Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

As far as @Hakikat ve Hikmet is concerned, he wants Tajik/Uzbek rule over Afghanistan as they are kin to the Turks and is Anti-Pashtun. He wants to use the Pak Army for the completion of his agenda of overthrow of the Taliban.

As far as the Turks or the Arabs before them are concerned, they were once great nations whom Allah gave the responsibility of the leadership of the Muslim Ummah. At present the Turks are degenerated as can be evidenced from their actions or in-actions over Palestine. Arabs are also degenerated as they cannot defend themselves.

So, Allah will find a new people that is strong, bold and brave to lead the Muslims.

If the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan unite and implement Shariah and its effective economic policies, then they can rise out of American slavery and lead the Muslims of the region.

In the last few decades the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan have defeated America and Russia, so, I am hopeful of unity for the future.

As I have said before, we need to make the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) stronger and make it into a Muslim European Union.

That's all good, but why are we still sitting here having achieved a great strategic victory over NATO, U.S etc with afghans still blowing up things and murdering people or hitting police or colleges

Don't afghanis have responsibility to not act like some sort of man-donkeys?
India and Pakistan have a treaty, it's not stopping anything outside of what both sides agreed on. Don't be a clown. Pakistan signed Ravi river away in return for 3 other rivers.
Doesn’t negate the threat. What do you suppose Pakistan should do regarding an unfair treaty, if you consider it unfair even.
The biggest problem is ummah chummah in pak, Turks are nationalist whilst majority of pak people are islamist cucks!!!!
What do you define as Islamism? And what are is your criterion for defining “ummah chummah”? Do you believe “ummah chummah” and Islamism, as you define, are in accordance with or are contrary to Islamic principles, as you would believe as a Muslim?

Relevance to discussion: Unlike Turkey, Pakistan is not, ideologically, an ethnocracy. Ponder on this point, as that is a sufficient response to everything in this thread.
The biggest problem is ummah chummah in pak, Turks are nationalist whilst majority of pak people are islamist cucks!!!!
It’s difficult to be a Turk for you’re fighting against the world, and it’s more difficult not to be a Turk for you’re fighting against the Turks – Fatih Sultan Mehmert Han, the Conqueror of Constantinople

There are three ways of doing a thing: the right way, the wrong way, and the Turkish way (paraphrasing a monologue from the movie, The General’s Daughter)

IMO, the Pak Deep State can do the following to make some improvements vis-a-vis the Afghanistan problem using the Turkish methods:
  • Declare Afganistan as an existential threat. So, the mood should be: no price is too high, and shoot first and think later.
  • Give a one month notice to all the Afgans inside Pakistan to move out. The remaining ones would be forced out – dead or alive – within the next 6 months.
  • Henceforth, the border is closed sine die.
  • Make a 50km buffer zone - depopulated and devoid of any sort of infrastructures - off the border inside Afganistan. Any moving thing there is considered as an imminent threat, so to be neutralized.
  • Any military move from Afganistan is to be harshly dealt with by crippling her leadership, infrastructure, communications, economy etc.
  • Afganistan isn’t allowed to have any noticeable miliary capability like air force, armored, medium to long range artillery etc.
  • Make extensive use of “robotic” technologies to enforce the above steps. Turkey manufactures all such gadgets. Get a TOT for local R&D and production.
  • Take a temporary control over the Wakhan corridor. When the Afgans behave like rational human beings it'll be returned to them.
  • Only when a third of Pak’s male population is gone the above policies will be revisited.
  • Etc.
*A third of the male population in the Ottoman Empire embraced Shehadet even when the Saltanat was going down.
We have issue with ttp and anti pak elements in Afghanistan. But that doesn’t mean we go full israel openly and make 50kms buffer zone in Afghanistan and depopulate the whole area. That would be shooting your self in the foot.

Pakistan is horrible at PR. Even if it’s in a morally correct position it will find a way to make it self look like the bad guy. It’s cuz we come up with stuff like “50 kms buffer” or “depopulate and cripple infrastructure”.

