Potentially Pakistan giving access to naval base to China.

It does not stop any Pakistani leader from turning to USA first or help. I wonder why Pakistanis would haggle with IMF for $3 billion when Iron brother has $3 trillion
But people of Pakistan is with China not with USA it doesn't matter our leaders are again turning towards USA Mr fake Indian
LOL, Afghans can't even agree on Tajiks, Hazaras and other ethnicities.

Better sort out the local mess before looking into Pakistan.
Pakistan agrees on Ahmadis, Bohras, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Shias ?.

You do not even let poor Ahmadis cast vote in elections ?

Look within, before criticizing others.
Pakistan agrees on Ahmadis, Bohras, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Shias ?.

You do not even let poor Ahmadis cast vote in elections ?

Look within, before criticizing others.

We are not the ones claiming Afghans as our own.
Don't deflect from the topic that you opened.
LOL, you don't claim Indian Kashmiris as your own ?. Stop doing that then.

Borders can divide lands but not people.

Kashmir is not the topic.
Don't deflect from the topic that you started.
I doubt that this is true but I hope it is. If US is hell bent on arming indian navy, Pakistan can not match it with it own navy itself, it would need the PLAN to sit at the mouth of the Persian gulf to act as deterrant. I hope a formal agreement is reached for a permanent large scale Chinese naval presence in Gwadar.

It's all about domination... The USA does not want china to dominate the Indian ocean.

Here the interest is symmetric between India and the USA, Chinese ships are always vulnerable while traveling in the Indian Ocean if IN maintains control.. iT does not matter whether ships visit Srilanka, Pakistan or somewhere else.

It is why the USA is helping India and more support to upgrade the Indian navy.
Pakistan agrees on Ahmadis, Bohras, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Shias ?.

You do not even let poor Ahmadis cast vote in elections ?

Look within, before criticizing others.
You’re def an Indian. When does an “Afghan” give af about Shias and Ahmadis in Pakistan? Only an Indian brings this up everywhere. Why do you ppl feel a need to larp as something else?
I am strictly on the topic.

You consider Indian Kashmiris as your own.

We consider Baloch and Pakhtun people as our own.
1) You don't. That's why you call them slurs when their opinion don't align with Kabul's ethno supremacists regimes. And I wonder why you don't consider Tajiks and Uzbeks and Turkmen of central Asia as "your own".

2) since you tried to draw a false parallel between the line of control in Kashmir and Pak Afghan border, here is a slight distinction you forgot to mention
A) No one considers the LOC as border. Not Pakistan. Not India. Not the UN.
B) Everyone apart from Afghanistan, considers the Pakistan Afghanistan border as the international border. That is the reason Afghanistan has never approached any forum of arbitration.
China will not stop investing in pakistan. Instead china shifted to smaller and sharper interventions with fast results. Smaller local projects are the way to go.
A Chinese debt trap? Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port set to debunk narrative with its success.The port has become a thriving transshipment hub in the Indian Ocean particularly for vehicles, with a turnover of 700,000 units a month
Everything takes time, I'm sure China will find a way to make gwadar a major port. The only thing holding it back is the security situation In balochistan

Thats article is a hogwash. 3000 words wall of text without telling how many TEU containers monthly transhipped from the port.
1) You don't. That's why you call them slurs when their opinion don't align with Kabul's ethno supremacists regimes. And I wonder why you don't consider Tajiks and Uzbeks and Turkmen of central Asia as "your own".

2) since you tried to draw a false parallel between the line of control in Kashmir and Pak Afghan border, here is a slight distinction you forgot to mention
A) No one considers the LOC as border. Not Pakistan. Not India. Not the UN.
B) Everyone apart from Afghanistan, considers the Pakistan Afghanistan border as the international border. That is the reason Afghanistan has never approached any forum of arbitration.
Politically, yes LOC is not a international border.

But truth to be told, in realistic - it's a international border, you accept it or not, nothing can be changed and status will remain the same.

Now the trick is here, people beat on daily the dead case or accept the reality and move forward.... Usually, smart people accept the reality... Cost of changing the border line is very high and both countries can't afford it

Foolish people beat the dead horse and believe that GOD will come some day and help, horse will start riding again
China should be given port 50% in Iran and 50% in Pakistan
on a land shared between Iran-Pakistan

I am 100% in support of this

The Chinese presence will help Merge Chabahar-Gawadar

Make it happen
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