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Pak Army trying back door USA engagement


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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blaming USA is convenient. Maybe you do not care for each other

The USA can go to hell. Pakistanis seek relations with a true friendly country like China. The US is a backstabber.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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This thread is about your Pakistani leadership and govt and their policies
Right now that equals your generals and your isi
It's not about your people
You personally can't represent 250 million Pakistanis btw either

The people of Pakistan seek relations with friendly countries like China. The Pakistani army is playing a nasty game of appeasing the Americans. The Pakistani generals don't represent the wishes of their people.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Pakistan biggest fault is having no Pakistan first policy but our close strategy partnership will continue with China. Usa has certainly chosen India as its ally, leaving Pakistan on the side. Our leadership is at the fault, they should form even closer relationship with China and Iran but we are too chicken. India has to be respected for looking after its interests, they are trading with Iran whilst Pakistan is too scared of Usa, India is also buying oil gas from Russia whilst Usa is turning a blind eye. Pakistan cannot even build its own side of gas pipeline ha


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Pakistan biggest fault is having no Pakistan first policy but our close strategy partnership will continue with China. Usa has certainly chosen India as its ally, leaving Pakistan on the side. Our leadership is at the fault, they should form even closer relationship with China and Iran but we are too chicken. India has to be respected for looking after its interests, they are trading with Iran whilst Pakistan is too scared of Usa, India is also buying oil gas from Russia whilst Usa is turning a blind eye. Pakistan cannot even build its own side of gas pipeline ha

I known you want to be on par with India. Maybe Pakistan is no India


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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The USA can go to hell. Pakistanis seek relations with a true friendly country like China. The US is a backstabber.

With $3 trillion in FOREX it should be easy to get $1.9 billion from iron brother. <cough> <cough>


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
I known you want to be on par with India. Maybe Pakistan is no India

Whoever does good work should be appreciated. I understand India economy is huge compared to Pakistan but our neighbour Iran also has Iran first policy, they will not compromise on anything that harms them, Afghanistan Taliban also has Afghan first policy despite struggling. Ofcourse at times it about give and take but overall every leadership should be looking after their own interests, not allowed to be used as a tissue paper and yet still be sidelined. Pakistan will get there but we are so slow and behind the world. Our friendship and partnership with China will continue, one great move by Pakistan leadership.
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lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
I dont want to start a firestorm, but I do wonder if one of the reasons the Pakistani generals like these back channel dealings is because themselves along with the Pakistani ruling class have immense wealth sitting in western capitals. They think about their own bank balances before their nation, hence why these channels are important.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Whoever does good work should be appreciated. I understand India economy is huge compared to Pakistan but our neighbour Iran also has Iran first policy, they will not compromise on anything that harms them, Afghanistan Taliban also has Afghan first policy despite struggling. Ofcourse at times it about give and take but overall every leadership should be looking after their own interests, not allowed to be used as a tissue paper and yet still be sidelined. Pakistan will get there but we are so slow and behind the world. Our friendship and partnership with China will continue, one great move by Pakistan leadership.

The Pakistani government is following Pakistan First policy. Their ability to get things done is limited by the internal weakness of Pakistan


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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I dont want to start a firestorm, but I do wonder if one of the reasons the Pakistani generals like these back channel dealings is because themselves along with the Pakistani ruling class have immense wealth sitting in western capitals. They think about their own bank balances before their nation, hence why these channels are important.

any evidence for this ?? the operative word is immense


Apr 14, 2024
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The USA can go to hell. Pakistanis seek relations with a true friendly country like China. The US is a backstabber.
US gave $33B in aid (free money) to Pakistan along with free F-16 fighter jets while China gives only loans that too dollar denominated and doesn't forego even a single dollar of interest.

By the way, who backstabbed US in Afghanistan ?
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Full Member
May 7, 2024
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I dont want to start a firestorm, but I do wonder if one of the reasons the Pakistani generals like these back channel dealings is because themselves along with the Pakistani ruling class have immense wealth sitting in western capitals. They think about their own bank balances before their nation, hence why these channels are important.
I think there may be other more direct reasons. My guess is, China is sick of supporting a deadbeat cousin who shows no promise of righting himself. They may view their current loans and investments as sunk costs but are unwilling to sink any more resources. If no meaningful resource flow occurs this year or next, one can be certain the relationship has cooled. Now onwards, China will extend political, diplomatic and other forms of support but will keep the checkbook at home while visiting.

Mirzali Khan

Sep 25, 2020
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US gave $33B in aid (free money) to Pakistan along with free F-16 fighter jets while China gives only loans that too dollar denominated and doesn't forego even a single dollar of interest.

By the way, who backstabbed US in Afghanistan ?

Ta Pashtun yee?


Dec 16, 2023
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The reason the Pakistani generals are knocking on USA doors and pleading please talk to us is simple

USA provided free aid for decade plus both money and weapons ..They believed Pakistani narrative we are helping you on your war in terror .
When they realised osama was in Pakistan and isi and army are in cahoots hell broke loose and USA walked away

Worse still with china growing aggressive moves in south china sea and Indian ocean USA formed quad with India a huge future player ...That must really hurt elite Pakistanis

China has had enough of Pakistan inability to stand up and get it's house I order ..The Chinese never ever like USA give away free aid ..it's loans on interest payments or exchange for lease of land and ports

Peoole will.not Likr this bit right now gwader and gilgit are Chinese territory on lease in exchange for loans for weapons and development...yet Pak is struggling to meet obligations

This is why the Chinese have told Pakistan get your insecurity sorted otherwise no more investment on cpec

Pakistani generals seeing this change in Chinese tone language are running scared and knocking on doors in Washington

I see a Pakistan isolated in future unless it gets it's house in order

USA is lost for know

India is too important to long term.usa goals in keeping china in check

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