Any overt military operation in Afghanistan would be foolish. There is no shortage of people against Taliban in Afghanistan. When such exists, overtly taking on the Taliban is treachery against Pakistan.

We are not Turkey nor is Afghanistan, Syria. Even in Syria, Turkish backed rebels and somewhat Turkish allied Syrian opposition is a major component of Turkey’s strategy. If other foreign countries didn’t have bases in Syria Turkey wouldn’t either. And Turkey cleared its areas on the border first then moved into Syria and Iraq. Does Pakistan have full control over Balochistan and tribal areas. Balochistan is still lawless and barely under the states writ.

The solution to Afghanistan is playing the same game Taliban or india plays. Wakhan is the only place which could be annexed into Pakistan. Otherwise, in Afghanistan proxies should be used if something needs to be done with the occasional air strikes IF needed.

Pakistan’s main enemy is india. India is behind most of this. No need to distract army with Afghanistan and fall into the Indian trap of going after Afghanistan. Pakistan should solve Afghan issue without directly engaging them. This is economically the cheapest option as well. Pakistan’s economy can’t support army doing operations inside Afghanistan and also having to worry about india.

We barely have Balochistan under our control and terrorists openly walk freely in Balochistan. But we dream about 50 kms buffer inside Afghanistan.

The Pakistanis are mental slaves to what they call the ummah. They are not equals in any structure but they act like low class dogs that worship them.
Alhamdulillah we are Muslim and believe in the Ummah.
Islam first.
I would take an Afghan Muslim over a Pakistani murtad any day.
These “not equals” and “low class dogs” have taught kuffar many hard lessons. They will take the head of a kaffir and win in this world and the next.
You can cry all you want. Murtad etho nats are miserable in this world and will never get accepted by white man. They will be miserable and burn in hell in the next world as well In Sha Allah.
Cope and cry.
Ummah comes first.
Anyone who has a problem can try fighting the Ummah. We will reunite you will all the others who tried to fight us.
That's all good, but why are we still sitting here having achieved a great strategic victory over NATO, U.S etc with afghans still blowing up things and murdering people or hitting police or colleges

Don't afghanis have responsibility to not act like some sort of man-donkeys?
The reason for their fighting is very simple. Pakistan was siding with America during the Afghan war and now America has lost and the Taliban have won in Afghanistan. Now, TTP wants to bring about Islamic rule in Pakistan too.

Pakistan can avoid all the bloodshed between brothers by adopting the Islamic system just like Afghanistan and Iran and forming a block with these two countries and also add Turkey by strengthening the ECO into an economic Union.

When we are strong and united then we can take on Israel directly.
Thats above 70-80% pak people, They literally think they are either Afghans or turks, They would any day support the afghans over pak.
The other day a Moluvi during sermon in the mosque in islamabad praised the taliban for attacking pak army in waziristan and the people sitting there did nothing, It would atleast take 50 years to flush this ummah chummah cancer and then we can think about doing what u elaborated the turkish way!!!

More like we have 30% who are Saudi slaves and think they are arabs due to billions of funding for the last 40 years, the maddrassas, books, media, all brainwashing to make them follow modern arab sects, these people have high influence in the power circles, then we have the Indian lovers, and finally brown sahibs who would lay in front of Usa, the brown sahibs are the educated ruling class, with 1000s brainwashed by Saudi and 1000s brown sahibs. The normal Pakistan people are sidelined from most decisions due to not having dollars or Riyals.
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As far as @Hakikat ve Hikmet is concerned, he wants Tajik/Uzbek rule over Afghanistan as they are kin to the Turks and is Anti-Pashtun. He wants to use the Pak Army for the completion of his agenda of overthrow of the Taliban.

As far as the Turks or the Arabs before them are concerned, they were once great nations whom Allah gave the responsibility of the leadership of the Muslim Ummah. At present the Turks are degenerated as can be evidenced from their actions or in-actions over Palestine. Arabs are also degenerated as they cannot defend themselves.

