Pakistan General Elections 2024

It's funny to see quom e youth calling TLP poodles considering their own history, history of their own candidates
And what they themselves did to TLP was beyond inhumane
Proper psychopathic crap

Yet they still call them poodles despite everything 😭😂

TLP does go over the top, but I find majority of the Pakistanis like that, especially political parties, if one party is making threats, is aggressive but what about those parties who act sweet and kind but screw you using state machinery, make alliances with terrorist supporting parties, promote corruption, register fake cases, on purpose will not give justice to the people, will fill their own pockets but will not help the poor and weak. One TLP leader did issue Fatwa against Bajwa, he was arrested and tortured, he ended up leaving politics as he was old man, and PTI back then called him traitor for being against Army general, their current leader was also arrested for 6 months without any charge, 1000s of workers were arrested and tortured, some died in jails.

What people don't understand is that the molvis of Pakistan have big connections inside the government, they know exactly what goes behind the scenes and how Usa and Western agencies lobby our governments to allow secular extremism to spread in an Islamic state, where they mock our beloved Prophet peace be upon him on purpose to see a reaction, promote secularism, liberalism, lbgtq culture.

Noone can give answer how extremism and terrorism rose in Pakistan, it cannot be possible without the blessings of our leadership who received billions to turn a blind eye, why the sponsors of terrorists are not prosecuted, why blasphemous contents are not removed but strict action is taken against political opponents, their pages are removed from the Internet.
Today people are saying show a finger to Usa and West for removing IK but will make excuses when someone says kick out France ambassador for promoting blasphemy.

It makes a decent human being think, for their own leaders they're willing to go to all extremes but not for Allah almighty representative on earth.
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Asim Munir needs to go after the extreme level of barbarity, fascism and the torture this side kick of NS has shown to the people of Pak. This **** and Nadeem Anjum needs to go. That's the solution to the crisis.

He will not leave, Nadeem Anjum will also stay, its good news that finally military is making contacts with IK to sort this mess out, take Pakistan out from this political mess, full of hatred and division. We need stability in Pakistan so our economy and condition improves.
Guys , if PTI comes into power can they take action against the traitor generals especially risky whisky asim ?

No, they will only be allowed back in power if they behave. Pmln/PPP/JUI/Pmlq/Mqmp/IPP can easily make government for the next 5 years.
I think, to become COAS, there should be mandatory requirement to pass atleast following tests:
1- Basic IQ
2- A fitness certificate from a psychologist.

I am saying above on a very serious note. The way army establishment has behaved in last 2 years is incredibly stupid. Why on earth they were hell bent on creating hatred among the nation for themselves. Why you use force against your own nation, this will only create hatred. The problems of FATA region, Balochistan, etc weren't enough for them that they made an enemy out of major population. They were deprived of basic senses that if you go against mainstream & most popular political party then naturally people will not like it. Especially when people know your past and what you have done to this throughout the history.

Army made their own life difficult and collected all that humiliation of entire world in their attempt to remove one party and bring shareefs on top. This was unimaginably stupid move. I thought, they will understand the pulse of nation and back off but they continued on their stupidity. They have done irreparable damage. The stories of horror they have unleashed since murdering Arshad Sharif are not going to be forgotten. Damage done is generational.
Only in Pakistan someone twice rejected by PMA, made his way into the military as an airman and from there was allowed to get to not just the middle but higher ranks and then all the high profile portfolios ISI chief, etc. and then onto the Chief...goes to show you how the mighty have fallen, where we used to have high class well read and learned generals with pedigree and it showed in their actions and demeanor.

Now we have low caliber even lower class uncouth paindus climbing the ranks, with chips on their shoulders and suffering from inherent inferiority complex, ever ready to please the colonial masters. The previous duffer thought printing more money was the answer to the financial crisis, I can only shudder to think what the current duffer imagines, perhaps his time as an airman is informing him of how to handle strategic and global level issues. This colonial foot soldier's imagination couldn't go beyond asking students to "pray for Palestine"....
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Guys , if PTI comes into power can they take action against the traitor generals especially risky whisky asim ?
Bajwa. Spare Asim.
Anyway, another reason for PTI to join PPP is Nadeem is perhaps in Zardari's camp. @PakAl
Bajwa. Spare Asim.
Anyway, another reason for PTI to join PPP is Nadeem is perhaps in Zardari's camp. @PakAl

