Pakistan General Elections 2024

He is a middle class man, who isn't like other officers- Kakul grad, trained in the west
I doubt he'd leave the country unless his very life is in danger (which army won't allow)
From the early days of propaganda campaign :p:LOL:
sorry, bear with me, IK its cheesy AF
Yo they took away the delete option 😭😔😭 wtf
I came back to delete this post
Now I'll be labelled a **** by ppl FML

Pakistan’s youth deliver stinging rebuke to military elite by backing jailed leader Khan​

Sophia Saifi Rhea Mogul
Analysis by Sophia Saifi and Rhea Mogul, CNN

Mon February 12, 2024

His political party is effectively banned, his speeches are barred from television, and he faces at least 14 years in prison. But as the Pakistan election results show, Imran Khan cannot be suppressed.

Independent candidates affiliated with the former prime minister’s Pakistan Tehereek-e-Insaf (PTI) party secured the most parliamentary seats in last week’s nationwide election, the election commission announced Sunday.

It is a stunning victory for an incarcerated Khan who, two years ago faced a dramatic ouster as prime minister and most recently faced a military-led crackdown analysts say was designed to thwart the cricket icon’s return to power.

“You kept my trust, and your massive turnout has stunned everyone,” an AI-generated video of Khan shared by the PTI that mimicked his voice, said to his millions of followers shortly after his victory. “Now show the strength of protecting your vote.” Khan’s team has previously used AI to deliver his speeches from behind bars.
Abbu of generals have spoken. Interesting dialogue.

Great interview. Ambassador Bolton brings up many great points, but none more than this one:

The US is looking at the world through the lens of competition with China (and to a lesser extent cooperation with India).

The PTI needs to work on a foreign policy that has a component that as balanced towards the two top global powers as possible.

Second he brings up China’s periphery. What better way to promote Pakistan’s value to the world then to open up the central Asian periphery to non-neighbors then through Pakistan. IK principled stance against the now concluded GWOT in Afghanistan, can be leverage by him and his party to build an understanding with the Afghans in exchange for reliable and uninterrupted transit trade via a railway at a fair priced to Central Asia. This is the one thing no other friendly power can potentially offer the west. This is also something China does not oppose, as they benefit somewhat as well.

Second, if the PTI has the ear of the diaspora, it can work with them to raise an investment fund; sort of like a pension fund (a long term investment) for infrastructure projects and make sure these projects are with companies in the districts of key US senators and congresspersons on key committees; foreign relations, defense, agriculture, etc.

Part of this effort has to also include better Mil-Mil relations with the US, probably helping to partially pay for a squadron of F-16 Block 72, so Pakistan can get a Viper upgrade for the existing fleet, in the name of being a frontline state against “Instability” (vague but broadly to mean Iran). All part of a greater effort to rebrand the country, leaning on Sufism (which IK espouses and SMQ is also connected with being a Pir? And from Multan , the Sufi capital of Pakistan).

The time the PTI sits in opposition, is time it can work on Central Asia efforts from their government in KPK, and work with the diaspora to raise funds, but focused on key industries (the country needs anyway) in powerful American and western politicians districts. Leveraging that large source of funds to show as a carrot should they support PTI coming to power.

Before anyone says this is low, they should remember that the PML-N and the PPP have extensive ties in the Gulf and the West, respectively. PTI has invested in the ties with the diaspora, now is the time to use that for the good of the nation as well as an investment for the diaspora, not charity, which many would be reluctant to give.

Should Trump come to power, and the afghan railway is in place, its east to see US mining firms he is friendly with approaching IK to facilitate the “Art of the Deal”. ;)

P.s. this isn’t as far fetched as it may sound, half of the Pakistani American doctors at the recent APNA conference were visible and vocal PTI supporters. Besides invest in Pakistan in a way that has a high ROI just makes sense on a financial basis.

Also having a better relationship with the west, where more students can go to the US, or business person can travel directly, as Indian people do, would be begrudging desired by the Pakistani elite, so a lot of work for the PTI lies with the Pakistani-American Diapora.

