Pakistan General Elections 2024

PTI cannot do anything until Isa goes and pmln infested police are not cleansed. National guard needs to be formed, and IB needs to be strengthened beyond ISI..
ISI needs to be cut down and political cells disbanded. Focus of ISI should be purely external threats and counter-espionage..

I thought the same about a decade back, to make IB, FIA strong agencies or even a PM private security agency but imagine instead of IK, it's under the control of Zardari or Nawaz, they would use it to demolish ISI and political opponents on behalf of foreign agencies, just to stay in power.
I think, to become COAS, there should be mandatory requirement to pass atleast following tests:
1- Basic IQ
2- A fitness certificate from a psychologist.

I am saying above on a very serious note. The way army establishment has behaved in last 2 years is incredibly stupid. Why on earth they were hell bent on creating hatred among the nation for themselves. Why you use force against your own nation, this will only create hatred. The problems of FATA region, Balochistan, etc weren't enough for them that they made an enemy out of major population. They were deprived of basic senses that if you go against mainstream & most popular political party then naturally people will not like it. Especially when people know your past and what you have done to this throughout the history.

Army made their own life difficult and collected all that humiliation of entire world in their attempt to remove one party and bring shareefs on top. This was unimaginably stupid move. I thought, they will understand the pulse of nation and back off but they continued on their stupidity. They have done irreparable damage. The stories of horror they have unleashed since murdering Arshad Sharif are not going to be forgotten. Damage done is generational.
Army has acted stupid for the last 7 years IMHO. 6 years of Gen B and Hafiz wants his 6 also.
FAFEN Damning report on ECP
My criticism of Imran Khan is well known from the old PDF--the criticism really started after his Speaker threw out the NCM Resolution which was ill-advised, counter productive and totally unnecessary. I believe Imran's severe personality disorders make him a bad choice to be Pakistan's leader. But it is not MY decision alone to elect him--it is for the voters. If they elect him, then I will accept him. If he does well in gorvernance, then I will support him. If he outperforms then I will adore him. BTW, except for his Dharnas after the 2013 elections, I always supported him until the NCM vote.

With that personal context out of way... I honestly don't see a way forward for Pakistan with Imran Khan as the leader unless he makes a genuine political party with credible 2nd and 3rd tier leadership and a few heirs. If today he dies, his party dies. It nearly died in the last two years due to the State repression but it is alive because he is alive. His recent political gains don't impress me much; he gained because PDM failed but come 2026, if he would not have delivered, he would be trashed. And I don't want Pakistan to go through the endless cycles of elections and the musical chairs of power politics like that between 1988-99--only Pakistan's enemies would want that.

This all hoo haa is created by media to get clicks. Nothing else.

However mandate is divided. No doubt. Technically PDM parties wins 2/3 but no one now wants to lead that's the very genuine problem. This reality making PTI folks more jubilant for the time being that finally they are getting total deadlock/road end for GOP which they striving to achieve since vONC.
Military establishment can find a scapegoat ? Like blame it on nawaz, shahbaz and marium like they did with zia ? And get out ? What do think about this outcome ?
PKMAP has offered their party as a catalyst, that's another option, and probably the safer of the two.

اندھے کو اندھیرے میں بہت دور کی سوجھی🤣
PTI wants deadlock complete deadlock atm. So that COA himself force to go to adyala and bring ik back with no other way around
Military establishment can find a scapegoat ? Like blame it on nawaz, shahbaz and marium like they did with zia ? And get out ? What do think about this outcome ?

ME is not an institution kid and besides except Xombies no one want ik back specially our friends i.e GCC/China/Turkey.
Mostly Fake Form 45. They will not stand a chance in court. This will fizzle out in days to come.
After 3 days suddenly a new form discovered .... 3 days., you will see more forms like this in coming days. Wonder why Company is hunting all ROs and bullying them to get new form with PMLN victory and forge signatures .

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