Pakistani embassy attacked again by Afghans - this time in Germany, flag burnt

Hillary Clinton on visit of Pakistan said ; if you raise snakes in your backyard and believe it's going to bite your neighbor but not you , you are mistaken .
Hillary Clinton created Daesh along with Mubarak hussain Obama using Chutiya Turkey. And Ronald Reagan created talibunnies. And Bush Senior created Al-Qaeda…..😝
They always have

In Pakistan we consider Hindus the enemy, and they are, but because Afghans are Muslims we gave those namak harams the benefit of doubt numerous times

They have been attempting to attack Pakistan since day 1 and they have just lost and every time they destroyed Afghanistan and themselves, and now they are little more than a rabble
They destroyed but pakistan got money 💵
Lol from the time when they were a kingdom to the time when they were marxist, to today when they are an emirate - they all one thing in common: how they all detest the idea of Pakistan.
Yes . .this is just one reason but not the main and initial. They have started to hate you since the USR fallen, not since 1947.
Read the history of our independence, Afghanistan was the only country who opposed Pakistan creation in 47 and the last country in the world to recognized Pakistan, do research before you post nonsense here
They always have

In Pakistan we consider Hindus the enemy, and they are, but because Afghans are Muslims we gave those namak harams the benefit of doubt numerous times

They have been attempting to attack Pakistan since day 1 and they have just lost and every time they destroyed Afghanistan and themselves, and now they are little more than a rabble

I think Pakistanis are not calibrating their reactions

Whatever Pakistan has, at the end of the day it's more than Afghanistan.

Just look at how they respond, it's kind of really pathetic and neanderthal.

Elevated levels of Afghan chauvinism actually leaves them angry and frustrated.

The big mistake being made, unlike Iranians, is the open hearted approach

But then don't be bi polar and go from brother's to enemies.
Lol from the time when they were a kingdom to the time when they were marxist, to today when they are an emirate - they all one thing in common: how they all detest the idea of Pakistan.

Elevated racial chauvinism.

Whatever Pakistan has, it's more than them, cannot compute

They all deserted their army btw, ran to the west and Dubai, so really they are defining themselves as the forever barbarians at the gate

Its a frustrated anger, they want to bring you down to their level
I think part of the problem is the afghans are angry at their own state and circumstances, but unable to blame themselves for their own misfortunes they need a target and Pakistan is that target

The worst part is, if a Hindu acted the same way we would literally not give a shit, no one would make excuses for the Hindu, no would ask 'what can we do to make the Hindu feel more cared for'

With the afghans we have a inbuilt problem, with people making excuse after excuse for the afghans horrendous behaviour.
They can attack schools, or mosques, our border or cantonments
And we have lanats making excuses for the most idiotic Afghan behaviour

It can't always be Pakistan extending the hand of friendship and cooperation, at some point the afghans have to show good intentions and good behaviour to be trusted and not be thought of as human donkeys
It can't always be Pakistan extending the hand of friendship and cooperation, at some point the afghans have to show good intentions and good behaviour to be trusted and not be thought of as human donkeys

Can't vent at Iranians, won't tolerate

Can't vent at USA despite what get did, they all have dollars now

Never too late to set new norms
The Afghans are on their way out of Pakistan and it is all their own doing. It is time for India, US and NATO countries to step forward and provide refugee status to as many Afghans as possible. Looks like Germany a NATO member has failed to provide security to a foreign consulate.

FO condemns attack on Pakistani consulate in Frankfurt by ‘gang of extremists’

The Afghans are on their way out of Pakistan and it is all their own doing. It is time for India, US and NATO countries to step forward and provide refugee status to as many Afghans as possible. Looks like Germany a NATO member has failed to provide security to a foreign consulate.

FO condemns attack on Pakistani consulate in Frankfurt by ‘gang of extremists’

The reality is that we Pakistanis need to view afghanistan and afghans the same way we view india and indians. afghanistan is just as much our enemy as india is. I think Pakistanis are now waking up to this reality.
The reality is that we Pakistanis need to view afghanistan and afghans the same way we view india and indians. afghanistan is just as much our enemy as india is. I think Pakistanis are now waking up to this reality.
"Some" Pakistani are

At the moment, even after a TTP attack we have clowns mumbling like some drugged up afghans saying papa John, papa John, stet atak afghaan
The reality is that we Pakistanis need to view afghanistan and afghans the same way we view india and indians. afghanistan is just as much our enemy as india is. I think Pakistanis are now waking up to this reality.

I wouldn't say that, it's better to keep your senses and not getting addicted to hate and being hateful, that's been their story and look at them now.

Plus, if their extreme ethnic chauvinism could calm down, and they can accept some introspection on how they have managed their affairs, things can be ok

This will take time, in the meantime let them smash a few windows if that's makes them happy

But repeat, better not to get addicted to hate in the way they are
"Some" Pakistani are

At the moment, even after a TTP attack we have clowns mumbling like some drugged up afghans saying papa John, papa John, stet atak afghaan

Whatever disagreements we my have with our military with regards to domestic affairs, one thing is for certain. If we are attacked by foreigners or they try to invade us, we will fight them savagely till the death in order to protect our motherland. There will be a resistance that has never been witnessed before. Our enemies know this which is why they never launch a full military attack on us regardless of what they say or however they posture.

afghans are foreigners who also happen to be our enemies. Nothing more. Also, before anyone complains about Pakistan helping the americans invade afghanistan, they have forgotten one MASSIVE FACT. Pakistan did the BARE minimum in assisting the americans. However, millions of afghans colluded with the americans and nato in order to oppress, murder and rule over their fellow afghans. It was the afghans who betrayed eachother for the love of the americans and nato. Pakistan had nothing to do with it. If millions of afghans did not sell their souls to the americans and nato, they would NOT have been able to remain in afghanistan for 20 years.

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