Potentially Pakistan giving access to naval base to China.

China has shared several proposals, including an anti-terrorism cooperation agreement and a joint security company, amid a renewed interest in deepening economic relations under the second phase of the CPEC.

The multibillion dollar corridor project is poised to get a boost after Beijing again conveyed its willingness to kick-start it, government sources told The Express Tribune.

As part of the plan, China has also proposed to include nearly two dozen leftover projects of Phase-I in the Phase-II of CPEC. The projects are related to railways, road infrastructure, LNG terminals, copper mines, hydropower and special economic zones.

Both sides may sign an agreement on anti-terrorism cooperation to address Chinese security concerns, said the sources.

During Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's visit to Beijing, both sides had reiterated their commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations with "zero tolerance" attitude, and agreed to further strengthen cooperation in counterterrorism and security through a comprehensive approach, according to the joint statement issues after the visit.

The sources said that China has also proposed to establish a joint company to ensure the security of its citizens already working in Pakistan or will be engaged during CPEC Phase-II.

Under Phase-I, both sides have completed 38 projects worth $25.2 billion. Of these, 17 projects valued at $18 billion were completed in the energy sector. About 26 projects worth $26.8 billion are in the pipeline and many of those have been included in CPEC Phase II.

China has also proposed that a vehicle-mounted mobile securing equipment project should also be included in Phase-II besides undertaking a project on ballistic protective vehicles.

Chinese authorities are willing to cooperate in the areas of infrastructure, energy and minerals, industrial development, science and technology, safety and security, small livelihood assistance, people to people exchange and digital economy.

Beijing has also proposed a cooperation mechanism between the two governments so that the implementation of CPEC projects remains smooth during Phase-II. Chinese authorities have proposed a CPEC joint commission in this regard.

A Pakistani delegation is leaving for Beijing next week to participate in the Global Transport Forum scheduled for September 26 and to also sort out issues hampering the initiation of work on the Phase-I of the nearly $7 billion Mainline-I project of CPEC, according to the government sources.

China has included completion of ML-I, Karachi Circular Railway, Karakoram Highway (Thakot-Raikot) section, technical support for New Gwadar International Airport, second phase of the Eastbay Expressway, reconstruction of the N-50 highway, submarine cable construction project, deepening of the Gwadar port and development of the Gwadar free zone as part of CPEC, Phase-II.

In the energy sector, China has proposed GEIP LNG Terminal project, National Refinery up-gradation and extension project, Suki Kinari hydropower project and Siyadiq copper project.

In the industrial development, China is willing to consider further development of the Dhabeji Special Economic Zone, The Rashakai Industrial Park Project, Omara port ship repair project, Buffalo breeding and dairy processing project, and pepper cultivation demonstration and extension project.

It has also proposed a framework agreement on industrial cooperation between China and Pakistan. The construction of the China-Pakistan Earth Science Research project is also included in CPEC, Phase-II. Beijing has also proposed many small-scale projects in the social sector, many of those will be funded through grants

China can make Chabahar-Gawadar joint project they have the resources and vision to make it happen

They always have the vision to see beyond upto 25 years into future

For many Pakistani People , having a joint Project with Iran would be fantastic worthy of a tea cup

I mean they are literally our neighbours next door with Oil /Gas/Electricity, should we need more


