Pakistan General Elections 2024

People's will has been enforces in KP. You guys can enjoy gandapur now.....

KP did it by itself, otherwise these rats in GHQ left no stone unturned.

Pitty the rest of the country didn't show the courage to protect their mandate and let these rats in GHQ trample their will.
A powerful and honest speech by J.I leader. I hope COAS listen to this speech and learn a thing or two.

The institution really want to suppress peaceful means to bring change. They are leaving no other choice for the youth but to revolt and pick up arms. Why our institutions are so much deprived of basic IQ.
Crackdown against Pashtun soldiers has also started to speed up.
No Pashtun will be allowed to get into a top position and also will
be posted in Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan not in KPK.

Asim Whisky wants PDM just for his 3 year extension.
Asim Whisky wants PDM just for his 3 year extension.

It doesn't end with Whisky.

There's been talk of increasing the retirement age of the SC Chief Justice from 65 to 67 just so Nazi Fraud Isa can stay for longer and continue bulldozing PTI.

The country will continue to sink by violating the people's mandate.
The country will continue to sink by violating the people's mandate.

I hope IK is moved to a prison in KPK otherwise I fear for his life
if Shahbaz becomes PM and Maryam as the CM.

This PMLN family has a long history of extra judicial killings from
Model Town massacre to the killing of Arshad sharif. They also paid for
killing of IK but that failed as the bullets hit his legs and they will try again.
This is a clip of Abid Boxer talking about Shahbaz orders to kill people on
CM Shahbaz orders.

MWM welcomes, JI weighs alliance offer from PTI​

Feb 14, 2024
The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) began its consultation on Tuesday on joining the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-backed independents to form a coalition government in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), while the Muttahida Wahdatul Muslimeen (MWM) welcomed the alliance with the PTI.

Earlier, in the day, the PTI announced making a government at the Centre and in Punjab with the support of the MWM and in K-P with the JI. Qaisar Sharif, the JI central information secretary, confirmed that both parties were engaged in discussions shortly after the elections.

Sharif said that the PTI’s proposal for a coalition government in K-P came under discussion during a meeting in Islamabad. However, he clarified that JI had not yet provided a definitive answer. “Consultations are under way, and a response to the PTI will be delivered in due course,” he said.

Separately, MWM chief Allama Raja Nasir Abbas expressed wholehearted enthusiasm for his party’s alliance with PTI. He affirmed his party’s steadfast support for Imran since the “regime change” events in April 2022, vowing allegiance “till the last drop of our blood”.

“We advocate unity in Pakistan and aspire to witness progress in our country,” he told a private news channel. There were no ulterior motives or demands made to the PTI, he said, adding that the events surrounding the PTI were unjust.

Expressing regret over the recent laws, which he alleged, were aimed at suppressing the PTI, Abbas denounced the promotion of certain political parties through an agenda in a democratic culture. “I hope sanity prevails now,” he said.

“We have conveyed to Imran that we stand by him on his principles until the last drop of our blood,” he said. In a separate statement, he underscored that the MWM belonged to Imran, stating, “He [Imran] can decide whatever he wants regarding this party, and we will accept it unconditionally and willingly.”
I hope IK is moved to a prison in KPK otherwise I fear for his life if Shahbaz becomes PM and Maryam as the CM.

It's an unfortunate likelihood as they need to protect their ill gotten wealth and accumulation of it. IK and PTI is a barrier to that.

They're only thinking about how to continue their dynastic loot and plunder.

With Plastic Nani due to become CM, expect her to bring her son into politics and make him some form of 'Youth Ambassador' or something else and so the family tradition of theft and nepotism will continue.

Smaller parties take centre stage as nation waits for next government​

Feb 14, 2024
As Pakistan’s three mainstream political forces rush to stitch together coalitions after the Feb. 8 general elections, smaller parties find themselves playing an unexpected make-or-break role in the formation of the next government.

Several regional and religiopolitical parties with a few seats between them will be crucial in determining who gets to head the central and provincial governments.

These include the Muttahida Quami Movement – Pakistan (MQM-P), Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) and the Pakistan Muslim League – Quaid (PML-Q).

PDM leaders renew coalition, decide to form unity govt​

Renewing Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) coalition in a bid to form government, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Tuesday said that he and other political leaders have decided to form the government together, inviting Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to also become part of reconciliation process.

Not being shifted to Bani Gala: Imran​

Feb 13,
PTI founder Imran Khan, who is incarcerated at Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail, has said that he is not being shifted to Bani Gala — his residence in Islamabad.

“The nation has awakened. The people have given us the biggest mandate in Pakistan’s history. It is our responsibility to carry this mandate forward,” he said in a message from prison via his family.
You see, that's why they say, you cant have your cake and eat it.

Either their wings need to be clipped or they must be made to choose Pakistan wholly. What we say in Urdu, "gena, marina, sab Pakistan main".

I will give you an example. 9/11 happened. Mushy, a known Tony general, got call from yanks. Try to put yourself in his shoes. What will be the first thing that will come in your mind? Well being of your fellow citizens and country? Fk no. If I am in his shoes, the first thought that will come in my mind is well being of my children who are based in America (mushy offsprings were). And its pretty natural human reaction. So why put country fate and decision making power in such vulnerable people with liabilities outside Pakistan? We as a nation paid with 80k deaths for that decion which we cannot safely say was made in "supreme national interests".

And I can guarantee you, with absolutely no doubt in my mind that whatever is happening in Pakistan, these 22 graders with liabilities outside the borders of Pakistan, with "retirement plans" around Mediterranean coast, they are the ones behind this.

Start with understanding occupation.

The embodiment of deception and corruption. Its implementation is top-down... The surrogates are supplanted representation provided agency through a theater, called democracy.

The representation is neither earned nor organic... it is those who subscribed to and were appropriated by the occupation and solely for its benefit.

Occupation is corruption and deceit in representation and money!... those allowed the perch or the pedestal, do so for personal and/or familial benefit. The whole institutional framework thus is a monolith... of yes men, endowed with pay, prestige, rank, promise of retirement and entitlements. It is a gimmick as long as it lasts.
It needs believers and adherents.

An institution raised by its people for their benefit, run by their delegate will aim to do exactly what it was intended to... flip it, and the institute becomes rogue for its own benefit and the people, its serf!

This perversion is inherent to the occupation...
Pakistan is important not only because of its geography but also for its demographics... playing ever greater role in the future and fate of humanity at large. Freedom certainly isn't free, and in the case of Pakistan, even harder... with the tentacles of occupation dug deep and lasting over generations... ones born in it seldom see the horizon.

It is therefore there is a continuing stream of labor and inheritors of the occupation. It has been home for a long time, and they didn't know or had seen anything else.

A goal, an aim, rekindled over and over... with
Hope, faith, and effort!
A great analysis piece in The Guardian, highlighting when the NaPak Bhoj realised elections weren't going to plan, and why PDM 2.0 will be a deeply unpopular and illegitmate regime:


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