Pakistan through history

The Dual City: Karachi During the Raj

Posted on August 3, 2018 by Amin H. Karim MD

This lavishly illustrated book provides an incisive look at the evolution of Karachi’s urban fabric and architecture as influenced by the political order of its time.
By Yasmeen Lari and Mihail S. Lari and published by Heritage Foundation Karachi and Oxford University Press.

Major Foreign Invasions Against Pakistan From Western Borders

Assyrian Empire................... 800 BC
Achaemenid Empire........ 530 BC
Alexander of Macedon... 326 BC
Indo-Greeks........................... 206 BC
Scythians.................................... 90 BC
Parthians..................................... 21 AD
Kushans..................................... 45 AD
Huns.......................................... 450 AD
Muslims.................................. 644 AD
Genghis Khan.................... 1221 AD

Major Foreign Invasions Against Pakistan From the East

Mauryan Empire (323 BC)

Gupta Empire (319 AD)

Rai Dynasty (489 AD)

Harshvardana Empire (606 AD)

Rai Maharath (640 AD)

Rajput (647 AD) Pala Empire (770 AD)

Mahratha (1757 AD)

British (1843 AD)

Amongst the best posts I've read on any forum.
On “Pakistan Day”, it is important to remember that Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah was "visionary" not just because he recognized the threat from Hindu Mahasabha and the RSS but also from the Machiavellian perfidy of a Hindu body called ‘Congress’ which was going to inherit the political power from Raj.

The 1914 Congress had a total of 856 delegates, in 1915 there were 2190 and in 1916 there were 2249. Of these, the number of Muslims were less than 1% in 1914, 2% in 1915 and 3% in 1916. In 1937, 97%, membership of Congress was Hindu.

Dr Ambedkar, who made the Indian constitution, said:
“It is foolish to take solace in the fact that because the Congress is fighting for the freedom of India, it is, therefore, fighting for the freedom of the people of India and of the lowest of the low. The question whether Congress is fighting for freedom has very little importance as compared to the question for whose freedom is the Congress fighting?”

Mr Jinnah was hailed as an ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity by people as big as Gokhale and Sarojini Naidu. He wanted Muslims to be treated as equals instead of minority but the events of 1937-39 changed him forever.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s first real test as a political leader came with the Provincial elections of 1936-37. Nehru campaigned tirelessly and covered 80,000 kms in about 5 months. Eventually Congress was elected on 761 out of 1161 seats it contested. Out of 485 Muslims seats, it contested only 58 and won 26. At this time, the membership of Congress was 97% Hindu. Across British India, it could not even find candidates in 90% of Muslim constituencies.

In Nehru's own province, Uttar Pradesh, the most populous in India, Congress swept the board of Hindu seats but it had not won a single Muslim seat.

Crowning over the results, Nehru announced in hubris that there were now only two political powers that mattered in India: Congress and the British govt. Eventually, Congress formed ministries in Madras, Bombay, Orissa, Bihar, United Provinces and Central Provinces to begin with. Later on, it formed ministries in NWFP and Assam.

By 1938, eight out of eleven provinces were under Congress rule and party membership soared from 470,000 in 1935 to 4.5 million with 97% Hindus.

Those 28 months of Congress rule were a nightmare for Muslims. There were 57 serious communal riots in which 1700 casualties were reported in Congress ruled provinces. Along with this:

1. Congress adopted ‘Vande Mataram’ (anti Muslim song from a Hindu novel) as national anthem.
2. Hindi in Devanagari script became official language.
3. Congress tri colour flag became national flag.
4. Steps for creation of a Congress Army were taken.
5. Mandar Scheme aimed at promoting Hindu culture by making Mandar education necessary at elementary level was introduced.
6. Warda Taleemi Scheme was enforced to displace idea of Two Nation Theory from minds of Muslim children at schools.
7. Cow slaughtering was banned.
8. Construction of new mosques was banned.
9. Muslims were denied govt offices and expelled in many cases.

R. Coupland, who has made a detailed study of the period, is of the opinion that Congress totalitarianism was exhibited to overawe the minorities. “For to set a party above the people, to identity its organisation with the State, is to override the minority problem”.

Churchill said that during this short period, Congress had resorted to police firing on civilians so much that it killed more people in comparison to 200 years of British rule. It was a severe indictment but well deserved.

These events had confirmed the worst fears of Muslims.

Jinnah said in Oct 1937:
“On the very threshold of what little power and responsibility is given, the majority community has clearly shown their hand: that Hindustan is for the Hindus”.

