Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Trying to annex Afghan territory is a bad idea for multiple reasons.

1) The military cost will be not worth the hassel
2) If you want a uniting factor in Afghanistan its this, invade their territory and they have perfect excuse to wage war. 20+ years of Nato bombing didnt change their ways what do you think will change here.

What should be done is establish a red line, if you host terrorists and they attack us we hold you responsible and will retaliate accordingly. In the meantime seal off the Afghan border, it will cost lots of $ but its better to start soon than keep watching terrorism grow. Ask your allues in Europe and the US to fund it, PDM 2.0 are after all the answer to all of Paks problems.

Also strong alliances need to be established with factions in Afghanistan, it must be mutual respectful and trust worthy to grow economic ties and improve on the human suffering on both sides. Its important to start a process of literacy and education so the next generation want to pick up the pen rather than the AK47 to fight.

It may also necessary to move some forces from the eastern border to the western to beef up security.

Problem with politicians is they want quick results, these things are seldom quick to resolve they can take decades if the right focus and posture is established.
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Why are you dragging Indians.

Can't admins see ip address ?? One guy's flag says chinese residence, other is Pakistani resident.
Jamie & Anti-Youth / Anti-Pakistani named guy is the same person 100%.

He could be using VPN. He made another account yesterday when just to like his own posts lol and reply acknowledging his own posts. Also he is such a duffer that both of his accounts comes online one after another. First he write posts with one account and then his second account comes online and likes it & aknowledges it. Same stuff he done in this thread, same pattern in other thread. I think he is 10 years old.

He may not be indian. But, only an anti-Pakistani or otherwise seriously dumb person would want Pakistan to start a war with either Taliban or Iran. Same mentality guys pushed pakistan into WoT and burned the whole country by introducing terrorism in once peaceful country. We never heard about suicide bombings in the 90's,

These low IQ guys have audacity to speak nonsense which everyone can see will end Pakistan as a state. No country on earth can survive a 3-front situation. The same amateurs are running this policy of pushing the country towards destruction. These anti-Youth, anti-Pakistan guys are existential threat to the nation.
Jamie & Anti-Youth / Anti-Pakistani named guy is the same person 100%.

He could be using VPN. He made another account yesterday when just to like his own posts lol and reply acknowledging his own posts. Also he is such a duffer that both of his accounts comes online one after another. First he write posts with one account and then his second account comes online and likes it & aknowledges it. Same stuff he done in this thread, same pattern in other thread. I think he is 10 years old.

He may not be indian. But, only an anti-Pakistani or otherwise seriously dumb person would want Pakistan to start a war with either Taliban or Iran. Same mentality guys pushed pakistan into WoT and burned the whole country by introducing terrorism in once peaceful country. We never heard about suicide bombings in the 90's,

These low IQ guys have audacity to speak nonsense which everyone can see will end Pakistan as a state. No country on earth can survive a 3-front situation. The same amateurs are running this policy of pushing the country towards destruction. These anti-Youth, anti-Pakistan guys are existential threat to the nation.
Something is seriously wrong with you buddy, claiming me to be someone named Jamie.

Clearly you can't engage with him and now having paranoia
Before all that you need to win back public's support, biggest national security threat right now is not India or TTP or any other domestic or foreign group
Its people of Pakistan apathy towards thier own security forces and political system

If you don't get your domestic narrative in line, I am afraid we are fighting a losing battle
This is not healthy
Before all that you need to win back public's support, biggest national security threat right now is not India or TTP or any other domestic or foreign group
Its people of Pakistan apathy towards thier own security forces and political system

If you don't get your domestic narrative in line, I am afraid we are fighting a losing battle
This is not healthy

First - Pakistan needs a strong government which is backed by the military and the people of Pakistan, once we have the military, government and people on one page we will be able to deal with alot of problems. When we had militants operating in tribal areas, our armed forces were stuck, they couldn't take action due to backlash from its own citizens and JUI/JI and allies but once the people of Pakistan had enough and PPP and Mqm openly supported military actions then Raheel Sharif took the war to the terrorists and defeated them. Unfortunately once he left we have been on the backfoot ever since.

