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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions

Raider 21

Think Tank Analyst
Feb 18, 2016
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Pilot and airframe rotation.
It is an average of 240 hours - going from novice to most experienced it varies. Same for the IAF.
JF-17 block 1s have hit nearly 4k hours but mix of rebuilds has extended it but no SLEP announcement was made. Because kamra can support pretty much everything needed for a SLEP or total rebuild they are pretty “abused” airframes.
Left in the sun, put through flight hours with relative abandon. There is NDT, rebuild analysis done at Kamra - wing spars replaced etc.

The PAF would not make that judgement if it did not have a way to either exceed or manage those 4000 hours beyond(which are actually conservative guidelines provided for export purposes). But, since we don’t have a CAG no true way to verify beyond living room talk or whatever they release publicly. @Talon

The F-16 on the other hand is rationed very well - kept climate controlled in many cases / spares run through a purpose built logging system in coordination with GD/USAF(publication is available) - yet does have certain airframes slated for retirement earlier than others.

F-7PG pilots averaged 220 during some peak exercises but they dont go as high as 240.

Mirages also average flight hours pretty differently, the ROSE get less hours than the other airframes which are used to maintain hours and currency.

During certain exercises certain rookie CCS pilots were hitting higher numbers and were drained out to dangerous levels. Then more physiological and psychological training/conditioning was introduced.
That is well defined by the nature of the professional architecture regarding flying ops and logging of hours within PAF.

Unfortunately lately, the hours haven't been as high as they used to be on average. Higher than Indians but not as high as where Paks were at.
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Mar 28, 2009
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Well defined by the nature of what the professional architecture of flying ops and logging of hours within PAF.

Unfortunately lately, the hours haven't been as high as they used to be on average. Higher than Indians but not as high as where Paks were at.
They pretty high during ACM Tanvir’s time for an ex(forgot which one) when I met a few rookies who complained of severe exhaustion - but this was before physical fitness was fully ingrained.

Come 2013-14 and I met a few talking to their favorite gold standard whey protein flavors and soon the neck muscles could be seen bulging.


Mar 28, 2009
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Just FYI for some who may not be aware - talking to flight hours at 240 per year doesn’t mean isolated hours. Each hour is accompanied by several hours of brief and debrief as well. So if we average out to 6 hours for each flight hour its 1450 hours per year on flying related activities. Then add additional learning, ground activities, staff tasks and so on.


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Jun 11, 2024
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Could we call this, PAF second line service.



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Apr 18, 2011
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Aside from what you people pointed out, take a look at the ex-PIA A300, which was never used by the Air Force. It is definitely phoney.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Aside from what you people pointed out, take a look at the ex-PIA A300, which was never used by the Air Force. It is definitely phoney.
Actually thats a 310 gifted to Mush by the qatris....it was used extensively by the PAF n lated given to PIA

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