Pakistani GDP is now $800 Billion (Formal +Informal) as per ILO, SMEDA joint study

This inflated number is not supported by Pakistan dismal export and currency reserves numbers.
Export and currency reserves are complex monetary indicators. However, some indirect quality of life indicators can be used to sanity check difficult to measure statistics like GDP, especially when there is a large unaccounted sector. For example:

1. Under five mortality in South Asia (deaths per 1,000 live births):

India *32.6

2. Maternal mortality for 100,000 live births
India *102.7
True what you say……bohot log Malaysia/ Bangkok ja re hain….. both clean low crime places out east. Yaar 25% say zyada tax is too much already. All these western countries just making a killing from not just tax, but Medicare and 401k then superannuation and then insurance this insurance that then registration for car…..screw all this bhai…… just walk away.
And in this environment the GoP is considering policies that may have worked 30-40 years ago. The longer they take and the less accommodating they are to the people with different viewpoints and the money, the more they will lose them to other markets. They have made it such that many people don’t want to visit Pakistan, some meeting their families in third countries for a peaceful vacation.
And in this environment the GoP is considering policies that may have worked 30-40 years ago. The longer they take and the less accommodating they are to the people with different viewpoints and the money, the more they will lose them to other markets. They have made it such that many people don’t want to visit Pakistan, some meeting their families in third countries for a peaceful vacation.
Exactly! pata nahi ajeeb establishment hae hamara? Just 2% paying tax (like only the educated who get a paycheck), baqi just pay VAT. Good 40% power consumers don't pay bills. Yehee sahih kar lain half the problems would be solved. Mager nahi........they are not interested in changing the status quo. All feudals and waderay sitting as MNA's and MPA's with millions of acreage in land. Ilzaam saara bichari army per daal detay hain.

Its a game they are playing.
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Exactly! pata nahi ajeeb establishment hae hamara? Just 2% paying tax (like only the educated who get a paycheck), baqi just pay VAT. Good 40% power consumers don't pay bills. Yehee sahih kar lain half the problems would be solved. Mager nahi........they are not interested in changing the status quo. All feudals and waderay sitting as MNA's and MPA's with millions of acreage in land. Ilzaam saara bichari army per daal detay hain.
That’s why I say it’s the business elite and their capture of the country, and I compare the situation to communist Eastern Europe. Look at Poland, the potential is there, but they don’t want to give up some power for the sake of national survival. For all his fault, if IK can come back and is able to do what he says, the people will support his the way the people supported Bhutto. The metrics are so bad, that the people would be happy even a half way decent attempt at changing the status quo.
Government and failing generals are down in deep filthy pit. They're making things up to make themselves look less ugly.

Can you put these research papers and formulas on any country and get dependable statistics on them? We're a unique country doesn't justify the fudging.
That’s why I say it’s the business elite and their capture of the country, and I compare the situation to communist Eastern Europe. Look at Poland, the potential is there, but they don’t want to give up some power for the sake of national survival. For all his fault, if IK can come back and is able to do what he says, the people will support his the way the people supported Bhutto. The metrics are so bad, that the people would be happy even a half way decent attempt at changing the status quo.
Bilkul!......totally true.......Waderay/ Chaudhry/ Feudals given millions in fertile acreage by the departing ko incharge bana ker UK fukk'd off ensuring these guys look after western interests locally/ regionally and then of course the number 1 issue to stay in power and keep doing da same thing. Don't blame the army bichari looking out for its own survival doing its own jogaarr! They are a stakeholder too, don't get me wrong......but our army is not 100% runnin da show. They are just another stakeholder in the owners team. CEO's sitting in Lundon/ DC.

Me n you voted with our feet long ago cuz we don't got no representation bhai, and probably never will.
Bilkul!......totally true.......Waderay/ Chaudhry/ Feudals given millions in fertile acreage by the departing ko incharge bana ker UK fukk'd off ensuring these guys look after western interests locally/ regionally and then of course the number 1 issue to stay in power and keep doing da same thing. Don't blame the army bichari looking out for its own survival doing its own jogaarr! They are a stakeholder too, don't get me wrong......but our army is not 100% runnin da show. They are just another stakeholder in the owners team. CEO's sitting in Lundon/ DC.

Me n you voted with our feet long ago cuz we don't got no representation bhai, and probably never will.
My family voted for me, and got me out when I was very young. So my connection, outside of familial ties is sending zakat to Pakistani hospitals, because “but for the grace of God, go I”. It is also why I participate on this forum. Had my life gone differently, I would have been living there with limited prospects. So I do it for my countless brothers and sisters that would hope there was someone looking out for them. Some may think I’m wrong in my ideas, but I hope my interest is appreciated. For example, I don’t think IK has all or most of the answers, but we have to agree the status quo has to change. I say this to those like Shezhad Ghias, who I think even more so (because he lives in Pakistan), wants a normal nation.

We need honest voices like him, and IMHO I believe he is an honest person, helping us hold all politicians and elites to account. The more influential the more important to hold them to account.

If IK is to comeback it has to be to first take on his own party’s elites and change the system where he has elites that have pledged their loyalty to him.

To be fair, Shahbaz is now in power. He could also take on his own party elite, and change the status quo. No one is stopping him. The ball is in his court.

Pakistan to me is more of an idea, an aspiration, than a place I can actually visit. If it can go in the right direction, I would gladly invest a good portion of my income there, with no expectation to really take out any money from the country. I would hope Pakistan would be a tree, under which my progeny can one day return and live with dignity, as my late father dreamed he could do.

