Pakistan General Elections 2024

'Long live democracy', says Shah after assuming speaker duties​

Feb 25, 2024
Newly elected Sindh Assembly Speaker Owais Qadir Shah has vowed to give due time to every single member of the house to express their views and vowed that he will fulfil his duties without bias.

“This is a constitutional position and I will move forward with all the members together,” said Shah and added "Long live democracy" as he spoke after assuming his new position.

He also thanked PPP leadership after assuming his new role.

Speaker to summon NA session on Feb 29 if president doesn’t: Dar​

PML-N leader says if a governor fails to convene session for a provincial assembly, similar procedure can be followed

speaker to summon na session on feb 29 if president doesn t dar

Facilitation centre opens at parliament​

One-stop counter aids newly elected NA members

A one-window facilitation centre has been established in the Parliament House for the newly elected members of the 16th National Assembly of Pakistan.

The facilitation centre has been set up in Committee Room No 2 of the Parliament House.

This centre, adorned with banners welcoming the new members on behalf of Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf, comprises eight counters where pictures of the members are being taken.

They are also being provided with a booklet regarding the rules and regulations of the National Assembly.

The new members are being informed that as members of the National Assembly, they can apply for diplomatic—blue—passports for themselves, their spouses, parents, and unmarried children under 28 years of age.

With this passport, they can travel to 46 countries without a visa, but they will receive this passport after taking oath.
Details of the returning candidates’ bank accounts are being collected at these counters.

In these accounts, these members will receive their salaries and other monetary benefits.

At the parliamentary forum desk, they are asked which of the four different forums present in parliament they would like to join.
according to details pml n and mqm p have reached a consensus to collaborate within the government framework photo file

PML-N, MQM-P agree to prioritise 'national interests' over politics
Streisand effect. The more they try to suppress his name (as a symbol of defiance) the more it gets spreads.

Even they admit, when they aren’t competing against him, …

This is why I say the system needs IK. They, through their own actions have made him into more than he was before. It’s the man, the myth, it’s IK.

The financial situation alone could be the undoing of the present setup. And in no time, the social media savvy younger generations will be posting memes like:

At the same time, without a government the people respect, the job of LEA doing their legitimate job of trying to maintain law and order is becoming difficult. One of the Second order ramifications I was worried about.

And this is in Gulberg, Lahore? 40% national illiteracy and idle time, with no productive outlet. Considering this news is going viral, more and more in the diaspora (and any tourists that come to Lahore) will think Pakistan is not even safe to even visit, regardless of what they do or where they go.

The echos of the past are haunting. Awami league had the mandate then and Bhutto took it from them. Another Bhutto is waiting in the wings to take the mandate again.
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The same from time immemorial.

Reading the U.S. Declaration of Independence reads like a list of similar issues in Pakistan, presently, not completely but many are the same injustices.

From the US Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Usurpation is a grace sin.

A dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence by JFK, words read by the First Irish American President that should be said to the current and Second Irish-American President.

Endemic, corruption...

How does one recognition the larger heist?
In fact, the honor and the compact amongst thieves!
Corruption necessitates subversion, manipulation... systematic delay and endamic process.
Initiates are broken into
Niches and perchs are created and regulated.
Benefits are privatized... while work, pain and suffering is socialized.
The obfuscation of history and endurance or persistence of the colonial project. It is entirely purposeful that the agent Smiths of the matrix start metastasis.
The structures that grant agency to this project ones that expropriate power and labor away from people.

Catch phrases are injurious and everything cannot be made bite-sized should I try...

So this remains the sole conduit...
Everything will start falling in it's proper place over time.

High stakes as Punjab readies for CM vote today​

PML-N’s Maryam Nawaz vies with PTI’s Rana Aftab for position of provincial chief minister

February 25, 2024

pml n s maryam nawaz signs oath papers in punjab assembly on friday february 23 2024 photo x pml n

PML-N's Maryam Nawaz signs oath papers in Punjab Assembly on Friday, February 23, 2024. PHOTO: X/PML-N

LAHORE: The Punjab Assembly prepares for a showdown today between the PML-N candidate for the provincial chief minister's position, Maryam Nawaz, and Rana Aftab, whom the PTI selected for the coveted role after its initial nominee, Mian Aslam, faced threats of arrest.

On Sunday, the legislature's speaker, Malik Ahmed Khan, deemed the nomination papers submitted by Maryam and Aftab as valid after scrutiny. He subsequently announced an election for the Punjab chief minister's post during Monday's assembly session.

Earlier, PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz submitted her nomination papers to Punjab Assembly Secretary Chaudhry Amir Habib. The deadline for submissions was 5 pm.

On Sunday, Rana Aftab also met with Speaker Khan after the verification of his nomination papers.

