Pak Army Lt. Colonel & Others Safely Released !

It's the same in the UK

London and the southern counties provide a disproportionate and massive proportion of the UK GDP

These northern areas are backwards, not as bad as KP and Balochistan but the same kind of thing

A underclass of people, blaming outsiders for all their ills and problems, not contributing to the country or state

So London and the South takes the burden for the north, but I like Pakistan the police and security have arrested THOUSANDS iven long sentences, any support for terrorism or violence is crushed and people prosecuted

We allow these backwards areas like the tribal ko to fester in backwardness and just accept the people there can't improve or behave

This is unacceptable
Bad governance always blames the ills on the people. Look at China and how President Xi (together with previous Presidents) transformed China. Same can happen to Pakistan if the anchor of corruption and corrupts is removed. Corruption is the root cause of all evil in Pakistan : from Ghost teachers to equipment being stolen from schools and colleges, from nepotic promotions to fixed elections, from fake degrees to fake MNAs and huge Swiss accounts, it just goes on and on to create what Pakistan is today. It's easy to stick the boot in and very hard to make a region successful.
but we have people like the tribal pashtuns or the baloch who are the kind of backward idiots you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy

And we can't allow the country to be blackmailed by these scumbags because they can't evolve as human beings or look to improve their lives beyond blaming everyone else

@RescueRanger why is this stuff allowed in the forum?

Is racism only a problem when someone brings up British Pakistanis but dehumanizing rhetoric is allowed against other Pakistanis?

Because if you’re gonna remove my posts applying my logic to what he said to what the far right says about British Pakistanis then why not remove the posts with open racist and dehumanizing rhetoric?

Calling groups of people “scumbags” and “backward idiots you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy” is allowed?
@RescueRanger why is this stuff allowed in the forum?

Is racism only a problem when someone brings up British Pakistanis but dehumanizing rhetoric is allowed against other Pakistanis?

Because if you’re gonna remove my posts applying my logic to what he said to what the far right says about British Pakistanis then why not remove the posts with open racist and dehumanizing rhetoric?

Calling groups of people “scumbags” and “backward idiots you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy” is allowed?
Bahi jaaan,

report and it will be reviewed. Your posts were deleted because you shared a far right islamophobic Twitter handle.
@RescueRanger why is this stuff allowed in the forum?

Is racism only a problem when someone brings up British Pakistanis but dehumanizing rhetoric is allowed against other Pakistanis?

Because if you’re gonna remove my posts applying my logic to what he said to what the far right says about British Pakistanis then why not remove the posts with open racist and dehumanizing rhetoric?

Calling groups of people “scumbags” and “backward idiots you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy” is allowed?

I'm not talking about the general poor population, I'm talking about those who embrace ignorance, xenophobia, supremacist ideology and support the murder of innocent people on busses or kids at schools, TTP, BLA level stuff
This is a final warning, any more abusive, troll or racist posts and I will simply thread ban people.

Please discuss without resort to mudslining.

Thank you.
Bad governance always blames the ills on the people. Look at China and how President Xi (together with previous Presidents) transformed China. Same can happen to Pakistan if the anchor of corruption and corrupts is removed. Corruption is the root cause of all evil in Pakistan : from Ghost teachers to equipment being stolen from schools and colleges, from nepotic promotions to fixed elections, from fake degrees to fake MNAs and huge Swiss accounts, it just goes on and on to create what Pakistan is today. It's easy to stick the boot in and very hard to make a region successful.
Yes but when like some here, you start blaming all your ills on Munir, Nadeem, 9th May and Bajwa then the trouble will not go away. I'm not saying others are faultless but dumping it all on one party or institution is never the solution.
Yes but when like some here, you start blaming all your ills on Munir, Nadeem, 9th May and Bajwa then the trouble will not go away. I'm not saying others are faultless but dumping it all on one party or institution is never the solution.
Well said,

It's easy to dump blame on others. Balochistan was bubbling since well before PTI took office and long after IK was in office.

Ignored issues of marginalised people tend to blow up in your face. But in Pakistan our betters have adopted the strategy of burying their heads in the sand.
We need to launch major military operations ASAP before the situation deteriorates any further.

I’m sure our garrisons are being prepared for an imminent response.
With that approach you will antagonize most of the public, because they see there is a simple political option to redress many of the legitimate complaints, and the powers that be will be choosing an ultimately futile approach unnecessarily. The region having experienced decades of turmoil, doesn’t seem keen on allowing a return to the uncertainty of those days past. A new approach is needed, a smarter approach, with the support of locals. Separate the public from the miscreants. Turn the public from apathetic against to more than just apathetic supportive. Turn them into an integral part of the strategy to combat the miscreants.

You can’t fight, if not a majority, a plurality of the public.

Remember this is an officer from this area. If the local public doesn’t support the state against this action, it should indicate the limit of public support to the current political setup.

The writ of the state has been challenged with this act. Testing the public’s patience with such inflammatory statements is foolhardiness. Empowering local law enforcement to find, fix, and neutralize the kidnappers and rescue the troops will demonstrate the ability of the state to go after those responsible and spare the rest of the public from being dragged into this.

I know it must be a tough option, but to demonstrate the state, via a vi police commandos (as Independent Malaysia, not the British in Malaysia, did with its police commandos and is the global benchmark of how to do effective COIN, the second Malay emergency not the first), can find and go after those responsible, quickly and effectively, while rescuing the kidnapped will deter others from consider such actions next time.

Furthermore SOPs need to be changed. All soldiers, enlisted or officers, on leave and in restive areas, should travel with a small encrypted and discreet GPS device with a “panic button”, so that a QRF force (a nearby drone) can quickly come to monitor the situation and relay to higher command the situation awareness to quickly and conclusively decide on how to resolve the matter, one way or another.

P.s. It may seem inappropriate to bring up the political element here, but many well done military ops and even whole campaigns as part of COIN have been wasted due to poor political decisions.
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One humiliation after another still our focus is to keep Khan in jail and steal elections and let criminal's rule. The Lt Colonel and others need to be rescued and those who kidnapped needs to be hunted down. And finally, both Iran and Afghanistan need to be sent a message to either finish TTP and BLA themselves otherwise in few months we would do it on our own.I mean inside their countries.
Thread was closed for moderation. Off topic posts deleted- sadly some people can't follow simple advice and are now on a well deserved vacation from PDF.
These guys have probably been hidden away in Afghanistan by now. I doubt they'll be recovered without accepting prisoner swap.

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