Pakistan General Elections 2024

This is a clip of Abid Boxer talking about Shahbaz orders to kill people on
CM Shahbaz orders.
You do know ppl voted him for that right? I'm dead serious here
These cops and SS were glorified by the press and everyday people for their role in ending OTT violence, criminality that was rampant throughout the province before Elahi and SS showed up
90s was a violent decade with AK-47 fueled killings, kidnapping, Dacoit, robberies
This was a campaign plus point

Those big criminals are still there part of Pmln and PTI doing criminal activity as long as they maintain some semblance of normalcy when it comes to violence

I won't defend Dar, Maryam or NS or more like I can't
But SS was good for my province for the most so I will defend his policies as long as they're related to Puniabs domestic governance
NOT when it comes to Pakistan at large
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Hey probably was, probably wasn't

But I don't see no Hindus around me so I'm happy- all well that ends well
Thank you US 🙏👍 if it was a gift
We just want to return those toy soldiers back that's all

Bro it’s crazy in the last 2 years somehow they have completely flushed their narrative down the drain.

Now they are redefining Pakistani Nationalism as supporting Army 🤣🤣

Look at this trash, you’re declaring your own people as enemies. And this is coming from a Defence page hahahhaa

PTI independent MNAs & MPAs from Punjab to join MWM & PTI MPAsin KP to join Jamat e Islami.

This will help PTI to get reserved seats for women in federal, Punjab & KP and also stop defection of its MNA/MPAs.

PTI will have its parliamentary leaders in Federal, Punjab & KP. This way, PTI will have its parliamentary sovereignty.

According to recent Supreme Court verdict on Article 63-A, members are bound to follow their parliamentary leader, not their party leader.
In current scenario, PTI's CM KP would be one hell of a tough job and there is no other better option than Gandapur.

Entire state machinery will be doing everything it can to undermine PTI CM in KP, specailly if he is loyal to IK.

Gandapur totally fits job description. He is well qualified, loyal to IK and can control bureaucracy with iron hand.
The CM KP will be one hell of a tough job because there is an active security situation over there...... no state institution will try and undermine him .
However, if he picks up wrong fights he will undermine himself.
So who is excited for pdm 2.0 ? I sure am! Pakistan is about to be rescued people!

Sher, jiyalas and bhatta khoras are the solution add the tarka of a hafiz sahib and we are set for glory!
The rates being offered by the PDM and Establishment for a NA Independent candidate is Rs 500 million ($1.78 million) and for a Provincial Assembly Independent candidate is Rs 300 million ($1.07 million).

Let's see who can reject these life changing sums of money.
You do know ppl voted him for that right? I'm dead serious here
These cops and SS were glorified by the press and everyday people for their role in ending OTT violence, criminality that was rampant throughout the province before Elahi and SS showed up
90s was a violent decade with AK-47 fueled killings, kidnapping, Dacoit, robberies
This was a campaign plus point

Those big criminals are still there part of Pmln and PTI doing criminal activity as long as they maintain some semblance of normalcy when it comes to violence

I won't defend Dar, Maryam or NS or more like I can't
But SS was good for my province for the most so I will defend his policies as long as they're related to Puniabs domestic governance
NOT when it comes to Pakistan at large

Your Punjab. Not mine.
Imagine defending SS… souar da bacha. He have network of thugs that rape and blackmail girls in universities all across Punjab. This is your hero @Baali Jutt ?

You must be a bitch ass nigga too.
relax buddy, PTI candidates are supported by, involved with gangsters who pimp, have 100s of murder cases, drug business, qabza groups and all kinda disgusting practices that's just **** politics for you but its ok, get angry at me I don't mind
Although, I am writing something in depth about what we achieved from 2000 to 2018 (Elahi,SS) as a province to back up what I said here and I'll tag you and some other pro PTI Punjabi dudes when I am done with it
it'll take a while, probably a day or 2 so lets leave this here, i'll tag you when I am done with it and we'll go from there
The rates being offered by the PDM and Establishment for a NA Independent candidate is Rs 500 million ($1.78 million) and for a Provincial Assembly Independent candidate is Rs 300 million ($1.07 million).

Let's see who can reject these life changing sums of money.
This is very cheap compared to rates in India.
we want President
We want Speakers
We will sit on treasury's benches
We are NOT part of the government 🙄
They really think that the Awam is so ignorant?

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