I dont think they will be allowed to take action against Bajwa, because Bajwa will reply the decision was made by the army corp commanders collectively, plus they won't allow their ex chief to be prosecuted, because then Asim may be protected after retirement. Not sure where the Generals camps are. For PTI to allign with Zardari will not look good, what's the difference between Zardari and Nawaz? Remember Nawaz Sharif tried his best to prosecute Mushraff but he couldn't do much except harass him.
He will not leave, Nadeem Anjum will also stay, its good news that finally military is making contacts with IK to sort this mess out, take Pakistan out from this political mess, full of hatred and division. We need stability in Pakistan so our economy and condition improves.
all pre planned, 60-80 seats have been taken away from PTI.. imran should never join anyone, let establishment pay for their treachery
Guys , if PTI comes into power can they take action against the traitor generals especially risky whisky asim ?
They can fire him, or force him and his loyalists to resign, but that is a huge can of worms that even those in the army that are firmly against the current COAS and are pro-PTI won't want to open.

I think the writing is on the wall, the establishment has suffered a blow to its reputation. They tried the harsh method and suffered a massive blow back, they'll now be far more careful when dealing with IK.
Guys , if PTI comes into power can they take action against the traitor generals especially risky whisky asim ?
PTI cannot do anything until Isa goes and pmln infested police are not cleansed. National guard needs to be formed, and IB needs to be strengthened beyond ISI..
ISI needs to be cut down and political cells disbanded. Focus of ISI should be purely external threats and counter-espionage..
PTI cannot do anything until Isa goes and pmln infested police are not cleansed. National guard needs to be formed, and IB needs to be strengthened beyond ISI..
ISI needs to be cut down and political cells disbanded. Focus of ISI should be purely external threats and counter-espionage..

Army funding needs to be cut, POF needs to be brought out of army control and managed by qualified civilians and scientists/engineers under either MOD or as a civilian industrial concern.
PTI is literally appointing ali amin as CM KPK and educated youth is endorsing it. So the way i see it, it isn't about education, the youth is genuinely deranged because they think by having a thug in power, will allow them to extract more political space from the military.
Can you also do a breakdown for thug rana sanaullah or is your diatribe exclusively for PTI?
PTI cannot do anything until Isa goes and pmln infested police are not cleansed. National guard needs to be formed, and IB needs to be strengthened beyond ISI..
ISI needs to be cut down and political cells disbanded. Focus of ISI should be purely external threats and counter-espionage..
Isa can’t stand infront of a government that is backed by people’s mandate. Khan will not take personal revenge but those who violated oath can’t be forgiven.

Asim Munir and his fellow generals must be charged. ISI under civilian control and take away everything away from generals ( all their business). Forgive Asim but in turn tighten the screws all the way that no one dares violate the oath? That will depend on the situation
My criticism of Imran Khan is well known from the old PDF--the criticism really started after his Speaker threw out the NCM Resolution which was ill-advised, counter productive and totally unnecessary. I believe Imran's severe personality disorders make him a bad choice to be Pakistan's leader. But it is not MY decision alone to elect him--it is for the voters. If they elect him, then I will accept him. If he does well in gorvernance, then I will support him. If he outperforms then I will adore him. BTW, except for his Dharnas after the 2013 elections, I always supported him until the NCM vote.

With that personal context out of way... I honestly don't see a way forward for Pakistan with Imran Khan as the leader unless he makes a genuine political party with credible 2nd and 3rd tier leadership and a few heirs. If today he dies, his party dies. It nearly died in the last two years due to the State repression but it is alive because he is alive. His recent political gains don't impress me much; he gained because PDM failed but come 2026, if he would not have delivered, he would be trashed. And I don't want Pakistan to go through the endless cycles of elections and the musical chairs of power politics like that between 1988-99--only Pakistan's enemies would want that.

InshaAllah may we live to see the day you are proved wrong in this too.

PTI is a platform for an idea. As long as it's leaders are sincere to the concept of haqeeqi Azaadi and are true to the values Imran Khan built the party on - PTI will have the support of the people.

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