With the fall of Congress govt in 1939, Muslim League announced it as Day of Deliverance.

Subsequently, on 23rd March 1940, Lahore resolution for an independent state was adopted by Muslim League.


.The membership of Congress was 97 percent Hindu. Across British India, it could not even find candidates in 90 percent of Muslim constituencies. In Nehru's own province, Uttar Pradesh, the most populous in India, Congress swept the board of...


Hindu seats but it had not won a single Muslim seat. Crowning over the results, Nehru announced in hubris that there were now only two political powers that mattered in India: Congress and the British govt. Eventually, Congress formed ministries in Madras, Bombay, Orissa, Bihar...United Provinces and Central Provinces to begin with. Later on, it formed ministries in North West Frontier Province and Assam.

By 1938, eight out of the eleven provinces were under Congress rule and party membership soared from 470,000 in 1935 to 4.5 million with 97% Hindus.

Jinnah said in Oct 1937:“On the very threshold of what little power and responsibility is given, the majority community has clearly shown their hand: that Hindustan is for the Hindus”.With the fall of Congress govt in 1939, Muslim League announced it as Day of Deliverance.


Congress was a Hindu body from the start. In 1914, it had a total of 856 delegates, in 1915 there were 2190 and in 1916 there were 2249. Of these number of Muslims were less than 1% in 1914, 2% in 1915 and 3% in 1916. In 1937, 97%, members of Congress was Hindu.Dr Ambedkar said:

𝟮𝟭 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻'𝘁 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻:

1. The Karakoram Highway, known as the Eighth Wonder of the World, traverses through some of the world's highest mountain ranges, connecting Pakistan with China.

2. Mohenjo-Daro, an ancient city in Pakistan, offers insights into one of the earliest urban civilizations, the Indus Valley Civilization.

3. The Thar Desert in Pakistan hosts a rich and vibrant culture, with the Thari people known for their colorful attire and centuries-old traditions.

4. Pakistan is home to K2, the world's second-highest peak, attracting adventurers from around the globe for its challenging climbs.

5. The Wazir Khan Mosque in Lahore showcases exquisite Mughal architecture, adorned with intricate tile work and calligraphy.

6. The Baltoro Glacier in Pakistan is one of the largest outside the polar regions, offering awe-inspiring views amidst the Karakoram Range.

7. The Kalash Valleys in Pakistan are renowned for their unique culture and festivals, providing a fascinating glimpse into ancient traditions.

8. Lahore's bustling Saddar market is a vibrant hub of activity, offering a sensory experience with its diverse array of goods and foods.

9. The Deosai Plains, often called the Land of Giants, boast breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, including the endangered Himalayan brown bear.

10. Taxila, an archaeological treasure in Pakistan, is home to ruins dating back over 2,500 years, offering a glimpse into the region's rich history.

11. The Shah Jahan Mosque in Thatta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcasing stunning tile work and architectural grandeur from the Mughal era.

12. Pakistan's Khewra Salt Mine is one of the world's oldest and largest, featuring mesmerizing salt formations and underground chambers.

13. The Hunza Valley in Pakistan is famed for its stunning beauty and residents' exceptional longevity, sparking scientific interest worldwide.

14. The Makran Coastal Highway winds along Pakistan's coast, offering breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea and rugged cliffs.

15. The Lahore International Expo celebrates Pakistan's textile industry, showcasing the finest fabrics, designs, and craftsmanship.

16. The Kaghan Valley in Pakistan is a paradise for nature lovers, with its lush forests, pristine lakes, and towering peaks.

17. The ancient city of Taxila was a center of learning and commerce in ancient times, with its ruins bearing witness to its former glory.

18. Pakistan's diverse cuisine, including dishes like biryani and kebabs, reflects the country's rich culinary heritage and influences.

19. The Hunza Valley is renowned for its holistic wellness practices and serene atmosphere, attracting wellness seekers from around the world.

20. The Lok Mela festival in Islamabad celebrates Pakistan's cultural diversity through music, dance, arts, and crafts.

21. The Khunjerab Pass, situated on the Pakistan-China border, symbolizes the friendship and cooperation between the two nations, offering stunning views of the Karakoram Range.
Map of India in 1765
Note:- Brits conquered Bengal from Nawab of Bengal in 1757 and Northern Circars was granted to Lord Clive by Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II in 1765
Source: Historical Atlas of India by Charles Joppen


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