Why India Deliberately kept Weakened Bangladesh’s Military | InShort

You want me to post video evidence of how uncivilized hindus are?😆

No idea. As indian hindus always manage to eat almost all pollutants assuming them as some kind of holy parasad! Especially from ganga river. 🙂
Nothing beats taking one look at Padma river. You can cope all uou want but you know those rivers are drained into BD. Lol
Hamara marzi...

Mad hanuman fanboyz...

LOL, our maritime boundary directly connects us to international waters. And our maritime boundary aren't indian backyard.

Yes. Billion stong hindu wants us dead and our way of life gone. We can clearly see indian governments and various hindu groups nazi style experiments on indian muslim populations.

We need military capabilities to become a poison ivy.

Like india, Bangladesh aren't filled with drunkards. indian hindus with suppa pawwa syndrome are the problem.

Preach this to indian hindus...
first clear the $ 1 billion payments to India Power companies before planning to buy super super weapons from biradar countries ..
Bangladesh is doing far better than their brothers in the west Pakistan.
Double per capita income triple Forex
They have achieved this without threat from India who look at them as a peaceful small neighbour

These people don't want to follow Pakistan where for few rusty Chinese weapons that hardly work end up in debt in their knees in a arms race against a giant neighbour like India

Stating a conflict they can never survive

They would last 12 days like in 1971
Bangladesh's real independence will follow after it has secured it's borders, it's economy, it's water from indian aggression. Getting more guns won't change anything if you have to ask permission each time you clean it. Even the the recent order of ammunition from Pakistan was first cleared with India. I wouldn't read too much into these recent attempts to look sovereign until Bangladesh can secure it's economy from indian sanctions.

How do we know this?

@Al-Zakir Please ask this member to substantiate this claim.
How do we know this?

@Al-Zakir Please ask this member to substantiate this claim.

The source are Indian newspapers using muddy words purposefully. Not reliable. I think most likely they learned from POF directors'' open letter which detailed the order. But then tried to insinuate something different.

Also, you don't know enough to claim, if current government and the next elected government will continue the previous India Policy.
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Indian newspapers can’t become a reliable source at own convenience. Most members here always refute anything published by Indian newspapers.
Suddenly, the same papers become most reliable source when it suits one’s propaganda or intent to spread a certain narrative.

Indian media does tend to sensationalise everything. That is the only way to get eyeballs in a crowded news space.

Even if Bangladesh took India in loop while procuring ammunition indicates that the present dispensation in B’desh realises the importance of keeping good terms with India. The idea is to keep the relations good rather than letting them go down further in the light of recent developments.

Currently, B’desh government has a tough task of getting the situation normal and put economy back on track and that can’t be done by opening a new front against India.
My observation is based on the premise of “IF” India was asked.
We aren't importing them, AK-203s are made in India under license, and INSAS are being phased out.
Good for you. But I will wait till I see them.🙂
What China can do except some stone pelting ? India is head to head with China.
Good old indian suppa pawwa syndrome. Never get old...😆
Do you even know What is A Hindu, you brainwashed brainwashed turd?
Satan worshipping godless heathens. Who acts innocent like satan too.
good .. get one then,, btw IMF does not provide loan for military purchase
Buddy, dollar ain't a problem anymore 😁
have to change your attire
Nothing beats taking one look at Padma river. You can cope all uou want but you know those rivers are drained into BD. Lol
Padmas water is much better than indian Ganga thanks to hindus eating pollutants as a holy pasad. You can smoke as much copium as you want but even you can't deny ganga is a holy river for hindus and hindus directly drink polluted water from it. 😂
Padmas water is much better than indian Ganga thanks to hindus eating pollutants as a holy pasad. You can smoke as much copium as you want but even you can't deny ganga is a holy river for hindus and hindus directly drink polluted water from it. 😂
Sure Padma river is much better. 😉
Good for you. But I will wait till I see them.🙂

Good old indian suppa pawwa syndrome. Never get old...😆

Satan worshipping godless heathens. Who acts innocent like satan too.

Buddy, dollar ain't a problem anymore 😁

So then stop blaming BJP for the hate you have for Hindus. Accept honestly that you got this hate message direct from the sky book. Don't hesitate accepting the fact.

I know you consider Idol worshiping worst sin an human can do... Even worst than when a criminal rape a girl and cut her into pieces.

So Hindus are Not hateful, you are by nature being in muslim family. You have to follow holy message.
So then stop blaming BJP for the hate you have for Hindus
I don't give flying fuk to BJP-Congress and other blah blah blah. I will always hate those hindus for disrespecting my religion, my way of life, my food habit, my dress code, my place of worship list can go on. You reap what you saw...
Accept honestly that you got this hate message direct from the sky book.
Sky book? You godless heathens doesn't even have one. And no my sky book doesn't teaches me to poke my nose in you godless people's business. You satans should be avoided unless you provoke.
Don't hesitate accepting the fact.
You have to present it first...
I know you consider Idol worshiping worst sin an human can do...
Even worst than when a criminal rape a girl and cut her into pieces.
Don't know why you mentioned your hindu religious ritual. You hindus are famous for these. And people who commits these are celebrated in india, especially if the victim is Muslim.
So Hindus are Not hateful, you are by nature being in muslim family.
Classic example of satan worshiper.

Action speaks louder than words. Whole world can see what hindus are doing to the non hindus in india. lol.
You have to follow holy message.
Yes. Im not a satan worshiper...

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