Pakistan General Elections 2024

Not the whole people bro I believe it's usually upper class toffs from Karachi and Punjabi extremists whose king is Ranjit Singh lol.

What I find hilarious is that some people try to make Pakistan out to be this wild wartorn state where race and ethnicity conflicts are common 😂😂
  • Haha
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Lahore, NA-128: Salman Akram Raja successfully gets a stay order from the Lahore High Court against Aun Chaudhry's victory. LHC orders open re-consolidation of the results.
How will generals manage international perception

The answer they won't they can't everyone knows who won the election clearly with large margin

Hence these elections won't be called irregular like previous ones but rigged

PMLN PPPP will form the govt for sure free members will be picked up, string up naked untill they say they are with PMLN, qazi essi will be remembered as new Mr qayoum saying it's necessity (only judge who has banned a party since 1970s)

KP I think establishment will say "who cares" and PTI may form govt or get a governor raj

Doubt the CM of KPK will even want to talk to PM of's not like 2013,2018 it's gonna be awkward and people will be angry at it

So let see how they manage KPK several people got killed so far and anger is very high levels...

KP is becoming the new balochistan in sense of anger against the military

Let’s see where it takes us.

They’re mishandling everything every step of the way.
They don't care because they have always got away with it, whatever happened with Fatima Ali Jinnah, Liaqat Ali Khan, Bhutto, Mujiber Rehman, Benazir, then Nawaz Sharif removal 3x and finally Imran Khan. They follow British colonist divide and rule, use one party against the other, it has worked so far so why stop. The day Generals get punished, that is when they will fall in line.

To give full power to civilians could also be problematic because Nawaz Sharif, Shabaz Sharif, Zardaris would become dictators.

I agree to your first paragraph. But I disagree with your last paragraph. The country has 250 million civilians. Country belongs to civilians and they should be fully empowered. Army should only behave as an obedient organisation under defense ministry. You said what if politician become dictator ? Well, they cannot as elections ensure best accountability and people can change them with power of vote. If military remains under their constitutional boundary then elections can never be rigged, atleast at this level. People can change govts with the vote because of elections. But, what if military chief becomes dictator or traitor then that's disaster as nation has no means to remove him other than a civil war. That's why fully powered civilian govt is necessary for any country to progress.

Lumber 1 has managed to get full international attention and lanat this time! US state department and UK foreign office has also asked for investigations into the rigging allegations!

The entire world now fully understands that REAL LEADER of Pakistan is the one that's in the jail. That's the leader which 90% of pakistanis have voted for. It will be very difficult for other countries to deal with fake govt that has absolutely no credibility whatsoever. Nawaz party won only 17 seats. Rest are stolen.

Critique all you want - just be civil
I will try my best not call them illegal wealth eaters? Don’t want this forum to shut down.

Every step of the way our beloved generals prove that they can indeed drop to a new low. It is expected but boils my blood to see how their greed is destroying the country. Few weak men destroying a country of 200 million +
In short these elections should not have been held and it should have been delayed

Wrong move by establishment somany dead so much wasted money
Indeed. Instead of legitimizing their policies they have kneecapped them before they have been carried out.

My Chinese colleagues (some relatively recent immigrants and still connected to day to day China based Chinese culture) are asking me if Pakistan is in a civil war? I tell them no, but they sound unconvinced. In such an environment, would China extend more loans for more CPEC projects? Chinese people will be asking their government why they are giving more loans to Pakistan when they can’t decided amongst themselves, how they should be governed. Pakistan not getting any new CPEC projects in the recent BRI forum and Kakur relegated to the fourth row, signals that Pakistan has been left out in the cold.

The current political impasse will only worsen this situation.

This is PDM 2.0 at best. The US is likely to continue to ignore Bilawal’s attempts to meet Blinkin, if Bilawal becomes FM again.

This is a recipe for another wasted year, all end in IK being brought back when Trump is re-elected because IK has a decent relationship with that American leader. PDM has nothing to show for its relations with Biden.

Pakistani Americans have turned on Biden, so the PDM can’t even leverage that to improve relations.
If going purely by politics than N league shouldn't form a gov in center - let PTI take charge
They should just focus on forming Punjab government

Center is a mess and anyone forming a gov is in for a grind
Let the most popular party handle this mess alongside other partners on the fringes
If pmln tries to form a gov through rigging, Independent than that'll be very bad for their politics in the long run and the country too
Because A- they won't last more than 2-3 years max due to unpopularity, equation with new chief, no reform agenda for economy to survive the on slaught of economic issues coming our way
B- due to being already unpopular it'll be hard for N to implement the harsh reforms we need
Only a popular party can pull that off rn
PTI if it is allowed to come to power would only take power in the center if it has the power to carry out reforms and allow them to play out.

Everyone seeks all the credit and none of the blame. If economic reforms are to actually work they can’t be allowed to be reversed at the first sign of pain or their inevitable slowing down of unproductive parts of the economy.

IK said he wouldn’t take power unless he was allowed to actually have the power to carry out real change.
So if Nawaz Ji is to become PM, what about chhote miyan Shehbaz Ji ? I imagine he gets a plush juicy cabinet assignment at least, deputy PM ?

Elegant lady and bitiya rani Maryam gets textiles or something or just serve her constituency ?

Asim sb gets an extension, and a promotion, joint chief of staff, or Field Marshall ?

That's how it works in India, all the biggies and nepo young'uns get big ministries and the govt. decides who among their friends get these awards and so on. From among both the newly crowned politicians and their friends (obvs. people of repute). Phat contracts to bankroller biggies. None of any of this is super bad, in fact its makes for a well oiled machinery, private, public, government.. sab ek saath.

Pretty happy here, because I'm hopeful we can now restart the dialogue, peace talks, let's do some business too, cessation of hostilities, ending funding and support of insurgencies across each others' borders, proper resumption of dialogue. More people to people contact, expedited and easy visa processes, spl for spiritual and medical tourism.

A new era of peace will dawn.

I do hope PM Modi Ji is among, if not the first head of state that Nawaz Ji will phone. Washington and Beijing will probably be contacted first though.
We will make him Pakistani ambassador to India for further training. You guys can keep him if you want

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