Later, addressing the media, he lamented the alleged disallowance of PTI members from attending the assembly session. "For us, the lives of our workers are more precious than posts," he said, urging authorities to permit PTI MPAs to participate in the election for the leader of the house. He expressed confidence in winning the CM's seat in Monday's election.

The PTI named Rana Aftab as its new candidate for Punjab chief minister following attempts by Punjab Police to arrest its previous nominee, Mian Aslam.

PTI Secretary General Hammad Azhar wrote on X that Mian Aslam had been nominated by the party's founder, Imran Khan, but due to Punjab Police's presence to arrest him, the leadership altered its plan. He stated that PTI, in consultation with Mian Aslam, nominated Rana Aftab as the new candidate.

Azhar detailed Rana Aftab's background, stating he has been elected to the Punjab Assembly five times. He claimed the party has the support of 212 MPAs, while PML-N only has 40 "true members" according to Form 45.

Describing the PML-N as a "democracy raider," Azhar alleged that the rest of its members in the assembly were the result of "rejected February 9 forgeries."

In response, PML-N central spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb claimed the PTI's change in the nominee for Punjab chief minister was its first "U-turn”. She stated that after her election, Maryam would announce a development roadmap and measures for women's uplift.

The arrest saga

On Wednesday, the Peshawar High Court (PHC) granted protective bail to Mian Aslam in 18 cases related to last year's May 9 riots in Punjab and Islamabad.

However, Punjab Police attempted to arrest him from the court premises, leading Aslam to disguise himself as a lawyer and seek refuge at the K-P speaker's house.

Mian Aslam later criticized the Punjab Police's actions, stating the Constitution and law were disregarded. The PHC had previously directed legal action against Punjab Police if they attempted a similar arrest.

Maryam, Aftab face off in Punjab CM race today​

Feb 26,
The Punjab Assembly prepares for a showdown today between the PML-N candidate for the provincial chief minister's position, Maryam Nawaz, and Rana Aftab, whom the PTI selected for the coveted role after its initial nominee, Mian Aslam, faced threats of arrest.

On Sunday, the legislature's speaker, Malik Ahmed Khan, deemed the nomination papers submitted by Maryam and Aftab as valid after scrutiny. He subsequently announced an election for the Punjab chief minister's post during Monday's assembly session.

Earlier, PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz submitted her nomination papers to Punjab Assembly Secretary Chaudhry Amir Habib. The deadline for submissions was 5 pm.

On Sunday, Rana Aftab also met with Speaker Khan after the verification of his nomination papers.

MQM-P insists on Sindh governorship for Tessori​

Feb 26,
The Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) was expected to hold final round of negotiations with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) before taking its decision about joining the coalition government, party sources said.

According to the sources, privy to the discussion in the party’s Coordination Committee, the MQM-P wanted to allow Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori to continue in the post, otherwise, according to some suggestions, the party would prefer to sit on the opposition benches.

In various media interviews, Senior Deputy Convener Dr Farooq Sattar and newly-elected National Assembly member (MNA) Mustafa Kamal both expressed their optimism about the ongoing coalition talks with the PML-N, hoping to reaching consensus on all issues very soon.

Opposition determined to not give SIC walkover in K-P Assembly​

Feb 25, 2024
Ahead of the upcoming elections for key positions in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, opposition parties have announced their intent to field candidates for the roles of chief minister, speaker, and deputy speaker.

The decision was reached in a meeting, during which the opposition parties vowed to reveal their nominees before the maiden assembly session scheduled to be held on February 28 (Wednesday) for the oath-taking of the newly elected members.

With a combined strength of 25 members in the provincial legislature, the opposition parties are gearing up to contest against the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC), which boasts more than 80 members.

Despite the numerical advantage of the SIC, the opposition is determined to compete for the positions of chief minister, speaker, and deputy speaker.
Endemic, corruption...

How does one recognition the larger heist?
In fact, the honor and the compact amongst thieves!
Corruption necessitates subversion, manipulation... systematic delay and endamic process.
Initiates are broken into
Niches and perchs are created and regulated.
Benefits are privatized... while work, pain and suffering is socialized.
The obfuscation of history and endurance or persistence of the colonial project. It is entirely purposeful that the agent Smiths of the matrix start metastasis.
The structures that grant agency to this project ones that expropriate power and labor away from people.

Catch phrases are injurious and everything cannot be made bite-sized should I try...

So this remains the sole conduit...
Everything will start falling in it's proper place over time.
We can say it’s a culture of corruption. I was listening to a story on NPR yesterday, small corruption by many of the actors on their own seems harmless, but add it all up and it pushes the entire enterprise to the breaking point.


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