Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Establishment trying desperately to stay relevant by creating security situation through power projection. This wont sell again.
A Civilian government deals with diplomacy first and then uses military as a lever, but these duffers go straight with military solution. Has it ever worked since Pakistans inception ?
Are you an idiot or a troll.

No muslim stare was responsible for 911.

The actions of terrorists should never be associated with muslims.
What can I do if you can't read properly? Read my post again. It was not a trolling post. Thank you.
What can I do if you can't read properly? Read my post again. It was not a trolling post. Thank you.
I was reading last night on a mobile device, didn't see your flags. Today it all makes sense.

This is the outcome CIA wanted. They wanted the two Islamic states to fight each other and not gang up against US and repeat 9/11.

You are suggesting that the CIA think that Muslim states would commit terrorist attacks if they had peace between themselves.
I was reading last night on a mobile device, didn't see your flags. Today it all makes sense.

You are suggesting that the CIA think that Muslim states would commit terrorist attacks if they had peace between themselves.
In Afghanistan, After the US pullout, yes! US had that worry that the taliban regime is going to be host to another 9/11 type attack originating from Afghanistan or the ex FATA region targeting the NATO countries.

Now if you tell me that US didn't trust the pakistani deep state, I will agree with you on that. There was no love lost for the pakistani and the US govt. They always doubted you as being friends to the taliban regime.

There's no trolling here.
I was reading last night on a mobile device, didn't see your flags. Today it all makes sense.

You are suggesting that the CIA think that Muslim states would commit terrorist attacks if they had peace between themselves.

Flags usually tell 90% of the story. I am staunch supporter of flags on PDF or anywhere on the internet for that matter.

Eagle Eye

In a recent video and statement shared by the newly emerged Afghan organization Jabhaat Al Ribaat, a commander from the TTP Swat chapter, who split from the group due to internal rifts and the teachings of Jabhaat Al Ribaat, made significant revelations about the TTP.

The commander accused the TTP of engaging in un-Islamic acts, killing innocent Muslims, and extortion. He further disclosed that the TTP leadership resides in Kabul, leading a lavish lifestyle.

Additionally, the commander revealed that the TTP orchestrated an attack on Chinese nationals in Shangla from Afghan soil. He urged the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) to shut down TTP training centers located in Kunar, Dangam, Nuristan, Khost, Paktia, Paktika, and Nangarhar.

When we warn these kaafirs that you killin innocent people and we will attack yous in Kabul and unseat your jahil toads, the talibunnies say we'd run off to Iran and then both India and Iran will support us against you 'daal khors'....... :p

I'd like to see this scenario unfold........:p........As if Iran in k baap ka mulk hae. Jahil bhangi.

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