Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Very good. But, when your Muslim neighbor is saying Hindutva first what're you goanna do?

Hasn't the Indian NSA already publicly declared, "India will fight Pak till the last Afgan"? It's an Indian policy statement from the highest level possible. They're implementing it in verbatim as they're even destroying your military aircrafts via Afgans. Every Afgan is now a potential threat to Pakistan. Aren't the fallen soldiers and civilians in Pakistan Muslim too? How can you reconcile with this?
You have examples from Ali R.A. time and the time of the Salaf on how to deal with Khawarij.
If you want to act like israel and apply israeli logic go ahead. You’ll be just as bad as khawarijites then.
We don’t fight with emotions. Islam has set clear rules and boundaries for us in war.
Hasn't the Indian NSA already publicly declared, "India will fight Pak till the last Afgan"?
So you admit Afghanistan is a distraction by india. Why focus all your resources ti create a 50 kms buffer in Afghanistan when you’re admitting Indians are behind it?
They're implementing it in verbatim as they're even destroying your military aircrafts via Afgans.
Where is ISI? Why do they make Jihad in Kashmir harder?
What you’re describing is a proxy war. You fight back with proxies.
There’s many in Afghanistan who are against Taliban and TTP. ISI needs to step up its game.
Every Afgan is now a potential threat to Pakistan.
This is israeli logic. They say the same for every Palestinian.
Aren't the fallen soldiers and civilians in Pakistan Muslim too? How can you reconcile with this?
I reconcile by putting my trust in Allah and following the Quran and Sunnah.
I reconcile by learning how the first three generations of Muslims dealt with khawarij.
We must fight and eliminate Khawarijites. But we also don’t stoop down to their level and start killing innocents like they do and become tyrants.
Your reconciliation might be levelling Afghanistan and setting up 50 kms buffer zone and depopulate the area. I don’t see that as reconciliation. I see that as signing Pakistan’s death certificate.

I advocate for Pakistan to deal with Afghan issue covertly without having to openly start another war and send more Pakistani soldiers to die. You advocate for Pakistan to overtly start a war with Afghanistan while our forces are stretched thin and we have enemies surrounding us on all sides and internally.
Clearly you haven’t learned from how big of a blunder war on terror was for Pakistan.
You have examples from Ali R.A. time and the time of the Salaf on how to deal with Khawarij.
If you want to act like israel and apply israeli logic go ahead. You’ll be just as bad as khawarijites then.
We don’t fight with emotions. Islam has set clear rules and boundaries for us in war.

So you admit Afghanistan is a distraction by india. Why focus all your resources ti create a 50 kms buffer in Afghanistan when you’re admitting Indians are behind it?

Where is ISI? Why do they make Jihad in Kashmir harder?
What you’re describing is a proxy war. You fight back with proxies.
There’s many in Afghanistan who are against Taliban and TTP. ISI needs to step up its game.

This is israeli logic. They say the same for every Palestinian.

I reconcile by putting my trust in Allah and following the Quran and Sunnah.
I reconcile by learning how the first three generations of Muslims dealt with khawarij.
We must fight and eliminate Khawarijites. But we also don’t stoop down to their level and start killing innocents like they do and become tyrants.
Your reconciliation might be levelling Afghanistan and setting up 50 kms buffer zone and depopulate the area. I don’t see that as reconciliation. I see that as signing Pakistan’s death certificate.

I advocate for Pakistan to deal with Afghan issue covertly without having to openly start another war and send more Pakistani soldiers to die. You advocate for Pakistan to overtly start a war with Afghanistan while our forces are stretched thin and we have enemies surrounding us on all sides and internally.
Clearly you haven’t learned from how big of a blunder war on terror was for Pakistan.

The only way to deal with the Afghan problem is to effectively counter pashtunism

It's ethnocentric jahilat amongst the afghans and Baloch too to be fair that has created endless fassad

We can use faith or nationalism to try and counter it but it's been 75:years and they are still mindless levels of stupid, the tribals especially are strange mixture of man and donkey
Don't project your own complexes onto others. I've been around plenty of Pakistanis, its most certainly not a sense of submissiveness or inferiority, maybe you pakistani liberals are projecting your own submissiveness and inferiority complex towards the white man. lol
I'm not a liberal, and yes it is very much a sense of submissiveness no matter how much you want to deny it.

India is to Israel, what Pakistanis are to their ummah bros (specifically Turks and Afghans). One sided submissive bootlicking.
Alhamdulillah we are Muslim and believe in the Ummah.
Islam first.
I would take an Afghan Muslim over a Pakistani murtad any day.
These “not equals” and “low class dogs” have taught kuffar many hard lessons. They will take the head of a kaffir and win in this world and the next.
You can cry all you want. Murtad etho nats are miserable in this world and will never get accepted by white man. They will be miserable and burn in hell in the next world as well In Sha Allah.
Cope and cry.
Ummah comes first.
Anyone who has a problem can try fighting the Ummah. We will reunite you will all the others who tried to fight us.
I'm not a murtad, nor an ethno-nat nor have any complexes with the white man but it says a lot that you felt the need to bring that up because I told you that your submissive bootlicking is one sided slavery.

