Pak Army Lt. Colonel & Others Safely Released !

Chutyas like you are only good at barking obscenities, just shows your pathetic upbringing.
Sitting in some western city only able to talk from your backside .
That's all you are good at . Born idiot .
ouch, dont have the audacity to accept the reality 😘.. thats why u will break up Pakistan, imbecile fool !
Off course it's my country, despite living abroad most of my life, my main investment is in Pakistan . Off course it has shortcomings but some morons here think they are doing or achieving something by running back to whatever happened before most of us were born.
As the saying goes, barking dogs seldom bite....better to do something than proving how tough you are on the Internet.

Good luck. 👍
Off course it's my country, despite living abroad most of my life, my main investment is in Pakistan . Off course it has shortcomings but some morons here think they are doing or achieving something by running back to whatever happened before most of us were born.
As the saying goes, barking dogs seldom bite....better to do something than proving how tough you are on the Internet.

The world is a dangerous place, the people who don't build or work for Pakistan will be left high and dry like the German Jew whe . Europe and others places implode

In the recent riots I was laughing at the murtads and runaway Iranians who have burnt bridges with their home countries and have nowhere to run to if the west goes under
And I agree, their are too many corrupts

And a man who is corrupt and greedy deserves to be punished, but their crimes are understandable, we all have greed within us

But Pakistan will prevail, this nation WILL NOT fall mark my words
This country is 250 million.people with a core conservative patriotic population, but we have also millions of ethnocentric jahil lanats

Foreign countries will indeed take advantage, but we have people like the tribal pashtuns or the baloch who are the kind of backward idiots you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy

And we can't allow the country to be blackmailed by these scumbags because they can't evolve as human beings or look to improve their lives beyond blaming everyone else

You do realise that the Pasthun and Baloch that you term as backward idiots have major provinces that are part of Pakistan? These derogatory words were once also used against Bengalis. In the end Bengalis parted ways and everyone kept shouting Pakistan is unbreakable.
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ouch, dont have the audacity to accept the reality 😘.. thats why u will break up Pakistan, imbecile fool !
OK, Pakistan has 101 faults, everything from bad governance to corruption to military involvement....what next, would repeating the same lines or running around like a headless chicken solve anything or maybe better to get up from your backside and do something about it .
You do realise that the Pasthun and Baloch that you term as backward idiots have provinces that are part of Pakistan? These words were once also used against Bengalis. In the end Bengalis parted way and everyone kept shouting Pakistan is unbreakable.

A honest good man should be respected as a honest good man regardless of where he is from

We have to admit those areas have been a drain on the country for decades, the people there simply show no will to change.
They don't understand how dangerous this world is for all of us let alone Muslims

We need to make Pakistan a success whatever the costs and these people have become a block that now has to be dealt with or we will all suffer
Bro, by all means fix your country. Absolutely no hard feelings. This is indeed your country now. We, the foolish expats will completely leave it up to you. Congrats with your beloved Pakistan.
Well he is the UK according to his status.
OK, Pakistan has 101 faults, everything from bad governance to corruption to military involvement....what next, would repeating the same lines or running around like a headless chicken solve anything or maybe better to get up from your backside and do something about it .
Hopefully , if enough people hear the message then change may come.
A honest good man should be respected as a honest good man regardless of where he is from

We have to admit those areas have been a drain on the country for decades, the people there simply show no will to change.
They don't understand how dangerous this world is for all of us let alone Muslims

We need to make Pakistan a success whatever the costs and these people have become a block that now has to be dealt with or we will all suffer

Pakistan cannot become a success unless the generals stop interfering. This is where this entire discussion begins and ends.
OK, Pakistan has 101 faults, everything from bad governance to corruption to military involvement....what next, would repeating the same lines or running around like a headless chicken solve anything or maybe better to get up from your backside and do something about it .

You acknowledge the problems, but are unwilling to address and resolve them. This is the crux of the problem.
Hopefully , if enough people hear the message then change may come.
Dude, I have recently returned from Pakistan after spending some six months there, I saw the problems, issues and above all people suffering.
But people will come out for "Sandey ka teel" but not for their own rights .
Good luck with your efforts.
We should also mention how much of a drain Bradford, Huddersfield, Rochdale, and Yorkshire in general have been a drain on British tax payers.

Don’t run away once this convo starts 😂😂

It's the same in the UK

London and the southern counties provide a disproportionate and massive proportion of the UK GDP

These northern areas are backwards, not as bad as KP and Balochistan but the same kind of thing

A underclass of people, blaming outsiders for all their ills and problems, not contributing to the country or state

So London and the South takes the burden for the north, but I like Pakistan the police and security have arrested THOUSANDS iven long sentences, any support for terrorism or violence is crushed and people prosecuted

We allow these backwards areas like the tribal ko to fester in backwardness and just accept the people there can't improve or behave

This is unacceptable
You do realise that the Pasthun and Baloch that you term as backward idiots have major provinces that are part of Pakistan? These derogatory words were once also used against Bengalis. In the end Bengalis parted ways and everyone kept shouting Pakistan is unbreakable.
On point! Pakistan broke once and it can break again. Highly doubt that establishment will course correct so its not a matter of if but matter of when
On point! Pakistan broke once and it can break again. Highly doubt that establishment will course correct so its not a matter of if but matter of when

Both the economy and the security situation are absolutely shit. Not a coincidence that both are required to develop and maintain peace in any country.
Dude, I have recently returned from Pakistan after spending some six months there, I saw the problems, issues and above all people suffering.
But people will come out for "Sandey ka teel" but not for their own rights .
Good luck with your efforts.
I have been visiting Pakistan for decades lol, they are suffering from the "abused housewife syndrome", they are so used to the low standard of living and abysmal worker rights, they endure it, brainwashed by "whatever Allah has ordained " or " Allah will change it" . No, Allah has said you put the effort in and pray and I will help you. Islam is used as a tool with selective parts emphasised more than other parts to ensure the masses are controlled from progressing and asking for better rights. Those who know the Quran have picked up the gun sad as it may be. The Talibs see the Pakistanis as a "Kafirs" from their distorted point of view but in context of the behaviour of some elements of Pakistanis who sided with foriegners to make them suffer.

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