All about BRICs
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China has committed to investing $62 billion in Gwadar port, while India will invest less than $500 million in Chabahar. In addition, the projected capacities of the two ports are significantly different. It is expected that by 2030, Gwadar will handle up to 400 million tons of cargo per year, much more than Chabahar’s projected capacity of 10 to 12 million tons.
There is room for Chinese involvement in Chabahar since India has only invested in the Shahid Beheshti wharf and Shahid Kalantari terminal there.
China invested only $618 million in projects in Iran from 2018 to 2022, mainly in the construction sector. Meanwhile, China invested $22.5 billion in Saudi Arabia, $13 billion in Iraq, $4.6 billion in Kuwait, $1.8 billion in Qatar, $19.3 billion in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and $2.5 billion in Oman. Even China’s investment in tiny Bahrain was more than twice what it put into Iran.
Gwadar, which is located in southwest Pakistan, is intended to be connected to the Xinjiang region in China’s northwest through a network of roads, railways, and pipelines.
That’s why Pakistan needs to get its act together and not squander this opportunity. Pakistan is economically like China before Deng’s reforms of 1978. The potential of the country is locked in shortsightedness and the opportunities are just waiting to be developed.
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I am strictly on the topic.

You consider Indian Kashmiris as your own.

We consider Baloch and Pakhtun people as our own.

The topic is Chinese access to a Pakistani naval base.

Kashmir is nowhere near this topic, either geographically or conceptually.

P.S. Anyway, it's clear that you have realized that you dug yourself into a hole and will now run around trying to deflect away. There is no point continuing this conversation.
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I think for time being we can rule India out of Chabahar 100% as Iran's Supreme Leader has already indicated India as not welcomed due to their negative reputation with Muslim issues locally

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The Chabahar could be joint project with Gawadar , with China has a intermediate party

But down the line under BRICs Umbrella India can factor into Chabahar side of things

Pakistan-India are part of BRICs I do see the BRIC nations working bit more closely in future

A joint Chabahar - Gawadar project would be in greater interest of all Nations in Asia / Central Asia

Also it would drastically reduce tension between nations who may have tense relation right now

No big deal. He threw tantrums in 2020 too.
Meanwhile India and Iran increased the Chahbahar cooperation. India is investing own money, not trapping in shady debt to grab the port for 99 years.
Chabahar port will not be the next gwadar without Chinese construction. India financial support is tiny in the grand scheme of things.

India does not needed to waste so much money. India only needs to expense money that we need to for our interest.

Looking at gwadar, Chinese are having very limited interests, they want a alternative route for their supply chain during the war crises.

But since now Chinese request can easily fulfill by russia... They are not interested in other projects in Pakistan..... They are more showing interest in Africa and other due to their interests and business

China has more periorty tasks to do then wasting time and money on chabahar and gwadar related link projects

This is a requirement and need of Pakistan, you need to work on it... Expecting everything that china will come and do.. it's foolish though..... China will only get involved if that project serve their interests
I think Americans did a contract for "re-supply" in event all Muslim nations in region declare war on Israel

American ships will need fuel to make the long journey to reach the place

Other then that , they just want India-China war so Indian people will die while they will be project manager from distance
Chines naval base acceptable they write off our 66-100% of the Chinese debt.
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China I think is investing in all countries in region


In order to get them thinking strategically on trade matter

They are just expanding their network
China I think is investing in all countries in region


In order to get them thinking strategically on trade matter

They are just expanding their network
India can't compete with china. China is investing in all over the place.During the last five reported years the exports of China have changed by $1.17T from $2.56T in 2017 to $3.73T in 2022. China trade net works are unmatched.china Has invested in 129 port projects and only 17 with majority Chinese ownership.the only way to get chabahar port running is to get Chinese expertise and investment. Greek-Chinese cooperation in shipping infrastructure is continuing to gather pace, with more Greek-owned ships being built in China and Chinese-backed Piraeus port growing into a top Med container port.
China is all do no talk India on the other hand is all talk no action. They also need china to build railway connecting chabahar port only china can do that. That's where BRI comes in but I doubt china is interested in doing that.
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China can bypass the Malacca strait by rail network connecting deep sea port Kyaukpyu also keeping tab on India.
China always has a plan
Remember this? Hasina departure is bad news for India
Chittagong at the heart of bay of Bengal. 🎯 💘
How is India gonna counter china? China is playing 5d chess building ports all surrounding India from sri lanka Bangladesh Pakistan and Myanmar 💥 🤯
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