All these numbers of $800 Billion, $900 Billion, $1 Trillion, mean nothing, when people’s lives are getting worse and the social fabric is breaking down.

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I think GDP can be predicted more precisely by seeing the money circulation figure. Central Bank release the number periodically. Total Bank saving, total bank loan can also be a good parameter to know real GDP figure.

70 % work force under informal business who mostly dont pay tax I believe is pretty similar with other developing countries
My family voted for me, and got me out when I was very young. So my connection, outside of familial ties is sending zakat to Pakistani hospitals, because “but for the grace of God, go I”. It is also why I participate on this forum. Had my life gone differently, I would have been living there with limited prospects. So I do it for my countless brothers and sisters that would hope there was someone looking out for them. Some may think I’m wrong in my ideas, but I hope my interest is appreciated. For example, I don’t think IK has all or most of the answers, but we have to agree the status quo has to change. I say this to those like Shezhad Ghias, who I think even more so (because he lives in Pakistan), wants a normal nation.

We need honest voices like him, and IMHO I believe he is an honest person, helping us hold all politicians and elites to account. The more influential the more important to hold them to account.

If IK is to comeback it has to be to first take on his own party’s elites and change the system where he has elites that have pledged their loyalty to him.

To be fair, Shahbaz is now in power. He could also take on his own party elite, and change the status quo. No one is stopping him. The ball is in his court.

Pakistan to me is more of an idea, an aspiration, than a place I can actually visit. If it can go in the right direction, I would gladly invest a good portion of my income there, with no expectation to really take out any money from the country. I would hope Pakistan would be a tree, under which my progeny can one day return and live with dignity, as my late father dreamed he could do.

All these numbers of $800 Billion, $900 Billion, $1 Trillion, mean nothing, when people’s lives are getting worse and the social fabric is breaking down.

Have faith. Depopulation is hopefully coming along with da ascendancy of da BRICS down da road. All these religious gimmicks, ethnic/ sectarian nonsense and third world social moores and culture going down da toilet. These are the tricks the west uses to control muslim countries. Iran's almost broken free of this nonsense.......baqi chutiye are going to be dragged along, one way or another.
I really don't understand what the excuse is to not get registered and pay taxes and everything.

You pay taxes, the government makes things better for you, you get cheaper electricity, the other BS add on taxes reduce, surcharges are removed, you get proper working conditions for your labor, make a better product, sell it for a higher price, pay a higher wage to your employee, earn more money, and the whole country gets an uplift.

Long term dekhna to hamaray liay haram hai.
Why pay for foreign property of politicians, generals and bureaucrats?
Have faith. Depopulation is hopefully coming along with da ascendancy of da BRICS down da road. All these religious gimmicks, ethnic/ sectarian nonsense and third world social moores and culture going down da toilet. These are the tricks the west uses to control muslim countries. Iran's almost broken free of this nonsense.......baqi chutiye are going to be dragged along, one way or another.
I honestly think the rising population, if coupled with efficiency in resource management ( including human resource) can be Pakistan’s salvation.

If we sit astride the supply chains we can use our labor costs to build up our nation. The large population can help us afford infrastructure that will help us collectively manage our needs for water, food, electricity (on an economical basis), etc.
I honestly think the rising population, if coupled with efficiency in resource management ( including human resource) can be Pakistan’s salvation.

If we sit astride the supply chains we can use our labor costs to build up our nation. The large population can help us afford infrastructure that will help us collectively manage our needs for water, food, electricity (on an economical basis), etc.
The waderay/ chaudhry in power won't let you do any of this know it. Most muslim countries are in a state of Neo-colonialism. Vested interests empowered by the west are in control. Its da same even in Canada or UK/OZ/ NZ too......Global oligarchs runnin da show for ever. So far only Iran's broken free of dis nonsense (among muslims).....baqi saaray chutiya muslim mulk hain, and most of dem on borrowed time.......depending upon Geo-politics of course.

I'm just being honest here.......if yous ain't sovereign point pretending.
What is per capita electricity consumption of Pakistan vs India vs BD ??
800B$ means Per capita about 3000$>Pakistan has pathetic saving rate. where is all this money being consumed? Car sales, bike sales ? Electricity consumption? Home appliances consumption ?
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What is per capita electricity consumption of Pakistan vs India vs BD ??
800B$ means Per capita about 3000$>Pakistan has pathetic saving rate. where is all this money being consumed? Car sales, bike sales ? Electricity consumption? Home appliances consumption ?
Electricity consumption is an excellent proxy for GDP since electricity is the lifeblood of modern production.

For South Asia, the kWh per year per capita data are:

Bhutan 4,244*
India 1,025
Sri Lanka 689
Pakistan 570
Bangladesh 461
Myanmar 314
Nepal 240
Afghanistan 137

I think Bhutan mostly exports its electricity.
Electricity consumption is an excellent proxy for GDP since electricity is the lifeblood of modern production.

For South Asia, the kWh per year per capita data are:

Bhutan 4,244*
India 1,025
Sri Lanka 689
Pakistan 570
Bangladesh 461
Myanmar 314
Nepal 240
Afghanistan 137

I think Bhutan mostly exports its electricity.
Yes Bhutan's hydel power is exported to India mostly.
Indian data is pretty old. It's about 1200kwh by now, and Pakistan and Bangladesh are at about 550kwh.

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