Potentially Pakistan giving access to naval base to China.

  • The petty money is aspect is irrelevant

This is for next 200-300 years

I support this move hope that Pakistan and China do get into such a Long term Strategic Depth Partnership and put in Iran in there as well
How much remittance Pakistanis are sending from EU/US vs china..
Who is your biggest trading partner in the world, China or US ? Yet, you people make China your sworn enemy, but kiss up to US.
The issue of Pakistan-China Joint Navy Port is of no interest to anyone else beyond the two nations. And of course Iran should they be invited into project by Chinese. If Chinese do Invite the Iranians under Chababar -Gawadar merger operations it would be welcomed

Unsure why Europe has to come into factor , Europe is like 8,000+ miles away from Pakistan - China /Pakistan value relations with many European nations

For Americans I am sure trade will take place as before I don't think we are at war with them

This is more less a decision based around our Economic Zone we are building with china for past 25 years
China will not stop investing in pakistan. Instead china shifted to smaller and sharper interventions with fast results. Smaller local projects are the way to go.
A Chinese debt trap? Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port set to debunk narrative with its success.The port has become a thriving transshipment hub in the Indian Ocean particularly for vehicles, with a turnover of 700,000 units a month
Everything takes time, I'm sure China will find a way to make gwadar a major port. The only thing holding it back is the security situation In balochistan
Gwadar is fundamentally a natural deep water port, at the axis of South Asia, south of the Himalayas.

From Gwadar a route is being made to go to Iraq and Turkey to Europe. A second route in the Middle East can cut to Egypt by land if the GCC so desires, and a third sea route to Africa is primed to go there.

The fundamental question is why would one invest in Gwadar when Karachi is already up and running.

The answer has to be: Go Big or go home. Gwadar is the western end and Karachi is the eastern end of the Makran coast, and the location Pakistan needs to build its industrial cities for the export market.

Of course security is one issue, but the fundamental economic management of Pakistan and its relationship to the political system need to be worked out so a stable country and stable industrial environment can be created.

For China, a rail route to Gwadar from China creates a port from which Chinese processed/value added central Asian and Russian raw materials can be sold in the global south. The Russians will dip in their industrial capacity as their labor force and other inputs declines, and Chinese enterprises in Xinjiang and other western provinces can pick up the slack.

A similar agreement of logistical and shipyard repairs, similar to the one between the US and India seem like par for the course now, it china’s desire for a base comes if it is expected to invest more into the region.

Pakistan has to pick up its slack and do more for itself, so China doesn’t feel it needs to be in the region, to protect its investments and people. Pakistan has to become a “Net security provider” in the Indian Ocean region, at sea and on land.
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Karachi , I believe is too congested

It is up to Government of Pakistan to reduce Landings in Karachi and divert some traffic to Gawadar port

No need to put all apples in Karachi basket , Split up the existing load so it falls evenly on two ports

The reduced load will help with Customer Service at each port
How much remittance Pakistanis are sending from EU/US vs china..

Not just remittance. How much trade surplus it gets from there by selling easy replaceable low end textile items. Without it they should forget about loan payment.

China-Pakistan (may be iran as well), United Port , Navy base is a strategic defence pact

Trade is something happens universally with all nations of world
Gwadar is fundamentally a natural deep water port, at the axis of South Asia, south of the Himalayas.

From Gwadar a route is being made to go to Iraq and Turkey to Europe. A second route in the Middle East can cut to Egypt by land if the GCC so desires, and a third sea route to Africa is primed to go there.

The fundamental question is why would one invest in Gwadar when Karachi is already up and running.

The answer has to be: Go Big or go home. Gwadar is the western end and Karachi is the eastern end of the Makran coast, and the location Pakistan needs to build its industrial cities for the export market.

Of course security is one issue, but the fundamental economic management of Pakistan and its relationship to the political system need to be worked out so a stable country and stable industrial environment can be created.

For China, a rail route to Gwadar from China creates a port from which Chinese processed/value added central Asian and Russian raw materials can be sold in the global south. The Russians will dip in their industrial capacity as their labor force and other inputs declines, and Chinese enterprises in Xinjiang and other western provinces can pick up the slack.

