Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Muslim as in I was born into a family with a muslim background and have a muslim surname?

Or Muslim as believing in la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah, and an akhirah and following the teachings of rasoolallah?
what are u trying to get at.
What a waste of time, money and effort if this Turkish wall is only going to be 2.75m high, it would need to be about 4 - 5m to be effective.
what are u trying to get at.

Why would you mock Pakistanis for having dignity and a sense of solidarity with other muslims outside of their own ethno/cultural grouping? Its one of the things I admire about ordinary Pakistanis and its based on Haqq on the saying of rasoolallah that the believers is like a body, when a limb aches, the whole body is in pain. There is also the narration regarding the Akhirah that you will not enter jannah as whatever background you are, but you will enter as Ummat al Muhammad.

There are a thousand things wrong with Pakistan, caring for other muslims and empathy for other outside of their ethnic group is not one of them.

Whenever I see this "Umma Chumma" BS talking point, its always a crypto murtad that usually makes it, there is a pattern that I have observed over the years.

The Iranian murtad hates, Turks, Arabs and Pakistanis, he will say Arabs hate them and that Iran should not care about Palestine, and should only care about their own ethnic group. He looks down on the Pakistani seeing him as backwards/primitive and poor. The Arab Murtad is similar, he hates the ottomans and any sense of solidarity with Turks, and will label them as colonizers, he hates the Iranian and looks down on the Pakistani seeing him as backwards/primitive and poor, he will say who cares about Kashmir, we should care only about our issue, and that "they don't care about us". The Pakistani murtad similarly has an antagonism with the other 3, and label any sort of solidarity as "Umma Chumma", and followed up with "they hate us, we should only care about ourselves and this Umma empathy is a "scam".
Thats above 70-80% pak people, They literally think they are either Afghans or turks, They would any day support the afghans over pak.
The other day a Moluvi during sermon in the mosque in islamabad praised the taliban for attacking pak army in waziristan and the people sitting there did nothing, It would atleast take 50 years to flush this ummah chummah cancer and then we can think about doing what u elaborated the turkish way!!!

You ignorant fool. Wow. Happy when fighting each other
It’s difficult to be a Turk for you’re fighting against the world, and it’s more difficult not to be a Turk for you’re fighting against the Turks – Fatih Sultan Mehmert Han, the Conqueror of Constantinople

There are three ways of doing a thing: the right way, the wrong way, and the Turkish way (paraphrasing a monologue from the movie, The General’s Daughter)

IMO, the Pak Deep State can do the following to make some improvements vis-a-vis the Afghanistan problem using the Turkish methods:
  • Declare Afganistan as an existential threat. So, the mood should be: no price is too high, and shoot first and think later.
  • Give a one month notice to all the Afgans inside Pakistan to move out. The remaining ones would be forced out – dead or alive – within the next 6 months.
  • Henceforth, the border is closed sine die.
  • Make a 50km buffer zone - depopulated and devoid of any sort of infrastructures - off the border inside Afganistan. Any moving thing there is considered as an imminent threat, so to be neutralized.
  • Any military move from Afganistan is to be harshly dealt with by crippling her leadership, infrastructure, communications, economy etc.
  • Afganistan isn’t allowed to have any noticeable miliary capability like air force, armored, medium to long range artillery etc.
  • Make extensive use of “robotic” technologies to enforce the above steps. Turkey manufactures all such gadgets. Get a TOT for local R&D and production.
  • Take a temporary control over the Wakhan corridor. When the Afgans behave like rational human beings it'll be returned to them.
  • Only when a third of Pak’s male population is gone the above policies will be revisited.
  • Etc.
*A third of the male population in the Ottoman Empire embraced Shehadet even when the Saltanat was going down.
Is Turkish way the way of Talking big while children in Palestine starve while allowing oil to Israel?
Thats above 70-80% pak people, They literally think they are either Afghans or turks, They would any day support the afghans over pak.
The other day a Moluvi during sermon in the mosque in islamabad praised the taliban for attacking pak army in waziristan and the people sitting there did nothing, It would atleast take 50 years to flush this ummah chummah cancer and then we can think about doing what u elaborated the turkish way!!!

The Pakistanis are mental slaves to what they call the ummah. They are not equals in any structure but they act like low class dogs that worship them.
Is Turkish way the way of Talking big while children in Palestine starve while allowing oil to Israel?

Turkey is not an oil producer. The oil is merely transported through Turkey and sold to third parties, when then sell it on to other places, there is very little leverage Turkey has with regards to this matter. B/c the oil is supplied via ships, it not dependent on source, even if Turkey tried banning exports, there is no way to ensure that the oil would not be sold to more middlemen and then bought by whoever. Not to mention it would not be difficult for the Israelis to buy the glut of Russian oil that is on the market, so in the end it does more damage to Turkey than any sort of damage to the Israelis. These sorts of measures are very difficult to control, as you can see with the EU having difficulty in cracking down on middlemen buy and selling Russian oil off ghost fleet ships.
As far as @Hakikat ve Hikmet is concerned, he wants Tajik/Uzbek rule over Afghanistan as they are kin to the Turks and is Anti-Pashtun. He wants to use the Pak Army for the completion of his agenda of overthrow of the Taliban.

As far as the Turks or the Arabs before them are concerned, they were once great nations whom Allah gave the responsibility of the leadership of the Muslim Ummah. At present the Turks are degenerated as can be evidenced from their actions or in-actions over Palestine. Arabs are also degenerated as they cannot defend themselves.

So, Allah will find a new people that is strong, bold and brave to lead the Muslims.

If the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan unite and implement Shariah and its effective economic policies, then they can rise out of American slavery and lead the Muslims of the region.

In the last few decades the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan have defeated America and Russia, so, I am hopeful of unity for the future.

As I have said before, we need to make the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) stronger and make it into a Muslim European Union.
The same Turkiy that its young men are killed every week in iraq and syria?
Are yours not killed, that too literally *inside* your country?

A terrorist attack inside Turkey is rare precisely because Turkey is not submissive and retains a strong sense of regional dominance and aggressive self defensive posture. It's people sleep safe at night.

I can't say the same for Pakistanis. There's no comparison.
As far as @Hakikat ve Hikmet is concerned, he wants Tajik/Uzbek rule over Afghanistan as they are kin to the Turks and is Anti-Pashtun. He wants to use the Pak Army for the completion of his agenda of overthrow of the Taliban.
This sounds much like when Zionists cry about anti-semitism despite what was said bring entirely truthful.

The fact is that it is Pashtun irredentists on the Afghan side that are responsible for all the war and violence and lack of good relations.

A Tajik rule would objectively be better. Don't feel personally attacked.

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