2nd - The people government should be making major reforms to upgrade the old corrupt system, so that people of Pakistan are given justice, security, education, health, reduce corruption and mafias. This will bring unity within the population and give hope where people are proud of its nation and united.

3rd - Pakistan needs to upgrade its security forces in the tribal areas and Balochistan, we have the ill equiped Frontier corps which so far have failed to destroy militancy. News used to come out back in 2006 that Pakistan will upgrade its Frontier corps, give them better weaponry and protection but nothing significant has been done.
Wouldn't it be better to disband all frontier Corps and annex them in to Rangers. So we will have powerful unified ranger corps. Will end up with 4 rangers corps, Punjab, KPK, Sindh and Balochistan, train them to police the sensitive areas, train them to tackle militancy, they should be professional at dealing with the locals and militants, should be able to protect human rights, the regular army should not be used or only used to assist in fighting because they are trained to kill and not patrolling streets.

But looking at our history, I can't hope much.
First - Pakistan needs a strong government which is backed by the military and the people of Pakistan, once we have the military, government and people on one page we will be able to deal with alot of problems. When we had militants operating in tribal areas, our armed forces were stuck, they couldn't take action due to backlash from its own citizens and JUI/JI and allies but once the people of Pakistan had enough and PPP and Mqm openly supported military actions then Raheel Sharif took the war to the terrorists and defeated them. Unfortunately once he left we have been on the backfoot ever since.

2nd - The people government should be making major reforms to upgrade the old corrupt system, so that people of Pakistan are given justice, security, education, health, reduce corruption and mafias. This will bring unity within the population and give hope where people are proud of its nation and united.

3rd - Pakistan needs to upgrade its security forces in the tribal areas and Balochistan, we have the ill equiped Frontier corps which so far have failed to destroy militancy. News used to come out back in 2006 that Pakistan will upgrade its Frontier corps, give them better weaponry and protection but nothing significant has been done.
Wouldn't it be better to disband all frontier Corps and annex them in to Rangers. So we will have powerful unified ranger corps. Will end up with 4 rangers corps, Punjab, KPK, Sindh and Balochistan, train them to police the sensitive areas, train them to tackle militancy, they should be professional at dealing with the locals and militants, should be able to protect human rights, the regular army should not be used or only used to assist in fighting because they are trained to kill and not patrolling streets.

But looking at our history, I can't hope much.
Finally something sensible
I'm sure people have seen the discourse lately following PAFs air raids against TTP targets and how poor Pakistan's narrative building has been and how it is essentially on the backfoot.

First of all, strategically Pakistan is behaving like it's the weak one on the backfoot due to its own insecure mindset.

Pakistan should make an official claim on Wakhan corridor to counter any Afghan claim. It should be diplomatically aggressive and show it won't tolerate anti-Pakistan sentiment from Afghanistan. It should consider establishing a buffer zone at the border.

Secondly, Pakistan's state peddled narrative through educational curriculum, state-media and other forms has created a very submissive and inferiority ridden population. We have apologists for those who have harmed us in the most brutal ways, even our children.

These cowards are only tough against Indians, they beg for forgiveness and slavery when it comes to everyone else, especially their Muslim brothers who just call them kaffirs.

Two things need addressing:

1. An intricate state information network to peddle narratives that are in favour of Pakistan in the public. This means journalists, news channels, think tanks, and just public figures with large followings. Armed forces accounts alone are not enough!

2. The state narrative needs a clear shift. The slavery complex and cuckoldery is quite frankly embarrassing and shameful. They need a backbone of independence.

3. PAKISTAN STATE APPARATUS NEEDS TO BE AGGRESSIVE, make counter claims against Afghans, threaten harsh retaliation, consider buffer zones, annexing Wakhan. They need to FEEL they crossed your red line. Not your shaky words.

Pak needs to learn to grow a spine and be independent and aggressive in self defence, no need to be apologetic.

@Mrc @hussain @hussain0216 @RescueRanger @Signalian @Panzerkiel @ghazi52
This post seems to be China-sponsored commie blog suggesting that Pak also become a single-party state and all domestic and foreign affairs and media be controlled directly by one party.

