Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Then you need to reeducate them...
Thats above 70-80% pak people, They literally think they are either Afghans or turks, They would any day support the afghans over pak.
The other day a Moluvi during sermon in the mosque in islamabad praised the taliban for attacking pak army in waziristan and the people sitting there did nothing, It would atleast take 50 years to flush this ummah chummah cancer and then we can think about doing what u elaborated the turkish way!!!
LMAO - This guy asking everyone are you a youthiya? Do you see your paranoia and your panic attacks. I feel so amused seeing your pityful situation. A kind of cult which is facing severe panic attacks and in totally unable to see the ever growing popularity & greatness of Pakistan's grestest personality Imran khan! :)

Btw, You know the super majority of the nation voted for Imran khan. So in essence, according to you whole of nation (or most of it) is youthiya. The defected cases likes of yours thought that naming the entire nation as youthiya will make any effect but instead entire nation became proud of being youthiya :))

The election results have proven that entire pakistanis follow the great khan (so according to you all of them are imrandus) so don't be surprised when people start referring you n ur parents as imrandus rather than pakistanis. As that's the name you have given it to Pakistanis. ;)

lol! what entertainment right in the morning to start with.

I think you need to change your name to Pro-Pakistani - Proud Youthiya !!! hahahaha
I'm not going to read all of that rubbish, youthiya cult is braindead so I just ask beforehand to save time
haha.. you are my source of entertainment, :)

I was taking your class when you had the name by 'jamie' , you know pretty well you were get your behind handed over to you and all of a sudden a new account is made lol, you posted same stuff in a new topic by a totally fresh account, you posted same silly delusional notes, same grammar, and your other account jamie liking and acknowledging with you. My question is why you had to make a new account? A new member will usually comment on other topics first, people will get to know him. Its pretty obvious to understand that you made a new account. You are caught with your pants down.

Look reactions on your post & on your profile are mostly of laugh. You are hillarious! nobody is taking you serious! you want complete sensor of information, what a joke you are !!
@Waz @Oscar

Can any mod please confirm to him somehow that I am not Jamie or whoever he is accusing me of

This paranoid freak has been targeting me as soon as I joined this forum and calling me Jamie - someone I don't even know

Overseas people are the only ones falling for this muslim brotherhood propaganda of the talibs. The geopolitical dynamics of real life are not like those of your local bradford mosque.
@Waz @Oscar

Can any mod please confirm to him somehow that I am not Jamie or whoever he is accusing me of

This paranoid freak has been targeting me as soon as I joined this forum and calling me Jamie - someone I don't even know

He is a PTI troll bot… ignore the ignorant
You can make a claim for Moon also. Nobody really takes it seriously.

Pakistan made an official claim for Kashmir five decades back, what happened ?.
Does Afghanistan have the 4th largest army in the world and nuclear weapons or do they believe suicide bombing from Kandahar can save Wakhan corridor?
This is a recipe for Disaster and a full blown war, I agree that the Turkish solution can be applied, but this is the wrong solution. Turkey built concrete barriers on its border and used tech to monitor the border.

This is what Turkey implemented to deal with the PKK issue.

The 3-meter high (10 feet), 30-centimeter-wide (1 foot) wall including watchtowers, security cameras, lighting and surveillance systems as well as a security path for patrol missions and pedestrian and vehicle gates for emergencies.

This could have all been done with US govt money during the gravy train era of the Afghan War, if the Pakistani leadership was halfway competent, but alas either they need to pay for it with Pakistani money, or Chinese loans of something.

Thats above 70-80% pak people, They literally think they are either Afghans or turks, They would any day support the afghans over pak.
The other day a Moluvi during sermon in the mosque in islamabad praised the taliban for attacking pak army in waziristan and the people sitting there did nothing, It would atleast take 50 years to flush this ummah chummah cancer and then we can think about doing what u elaborated the turkish way!!!

Are you muslim?

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