Pakistan General Elections 2024

Hilarious to see the pressure from US political quarters mounting. I bet it's got many nervous.

It's all too late now, Usa is just playing politics. We will have to deal with the same old faces for 5 more years. Good luck to KPK people, PTI should make KPK in to a role model province, they have been ruling it for 8 years and now another 5 years.
ANP leader Aimal Wali Khan faced a significant setback in NA-25 Charsadda II, securing 67,876 votes, while PTI-backed Fazal Muhammad Khan emerged victorious with 100,713 votes.

Some videos of PTI leaders claiming their victory on the basis of form 45 but denied form 47.
It's all too late now, Usa is just playing politics. We will have to deal with the same old faces for 5 more years. Good luck to KPK people, PTI should make KPK in to a role model province, they have been ruling it for 8 years and now another 5 years.

Let's wait and see.
Now we know.... why are they called "General Elections". Cause general sb appoints people of his own choice! Growing up, we innocently thought that rangers and military were there for security and to prevent rigging in the elections... now we know they have been rigging the elections forever! Everything wrong which happened to Pakistan due to its political instability is a direct outcome of these generals interfering with the elections! When will they be trialed for treason? And I hope and pray for that day when generals are brought to justice! What goons! 3rd class people!

They have lost all respect of Pakistani people! They have brought it to a point that now there is no redemption! Lanat to all corrupt and politically interfering military men!
No Wonder, he is by far the most controversial Air Chief marshal ever. Kind of ultra VVIP treatment / attraction he looks for, kind of resources he spend on his own PR instead of the products, and the way he tries to take credit of old projects is unprecedented. PAF always had great air chiefs in the past with the exception of this current one.
sidhu only got 100 votes from my village, kaira got around 200 and PTI got 920+...

some time ago i created a thread on Air Chief's corruption after watching Wajahat Saeed's video, and one user asked me to give him a quick summary cuz the vid was too long, so i made a long list of his crimes but unfortunately some mod deleted my post, even though thread was not deleted.
I don't know why pakistanis expect democracy to be practiced coherently in pakistan.

The country's has a literacy rate of what? 50%?

People will vote who they are told to vote for. You can go on and on about examples of ideological voters who support IK. Yes - more power to them but those people are the exception not the rule. Those are the english-medium,westernized city dwelling folk who are a drop in the bucket compared to the true masses of Pakistan.

And the masses vote for who they are told to vote for. Not out of ideology or some visionary approach towards governance. They vote for short term gain and quick promises along with pressure from their feudal fiefs.

its so funny seeing these pakistanis in US/UK/Canada wherever talking big with expectations in their heads that pakistan will practice western forms of democracy over lol that's not how it works.
The Economist has called this a rigged election.

How will generals manage international perception

The answer they won't they can't everyone knows who won the election clearly with large margin

Hence these elections won't be called irregular like previous ones but rigged

PMLN PPPP will form the govt for sure free members will be picked up, string up naked untill they say they are with PMLN, qazi essi will be remembered as new Mr qayoum saying it's necessity (only judge who has banned a party since 1970s)

KP I think establishment will say "who cares" and PTI may form govt or get a governor raj

Doubt the CM of KPK will even want to talk to PM of's not like 2013,2018 it's gonna be awkward and people will be angry at it

So let see how they manage KPK several people got killed so far and anger is very high levels...

KP is becoming the new balochistan in sense of anger against the military
In short these elections should not have been held and it should have been delayed

Wrong move by establishment somany dead so much wasted money
Former leader of the opposition Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, running as an independent candidate, faced a double setback in Rawalpindi. In NA-53, he secured the third position with 44,072 votes, trailing behind PML-N's Raja Qamar Islam, who claimed victory with 72,006 votes.

In NA-54, he managed a mere 19,093 votes, while independent candidate Aqeel Malik emerged triumphant with 85,912 votes.
A closely contested battle in NA-231 (Malir III) saw PPP's Abdul Hakeem Baloch securing a narrow victory by edging out PTI-backed Khalid Mahmood Ali, with 43,634 votes to 43,245.
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I’m a simple guy I only have two questions, how does rehana dar, who was leading by 50K votes gets her votes decrease and LOSES. Second and most important question, how TF does Awn chaudhary get more votes in lahore than “Shere lahore” himself nawaz sharif. You cant make this shit up folks, dare you to even defend this all time fuckery. @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE the second is for you specifically, is awn chaudhary now more maqbool for lahoris than nawaz sharif? 😂

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