Pakistan General Elections 2024

Heard somewhere they do war gaming and make sure all scenarios are considered before making a move.


Khair, I am pretty sure there are deep splits within the establishment. There are good people which do not want the establishment involved in politics and some within the army making sure illegal orders are postponed as much as possible.

It's an institution failure that characters like Bajwa, Asim Muneer, Nadeem Anjum, Faisal Naseer are not filtered out before reaching the positions of power.

It's a bigger failure that there are no course correction mechanism once such individuals are found breaking the law of the land.

Whatever divisions there might be, they are useless since the cancer of these generals is deep rooted.

Two things needed to be done. A parallel civilian force under civilian command, like IRGC must be established, starting from KPK. And capital punishment must be given to these generals who openly defied people's will.

PPP to form committee to engage with other political parties: Bilawal

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari says the PPP has decided to form a committee to engage with other political parties for the formation of government and political stability.

“The PPP has decided that we are unable or not in a position to join federal government ourselves, nor are we interested in taking ministries in such a setup. We also don’t want to see political chaos in the country,” he said.

“The PPP has decided that we ran this election on a manifesto based on issues of public importance […] we want to restore political stability and want to end this environment of political toxicity.

“To that end, the PPP will be willing to support the case of important votes — a candidate of the PM of Pakistan — and issue to issue basis to ensure that the government is formed and political stability is restored,” Bilawal said.
So PPP is voting for PMLN without anything in return, ministries or anything?? Why?
I'm so confused 🤔😕
So PPP is voting for PMLN without anything in return, ministries or anything?? Why?
I'm so confused 🤔😕
View attachment 18753

I think its because they know sh!t is gonna hit the fan they can just blame PMLN for everything and throw them under the bus when they have no positions in ministries or cabinet.
I think its because they know sh!t is gonna hit the fan they can just blame PMLN for everything and throw them under the bus when they have no positions in ministries or cabinet.
Things do be that bad...
My only horse in this race is dar or no dar
But from a political perspective unless Pmln gets a full 5 year (unlikely), they messed up big time and we might just have a PPP, PTI election next time around (3-4 years my gut feeling)
I think its because they know sh!t is gonna hit the fan they can just blame PMLN for everything and throw them under the bus when they have no positions in ministries or cabinet.

Yep PPP looking the other way, now the retreat back to Sind to watch PMLN fall to pieces and perhaps never return to the political world. They're clever in trying to play the 'long game'.
Yep PPP looking the other way, now the retreat back to Sind to watch PMLN fall to pieces and perhaps never return to the political world. They're clever in trying to play the 'long game'.
Zardari may not have the numbers but he is clever SOB compared to the myopic idiot Nawaz and his family..
Yep PPP looking the other way, now the retreat back to Sind to watch PMLN fall to pieces and perhaps never return to the political world. They're clever in trying to play the 'long game'.

Zardari is looking towards the future, if PmlN collapses then their electable will join PPP, Zardari must also have eyes on IPP candidates.
Things do be that bad...
My only horse in this race is dar or no dar
But from a political perspective unless Pmln gets a full 5 year (unlikely), they messed up big time and we might just have a PPP, PTI election next time around (3-4 years my gut feeling)

By the looks of it I don’t think PMLN has a political strategy. It’s just any attempt to get into power
PTI MNAs joining MWM in centre and claiming they will form government?
How will that be possible with EC not accepting PTI demands to announce victory for their candidates.

PTI KPA MPAs joining JI and forming government.
PPP just realised a coalition government is a trap, so they are being cautious.
Harsh IMF conditions, no fiscal space (to loot as well) and no authority for unpopular decisions - it's almost not worth it for them but power talks as well. So let's see.
They won't join the coalition but want their people to be
Speakers NA and Senate
Deputy Speakers
What is this hypocrisy.

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