Pakistan General Elections 2024

Selling change

Does Imran Khan’s election campaign strategy mirror Donald Trump’s?


“This election will decide whether we are ruled by a corrupt political class. You’re seeing what’s happening. Everybody’s watching. Or whether we are ruled by the people. We’re going to be ruled by the people... That is going to be the choice. A failed political establishment has delivered nothing but poverty, nothing but problems, nothing but losses.”
Do you remember when Imran Khan spoke those words? If you have trouble remembering the precise moment, you are not alone. Khan used these phrases and ideas throughout the 2018 election campaign, ultimately leading his party – and himself – to power.

But look again. This is not Khan at all. This is Donald Trump, November 7, 2016. Surprised?

“Change” (or, more popularly, tabdeeli) has been PTI’s mantra for the past six years. Khan’s personal charm, along with slick and professional media campaigns, have kept this idea alive and well with the public.

The media onslaught has been smart and sophisticated. From ever-catchier jingles, to iconic graphic design work, to the ‘branding’ of each initiative taken by the party (for example, the wheel jam strike in 2014 had the tagline “Shutdown to rebuild”), to attractive election posters with stylised portraits, PTI’s marketing campaign has consistently been savvy and dynamic.

The promise was and remains bold: PTI would wipe the slate clean of the corrupt ways of political administration and bring real change. The biggest USP of the PTI remains this: neither the party nor the leader have ever been in power on a national level. This and this alone, has helped paper over a lot of inconsistencies between the message and reality.

Moreover, thanks to the impact of the election campaign, PTI fans still believe. Even those who did not necessarily align themselves with PTI politically are cautiously hopeful. Khan’s strong and consistent campaign has been relentless and on-brand without fail. The campaign has been run like a well-oiled machine with an obvious professional touch that has elevated it above those by other parties; the ideals of governance laid down are clear and unambiguous.

Returning for a moment to Trump, his campaign strategy was focused on two catchphrases: “Make America Great Again” and “Draining the Swamp”. The first message was that US was not functioning to its peak potential due to policies adopted by Trump’s predecessors and the political administration was a ‘swamp’ riddled by a lack of transparency and corruption. It seems that the playbook has been adapted by the PTI.​

Over time, with the evolution of PTI’s politics, the message has shifted in tone slightly. The party focused on enlisting fresh, untested faces in the 2013 elections, reinforcing the brand identity. However, in the intervening five years, two key developments in the political climate took place.

Firstly, PTI held a government in KP and its performance there came under scrutiny. Being part of the political machine for five years meant that PTI could no longer rely on its ‘fresh and untested’ status and had to answer for its governance. Secondly, as the party sensed a greater chance of forming the government on a national level, it adopted strategies that it once scoffed: enlisting tried and not necessarily true ‘electables’ from other parties, and banking on social infrastructure development in KP. To counter that, the party doubled down on the two messages: the persona of Khan himself and its governance record in KP.

The narrative largely worked. With its rivals weakened due to a variety of internal and external factors, PTI strategised its campaign, focusing on a socio-economic agenda. The presence of Asad Umer in its ranks helped on that front.

Now, the elections are over and PTI fans and neutral observers alike now eagerly wait for the promised ‘change’. The task at hand now is to convince the public that ‘good enough’ is not good enough.

Returning for a moment to Trump, his campaign strategy was focused on two catchphrases: “Make America Great Again” and “Draining the Swamp”. The first message was that US was not functioning to its peak potential due to policies adopted by Trump’s predecessors and the political administration was a ‘swamp’ riddled by a lack of transparency and corruption. It seems that the playbook has been adapted by the PTI.

As the realities of governing a country materialise, the PTI’s media strategy remains focused on the future. The message is, "Wait and see, we can deliver.". While the strategy is working for now, it is high time that the ideals are put into practice, for the betterment of the party and for the betterment of the country.
PML-N’s Hanif Abbasi leads in Rawalpindi’s NA-56
Updated Feb 08, 18:37
According to the first unofficial and inconclusive result of Station Mission School polling station in Rawalpindi’s NA-56, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz’s (PML-N) Hanif Abbasi is leading with 132 votes while his rival Awami Muslim League’s (AML) Sheikh Rashid Ahmed is lagging behind him with 64 votes.

PTI-backed candidate leads in Islamabad’s NA-47

According to first inconclusive and unofficial result of polling station number 338 male booth in Islamabad's NA-47 constituency, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) affiliated candidate Shoaib Shaheen is leading with 157 votes while Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz’s (PML-N) Tariq Fazal Chaudhary is lagging behind him with 98 votes.

Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, the former PPP leader who is contesting these elections as in independent candidate, is in third position with 23 votes.

Elections were 100 pc transparent and peaceful: CEC​

Updated Feb 08, 18:11

Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja said today's electoral process was "100 per cent transparent and peaceful" as political parties, and human rights organisations decried the unexpected suspension of cellular and internet services.

Addressing the media after the polling time concluded, the CEC stated that the polling process continued without any interruptions. "No citizen was prevented from casting their vote," he added.

"Where connectivity is an issue, the concerned Presiding Officer will personally go to the office of the concerned Returning Officer and issue Form 45," Raja stated.

He said once uploaded in EMS, Form 45 will automatically be received wherever services are restored.

Addressing complaints about voting process delays in some polling stations, the election commissioner said time can be extended till 2 PM on the day if it is asked to be extended.