A similar agreement of logistical and shipyard repairs, similar to the one between the US and India seem like par for the course now, it china’s desire for a base comes if it is expected to invest more into the region.

Pakistan has to pick up its slack and do more for itself, so China doesn’t feel it needs to be in the region, to protect its investments and people. Pakistan has to become a “Net security provider” in the Indian Ocean region, at sea and on land.
Besides Gwadar is going to be an international commercial port for Pakistan, I think it also needs a second deep water naval base for PN safe away from menacing India.
Gwadar is fundamentally a natural deep water port, at the axis of South Asia, south of the Himalayas.

From Gwadar a route is being made to go to Iraq and Turkey to Europe. A second route in the Middle East can cut to Egypt by land if the GCC so desires, and a third sea route to Africa is primed to go there.

The fundamental question is why would one invest in Gwadar when Karachi is already up and running.

The answer has to be: Go Big or go home. Gwadar is the western end and Karachi is the eastern end of the Makran coast, and the location Pakistan needs to build its industrial cities for the export market.

Of course security is one issue, but the fundamental economic management of Pakistan and its relationship to the political system need to be worked out so a stable country and stable industrial environment can be created.

For China, a rail route to Gwadar from China creates a port from which Chinese processed/value added central Asian and Russian raw materials can be sold in the global south. The Russians will dip in their industrial capacity as their labor force and other inputs declines, and Chinese enterprises in Xinjiang and other western provinces can pick up the slack.

A similar agreement of logistical and shipyard repairs, similar to the one between the US and India seem like par for the course now, it china’s desire for a base comes if it is expected to invest more into the region.

Pakistan has to pick up its slack and do more for itself, so China doesn’t feel it needs to be in the region, to protect its investments and people. Pakistan has to become a “Net security provider” in the Indian Ocean region, at sea and on land.
China has committed to investing $62 billion in Gwadar port, while India will invest less than $500 million in Chabahar. In addition, the projected capacities of the two ports are significantly different. It is expected that by 2030, Gwadar will handle up to 400 million tons of cargo per year, much more than Chabahar’s projected capacity of 10 to 12 million tons.
There is room for Chinese involvement in Chabahar since India has only invested in the Shahid Beheshti wharf and Shahid Kalantari terminal there.
China invested only $618 million in projects in Iran from 2018 to 2022, mainly in the construction sector. Meanwhile, China invested $22.5 billion in Saudi Arabia, $13 billion in Iraq, $4.6 billion in Kuwait, $1.8 billion in Qatar, $19.3 billion in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and $2.5 billion in Oman. Even China’s investment in tiny Bahrain was more than twice what it put into Iran.
Gwadar, which is located in southwest Pakistan, is intended to be connected to the Xinjiang region in China’s northwest through a network of roads, railways, and pipelines.
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I think for time being we can rule India out of Chabahar 100% as Iran's Supreme Leader has already indicated India as not welcomed due to their negative reputation with Muslim issues locally


The Chabahar could be joint project with Gawadar , with China has a intermediate party

But down the line under BRICs Umbrella India can factor into Chabahar side of things

Pakistan-India are part of BRICs I do see the BRIC nations working bit more closely in future

A joint Chabahar - Gawadar project would be in greater interest of all Nations in Asia / Central Asia

Also it would drastically reduce tension between nations who may have tense relation right now
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China assisted in constructing a naval base in Sittwe, a strategically important sea port close to India's Kolkata port. Beijing also funded road construction to Yangon and Sittwe, providing the shortest route to the Indian Ocean from southern China.
I think for time being we can rule India out of Chabahar 100% as Iran's Supreme Leader has already indicated India as not welcomed due to their negative reputation with Muslim issues locally

View attachment 65795

The Chabahar could be joint project with Gawadar , with China has a intermediate party

But down the line under BRICs Umbrella India can factor into Chabahar side of things

Pakistan-India are part of BRICs I do see the BRIC nations working bit more closely in future

A joint Chabahar - Gawadar project would be in greater interest of all Nations in Asia / Central Asia
Chabahar port will not be the next gwadar without Chinese construction. India financial support is tiny in the grand scheme of things.

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