Ohh and goes without saying these tens of Billions of dollars (over a number of years) of projects would only happen if PTI is in power, a party the diaspora trusts more than any other.
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Any chance for him to be PM... Shahbaz in 1985

how is this a good thing?

You do realize these hounds want to slam the sanction button against Pakistan? The itch for it is very real and we shouldn't celebrate any motions that get closer to that mark.

Sanctions won't harm the rich. It won't harm the 'establishment'. It won't harm the old guard in politics. It will harm Pakistan as a hole and the poor downtrodden Pakistanis who form the majority.

I don't know why overseas pakistanis like you can't grasp that...

It would help by exposing the truth about Pakistani "democracy" and stamping it globally for being a farce!

Do you really think Pakistan can continue with its current trajectory? In 1947 we started off with 1 $ = 1PKR , now we are at 1$ = 279.50 PKR... that's 280 times devaluation of money! With our current course, lumber 1 would keep meddling with every walk of our lives.. they have already completely destroyed every institution of this country, including police, military and bureaucracy.

Pakistan has already lost its industry, our elite mostly trades within their elite community and all they do is trade plots and fancy houses! Our industry has been reduced to DHAs and other housing societies. We are not earning any dollars, we are spending our little dollars to earn in PKR!

I am happy that these fukwits are bring exposed, I hope they have a little bit of shame! So that they can finally give up... last time they did not give up and we lost half of our country! The other half is also dysfunctional, I don't care for any face saving or reputation, it is what it is. Recognizing the problem is the first step towards cure!

It will take decades to fix the system if we start today with best intentions and an honest team at hand, right now we haven't even started and some people are still concerned about reputation rather than our true character!
Asim Munir I bet is trying to save his behind at this point. I bet discussions are already taking place with Khan for a safe exit.

With the international pressure mounting and internal temperature rising - hopefully good news is around the corner.

Maybe our kamosh mujaid can shed some light.

Adil Raja, although his views are one sided and extreme, claims that 200 army officers and their families have been arrested brutally who refused to cooperate or didn't perform as expected in rigging the elections!
Pakistan has already lost its industry, our elite mostly trades within their elite community and all they do is trade plots and fancy houses! Our industry has been reduced to DHAs and other housing societies. We are not earning any dollars, we are spending our little dollars to earn in PKR!

Oh I get it. The sanction button gets slammed by Biden and co. - and those 'fuckwits' as you pleasantly put it will get shafted big time.

No I think not - that's not how it will pan out. Those stooges can bail the country and be done with it. That's an option they can exercise at any given moment and screw off with no repercussions. They aren't even on the naughty list of western powers.

And then what? who loses in that picture? The poor downtrodden who form the Pakistani public. Those are the ones who lose and those are the ones who will get shafted in any scenario where Pakistan faces a significant economic downturn.

For the sake of what's good think about the majority in Pakistan. The real public that form the youth and country, not the affluent westernized city dwelling types. Those are the ones who are immune to it all.

These American/British/Canadian 'Pakistanis' outside of Pakistan never think about the consequences against the greater public. I suspect its largely due to the fact that these type of people have never lived a life of hardship that the public has to face and endure every day.
Army needs to back down. Return those seats to PTI which through rigging were given to other parties. Let PTI form Governments. You by doing these actions not only have lost all public support but now people see you the biggest problem for Pakistan instead of seeing you defenders. Don't do this. Pakistan needs strong Armed Forces but not those who does political interference. Stop just Stop for our future Generations.
Dedicated to frontline PTI workers who endured great hardship and still stood by the principles of haqiqi azadi:

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

By Thomas Paine during American struggle for freedom.
The selection of Ali Amin Gandapur for the slot of KPK CM will have its detractors for sure. Others may have been the preference for PTI folk (me included).

But by choosing him, IK has shown his middle finger to Whisky and the wider NaPak Bhoj.

It's his statement to say those who were oppressed and tortured by YOU, but remained loyal to ME (and my cause) will be rewarded.

One thing is for sure, KPK Police for all their brutalities over the past 19 months are in for a tough time and some wholesale cleansing.

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