So, Allah will find a new people that is strong, bold and brave to lead the Muslims.

If the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan unite and implement Shariah and its effective economic policies, then they can rise out of American slavery and lead the Muslims of the region.

In the last few decades the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan have defeated America and Russia, so, I am hopeful of unity for the future.

As I have said before, we need to make the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) stronger and make it into a Muslim European Union.
You're absolutely wrong! The top Turkish leaders want Pakistan to be as strong as possible, and they've no hidden agenda against her......

By the by, how come the Taliban under the Hindutva is OK for Pakistan? Last time, the Jamat-i Ulama-i Hind, slaves under the Congress, opposed the creation of Pakistan and shed the blood of the fellow Muslims......
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The reason for their fighting is very simple. Pakistan was siding with America during the Afghan war and now America has lost and the Taliban have won in Afghanistan. Now, TTP wants to bring about Islamic rule in Pakistan too.

Pakistan can avoid all the bloodshed between brothers by adopting the Islamic system just like Afghanistan and Iran and forming a block with these two countries and also add Turkey by strengthening the ECO into an economic Union.

When we are strong and united then we can take on Israel directly.

Pakistan was the single reason Taliban even won, the Afghan namak haram have been attacking Pakistan for decades, it's not like they started now
What form of government Pakistan has is upto Pakistan not our afghani enemies to decide

This sort of donkey brained Afghan stupidity has made them into a enemy we are forced to confront
Alhamdulillah we are Muslim and believe in the Ummah.
Islam first.

I would take an Afghan Muslim over a Pakistani murtad any day.
These “not equals” and “low class dogs” have taught kuffar many hard lessons. They will take the head of a kaffir and win in this world and the next.
You can cry all you want. Murtad etho nats are miserable in this world and will never get accepted by white man. They will be miserable and burn in hell in the next world as well In Sha Allah.
Cope and cry.
Ummah comes first.
Anyone who has a problem can try fighting the Ummah. We will reunite you will all the others who tried to fight us.
Very good. But, when your Muslim neighbor is saying Hindutva first what're you goanna do?

Hasn't the Indian NSA already publicly declared, "India will fight Pak till the last Afgan"? It's an Indian policy statement from the highest level possible. They're implementing it in verbatim as they're even destroying your military aircrafts via Afgans. Every Afgan is now a potential threat to Pakistan. Aren't the fallen soldiers and civilians in Pakistan Muslim too? How can you reconcile with this?
Very good. But, when your Muslim neighbor is saying Hindutva first what're you goanna do?

Hasn't the Indian NSA already publicly declared, "India will fight Pak till the last Afgan"? It's an Indian policy statement from the highest level possible. They're implementing it in verbatim as they're even destroying your military aircrafts via Afgans. Every Afgan is now a potential threat to Pakistan. Aren't the fallen soldiers and civilians in Pakistan Muslim too? How can you reconcile with this?
Then he isn't a muslim. A muslim can't put anything above Allah and Islam. Nor can he help a kafir hurt his fellow muslim. These people who do this is called khawarigi or dogs of hell.
There is no trying to twist this submissive trait into a positive.

Pakistanis don't have solidarity, they have submissiveness and inferiority complex. A huge difference. In the face of conflict with such groups, they act like timid meek cowards and beg for forgiveness and brotherhood in what is obviously an environment of enmity.

Don't project your own complexes onto others. I've been around plenty of Pakistanis, its most certainly not a sense of submissiveness or inferiority, maybe you pakistani liberals are projecting your own submissiveness and inferiority complex towards the white man. lol
Don't project your own complexes onto others. I've been around plenty of Pakistanis, its most certainly not a sense of submissiveness or inferiority, maybe you pakistani liberals are projecting your own submissiveness and inferiority complex towards the white man. lol
Such a "submissive trait" led to the establishment of multiple empires, ushering in prosperity, peace and justice. Alhamdulillah!

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