There's a reason you have no respect globally not even among your ummah, and I doubt you will ever unite for anything as seen firsthand in Palestine.
The first and foremost concern that Pakistan should have is the elimination of TTP. TTP must be eliminated at all cost in Afghanistan. Everything else is secondary at this point and time.
Iran and Afghanistan are brotherly countries. Some people here have Indian agenda upfront.

There is no reason for Pakistan to interfere nor fight Afghanistan. Except the elimination of TTP. Our only enemy in Afghanistan is the TTP. It is problematic as long as TTP continues to use Afghan soil to launch attacks inside Pakistan. The Taliban must understand and address this problem.
The biggest problem is ummah chummah in pak, Turks are nationalist whilst majority of pak people are islamist cucks!!!!
You're welcome to criticize people for their faults or failings, but don't go about mocking a concept that Allah (SWT) Himself conveyed to us - i.e., "Ummah."


Eagle Eye

Mar 22

🚨 Details of PAF CT Airstrikes in #Afghanistan on 18 March 2024

▪️3 trans-frontier targets were simultaneously engaged by PAF assets.

▪️Hideouts of Hafiz Gul Bahadar
group (involved in suicide attack on 16 March in Mir Ali, North Waziristan)
were selected as targets. Details of hideouts:

• Target-1: Abdullah alias Tobagar, Paktika. Compound has been
completely destroyed.

▪ Causalities: 2x terrorists killed, 5x injured.

▪ Abdullah Shah alias Tobagar was not present, remained safe.

• Target-2: Hassan Gul alias Toofan, Khost. Markaz of Commander
Hassan Gul alias Toofan in Spera, Khost was engaged.

▪ Causalities: 4x terrorists killed (including Commander Naimat
Ullah alias Zakir) & 3 injured.

• Target-3: Farman alias Akrama, Khost. Markaz of Commander Farman alias Akrama in Spera, Khost was engaged.

▪ Causalities: 3x terrorists killed & 1 injured.

▪ Collateral: Nil.

• Target-4: Moeez Khan alias Moeezgai, Paktika. Target was aborted at last moment due to possibility of high collateral.

➢ Summary:
• Casualties: 9x terrorists killed and 7-9 x injured.

➢ Note:
• Overall, as per sources 18 terrorists were killed & 9-12 injured.
• Reports regarding injury of commander Mufti Sadiq Noor alias
Talha, Deputy to Hafiz Gul Bahadar and killing of Molvi Jehadyar, Samiullah & Qari Abid have also been received.

You're welcome to criticize people for their faults or failings, but don't go about mocking a concept that Allah (SWT) Himself conveyed to us - i.e., "Ummah."

View attachment 28242
I think he's mocking the Pakistanis here, not the concept.

The ummah is a legitimate and valid concept in Islam but the key is that it is built upon mutual respect and equality.

Pseudo Pejeet Pakistanis instead become like Indians do to Israelis, if you are being takfired by someone, they are mocking your women, and killing you, but you keep crying brother brother

Then you are incredibly pathetic
This whole Afghan problem is way more complex than many believe to think. First of all, we still have hundreds of thousands of undocumented Afghans living inside our country. Hell, recently there was a story that a few illegal Afghans even got into the army, with one reaching the rank of captain. It's not going to be easy to kick them out.

Secondly, if the Afghans take action against TTP, then they themselves face its onslaught. There's a probable chance of TTP joining Daesh or creating a new faction within the Taliban itself.

Bombing them into oblivion won't work either. We need to hurt them diplomatically and economically. We need to close the border crossings indefinitely, ally with Tajikistan and Iran, and form a coalition against Afghans. Maybe start by asking Qatar to kick them out of their office.
I think he's mocking the Pakistanis here, not the concept.

The ummah is a legitimate and valid concept in Islam but the key is that it is built upon mutual respect and equality.

Pseudo Pejeet Pakistanis instead become like Indians do to Israelis, if you are being takfired by someone, they are mocking your women, and killing you, but you keep crying brother brother

Then you are incredibly pathetic
"Ummah chummah" is clearly a mockery of the concept. I'm fine with people critiquing Pakistanis for not being strong enough, or not rejecting foreign interference from the likes of KSA, Iran, Afghanistan, etc (all of which are govt that don't care care about the Ummah). But there's no need to drag the actual concept through the mud, especially when it was coined and taught by God.
First of all, we still have hundreds of thousands of undocumented Afghans living inside our country. Hell, recently there was a story that a few illegal Afghans even got into the army, with one reaching the rank of captain. It's not going to be easy to kick them out.
One solution is to give citizenship amnesty to all non-Pakistanis living in Pakistan as long as they do not have criminal record. We need our CAA.
One solution is to give citizenship amnesty to all non-Pakistanis living in Pakistan as long as they do not have criminal record. We need our CAA.
Criminal History can be cleared by giving 50-100k Rishwat in big cities and 10K in small cities . That never gonna happen. The only way is to isolate the afghan state. When are they gonna "graduate" from their tribal culture. 40 year of constant infighting and wars. They have millions of young people ( Infact they are the youngest population in the world). And crime pays , terrorism pays more... that the issue
Don't project your own complexes onto others. I've been around plenty of Pakistanis, its most certainly not a sense of submissiveness or inferiority, maybe you pakistani liberals are projecting your own submissiveness and inferiority complex towards the white man. lol
They do indeed project because they worship at the altar of the Kaffirs.

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