alone are not enough!

2. The state narrative needs a clear shift. The slavery complex and cuckoldery is quite frankly embarrassing and shameful. They need a backbone of independence.

3. PAKISTAN STATE APPARATUS NEEDS TO BE AGGRESSIVE, make counter claims against Afghans, threaten harsh retaliation, consider buffer zones, annexing Wakhan. They need to FEEL they crossed your red line. Not your shaky words.

Pak needs to learn to grow a spine and be independent and aggressive in self defence, no need to be apologetic.

@Mrc @hussain @hussain0216 @RescueRanger @Signalian @Panzerkiel @ghazi52
Real question is how is Pakistanis going to threaten all pushtoons (a term not coined but pushtoons, originally pushtoons were called as afghans)

You see the issue here

Issue isn't in Afghanistan it's in Pakistan KPK and balochistan..same way how issue wasn't in India but inside Bengal
Military family= anyone brigadiers level

Below major level are just servants to the above

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