Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

About time! it is required that there software should be updated like Iran, i found it hilarious yesterday when i saw this (Azadi Square)

Now thats the way sofware is updated. one gets respect when the one has the big stick!


These afghanis want to be Flashed! you know what i mean! i once heard that these afghani are the lost tribe of Jews
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Let them! These MOD EDIT are only good for some minor sneak attacks!
The clowns can't even hold their own territory and they plan to plan another entire nation with a powerful and motivated people.
This is perfect. Now we have all the excuses to bomb the crap out of their country. I hope we use white phosphorus weapons at the very least. We need to be as brutal as possible. Brutality is the only language these savages understand.
come on, i wonder if its Afghanistan Taliban plan or Pakistan Taliban.
if Pakistan Taliban it seems like several year ago they are begging for another round of spanking
It's an Afghan* plan.

Afghans have been trying such invasions for around a century now.

They spread their legs for the Soviets in hopes that they would invade Pakistan next. Hell, they even proposed an alliance with Nazi Germany in hopes they would conquer Karachi and give Afghanis a port.

You would think Israel would be the one constantly bombing Pakistani civilians and claiming their land, but it is actually Afghanistan and its proxies which have killed almost 100,000 Pakistanis. That is more casualties than every battle with India and every American drone strike combined many times over.

Afghanistan needs to be dismantled.
These afghanis want to be Flashed! you know what i mean! i once heard that these afghani are the lost tribe of Jews
That's Israeli propaganda and hilariously now a lot of our Pathans believe in this too, especially the Pusthun supremacists.
About time! it is required that there software should be updated like Iran, i found it hilarious yesterday when i saw this (Azadi Square)

Now thats the way sofware is updated. one gets respect when the one has the big stick!
why should you find it hilarious? Iran was the first country to recognise Pakistan's independence in 1947
More than half of the population 15,415,620 are illiterate.
A country of pedophiles and drug addicts with a GDP smaller than Faisalabad and a population half of Karachi's wants to invade the largest Muslim country in the world which spent the last 20 years training to defeat the US, Israel and India in a war....
Shah's Iran was very different from Ayatollah's Iran.
Indeed. Post 1979 Iran has nothing in common with Pahlavi era Iran. A sanctioned hellhole that is on life support of afghan,pakistani and arab militias rather than its own people. Most of IR's supporters are also foreigners.

Even that onion spider flag on the Azadi (Built by Shah) tower is imposed on us.
Shah's Iran was very different from Ayatollah's Iran.
and Pakistan of 1947 is the same as Pakistan of 2024?

by the way Pahlavi's themselves only came to power in Iran in 1925, so obviously there are lots of changes if you go forwards or backwards in time, but the facts remain the same.
Last time, we killed like 40 ANA, time for 400 now. This could be a blessing in disguise, as these rats leave their caves and come into the open, in numbers, the rest PAF takes care of....Pakistan should 'allow' them assemble, and then comb the fk out of them.

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