Such propaganda or "narrative building" works only locally, it has no impact on a global level. If it did North Korea would be considered stronger than USA.
This post seems to be China-sponsored commie blog suggesting that Pak also become a single-party state and all domestic and foreign affairs and media be controlled directly by one party.

Such propaganda or "narrative building" works only locally, it has no impact on a global level. If it did North Korea would be considered stronger than USA.
I am against democracy but its a stretch to connect me to China. Are you a youthiya?

Narrative building does have impact beyond your borders actually, perception management means a lot in certain scenarios

Terrorist groups are way more likely to attack obviously disorganised and coward states.
Something is seriously wrong with you buddy, claiming me to be someone named Jamie.

Clearly you can't engage with him and now having paranoia

haha.. you are my source of entertainment, :)

I was taking your class when you had the name by 'jamie' , you know pretty well you were get your behind handed over to you and all of a sudden a new account is made lol, you posted same stuff in a new topic by a totally fresh account, you posted same silly delusional notes, same grammar, and your other account jamie liking and acknowledging with you. My question is why you had to make a new account? A new member will usually comment on other topics first, people will get to know him. Its pretty obvious to understand that you made a new account. You are caught with your pants down.

Look reactions on your post & on your profile are mostly of laugh. You are hillarious! nobody is taking you serious! you want complete sensor of information, what a joke you are !!
I am against democracy but its a stretch to connect me to China. Are you a youthiya?

LMAO - This guy asking everyone are you a youthiya? Do you see your paranoia and your panic attacks. I feel so amused seeing your pityful situation. A kind of cult which is facing severe panic attacks and in totally unable to see the ever growing popularity & greatness of Pakistan's grestest personality Imran khan! :)

Btw, You know the super majority of the nation voted for Imran khan. So in essence, according to you whole of nation (or most of it) is youthiya. The defected cases likes of yours thought that naming the entire nation as youthiya will make any effect but instead entire nation became proud of being youthiya :))

The election results have proven that entire pakistanis follow the great khan (so according to you all of them are imrandus) so don't be surprised when people start referring you n ur parents as imrandus rather than pakistanis. As that's the name you have given it to Pakistanis. ;)

lol! what entertainment right in the morning to start with.

I think you need to change your name to Pro-Pakistani - Proud Youthiya !!! hahahaha
It’s difficult to be a Turk for you’re fighting against the world, and it’s more difficult not to be a Turk for you’re fighting against the Turks – Fatih Sultan Mehmert Han, the Conqueror of Constantinople

There are three ways of doing a thing: the right way, the wrong way, and the Turkish way (paraphrasing a monologue from the movie, The General’s Daughter)

IMO, the Pak Deep State can do the following to make some improvements vis-a-vis the Afghanistan problem using the Turkish methods:
  • Declare Afganistan as an existential threat. So, the mood should be: no price is too high, and shoot first and think later.
  • Give a one month notice to all the Afgans inside Pakistan to move out. The remaining ones would be forced out – dead or alive – within the next 6 months.
  • Henceforth, the border is closed sine die.
  • Make a 50km buffer zone - depopulated and devoid of any sort of infrastructures - off the border inside Afganistan. Any moving thing there is considered as an imminent threat, so to be neutralized.
  • Any military move from Afganistan is to be harshly dealt with by crippling her leadership, infrastructure, communications, economy etc.
  • Afganistan isn’t allowed to have any noticeable miliary capability like air force, armored, medium to long range artillery etc.
  • Make extensive use of “robotic” technologies to enforce the above steps. Turkey manufactures all such gadgets. Get a TOT for local R&D and production.
  • Take a temporary control over the Wakhan corridor. When the Afgans behave like rational human beings it'll be returned to them.
  • Only when a third of Pak’s male population is gone the above policies will be revisited.
  • Etc.
*A third of the male population in the Ottoman Empire embraced Shehadet even when the Saltanat was going down.
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Are you talking of the Pakistan-Afg Conflict or the Afghan refugee problem?

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