"Timing was extended at three polling stations in Gujrat on the concerned ROs requests," he said.

PTI leader writes letter to CEC on internet suspension​

Updated Feb 08, 16:58
Senior leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Senator Syed Ali Zafar has written a letter to the chief election commissioner (CEC) on Thursday, expressing concern over the suspension of internet and mobile phone services across the country on election day.

According to a statement issued by PTI’s Central Media Department, Ali Zafar, also a PTI senator, stated that the nationwide suspension of mobile phone and internet services on the day of the elections is causing severe and significant damage to Pakistan.

He slammed as “unacceptable” the CEC’s statement in which he dissociated the suspension of internet and mobile phone services from the conduct of free and fair elections.

Senator Zafar reiterated that the Constitution of Pakistan mandates the CEC to ensure the free and fair conduct of elections, and this includes the responsibility for the availability of internet and mobile phone services.

According to the Constitution, the Election Commission of Pakistan has the authority to instruct the government to restore mobile and internet services, Senator Zafar highlighted. He urged immediate action to ensure the restoration of internet and mobile phone services, highlighting the demand on behalf of PTI and the people of Pakistan.
I wonder what impact will this have on the Indian Lok Sabha election. I am sure BJP/Modi were praying for an IK win. Sharif coming to power with a clear mandate is going to spoil their 400+ party

Modi and all hindu terrorist organisations will be shi**** bricks on the thoughts of IK coming back to power. Lol

Luckily for them though, Asim Muneer and his gang are American lackey and will they try their best to not let IK come back to power. Otherwise IK will sweep the election.

General Elections 2024: polling ends as Pakistan marred by ‘disconnect’

Pakistan voted in the country’s 12th General Elections under a bar on communication with mobile internet services disrupted and delays in the start of polling reported at several areas. Nearly 129 million Pakistanis were due to vote across 90,000 polling stations across the country amid hope that helping elect the 266 candidates would steer the country out of its current economic crisis.

Security concerns, already mounting in the face of rising terrorist attacks, were back on the forefront after the attack in Balochistan on Wednesday, and topped the list of government worries that resorted to its tried-and-tested formula of imposing a blackout on mobile internet connectivity.

The government deployed over 648,000 security personnel nationwide to ensure safety, but a drastically different political landscape played on the minds of voters.
Imran Khan's follies played a major part in isolating Pakistan from the Muslim world. Have you forgotten when MBS humiliated IK in New York by offloading him from MBS's private jet. It was a humiliation no self-respecting leader could've suffered.

IK doesn't understand geopolitics, which means sooner or later he will screw up relations with everyone. It is in India's best interest he comes to power.

Lol every one knows how Pakistan forigen policy was aggressive and no nonsense when IK was in power.

He is the one who pulled the bull by horn and stopped the carnage in Palestine by work with turkey very aggressively last time. There is a strong opion that had he be in power right now, the carnage in Gaza wouldn't have lasted this long.

He is the one who created the first bridge between saudi and Iran.

He is the one who called the first OIC in Islamabad after decades.

He is the one who uprooted America/nato/india from Afghanistan.

Last but not least, he is the one who authorised operation swift retort on Modi arse. Lol.

Every Tom dick and harry know, that hindu terrorists and their sympathizers are sh** scarred of IK returning into power.
"Pre-Poll Rigging" by the mafia has worked alot today.

The confusion created by fake banners and flexs hoisted by PML N goons, worked today. Many people ended up voting wrong.

Second thing that affected me too was the transfer of votes of young voters that are voting for the first time to far flung areas resulting in many not voting. I personally had to drive 40km to and 40km back from my polling station.
Imran Khan's follies played a major part in isolating Pakistan from the Muslim world. Have you forgotten when MBS humiliated IK in New York by offloading him from MBS's private jet. It was a humiliation no self-respecting leader could've suffered.

IK doesn't understand geopolitics, which means sooner or later he will screw up relations with everyone. It is in India's best interest he comes to power.
Off topic. Please take this elsewhere.

And you are making gross generalisations. Pakistan’s foreign policy was doing fine under Imran Khan. There was a reason there were 2 OIC meets in Pakistan under his rule for a start.

Modi’s hindu supremacist tendencies are well known. That in itself is embarrassing and unworthy of a leader ruling the largest secular democracy.
Lol every one knows how Pakistan forigen policy was aggressive and no nonsense when IK was in power.

He is the one who pulled the bull by horn and stopped the carnage in Palestine by work with turkey very aggressively last time. There is a strong opion that had he be in power right now, the carnage in Gaza wouldn't have lasted this long.

He is the one who created the first bridge between saudi and Iran.

He is the one who called the first OIC in Islamabad after decades.

He is the one who uprooted America/nato/india from Afghanistan.

Last but not least, he is the one who authorised operation swift retort on Modi arse. Lol.

Every Tom dick and harry know, that hindu terrorists and their sympathizers are sh** scarred of IK returning into power.
I hope IK return to power very soon.

I am praying for his victory. Sadly, Pak fauj isn't letting him out of prison.
Off topic. Please take this elsewhere.

And you are making gross generalisations. Pakistan’s foreign policy was doing fine under Imran Khan. There was a reason there were 2 OIC meets in Pakistan under his rule for a start.

Modi’s hindu supremacist tendencies are well known. That in itself is embarrassing and unworthy of a leader ruling the largest secular democracy.
I hope you get your wish..>IK FOR THE WIN!!!!

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