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Rafale M Deal: India and France to Fast-Track Negotiations After Elections


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Jan 3, 2024
The Indian transport fleet is huge probably the biggest on the world outside of USA china and Russia
The mainstay is c17 Globemasters 11 of them there are il76 around 16/18 avd now delivery of brand new c295 have started 56 in total there are also new c130 in service

Talking about An32 constantly which is being phased out is intentional on your part to try and deflect the massive transport fleet that India currently already operates and has inducted recently billions had been spent..More to come

Just like you go mig21 we what 20 in service
I see you forget to talk about 500 Mki rafale Tejas mirage 2000 Mig29k.

Love your depiction on mig21 An32 trying to suggest what exactly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i

Sure, but if you have almost unlimited supply of money why are you still flying ancient planes? Simple question.


Dec 16, 2023
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CN295s are replacing IAF Avros, they have still not been able to afford a replacment for AN-32 yet, so your point if pretty much moot

Your really focusing on finances lately

Do you want me to repeat compare the defense budget and gdp of India with 99% of the worlds figures

Leave it Yasser ...just stick to the topic


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
Your really focusing on finances lately

Do you want me to repeat compare the defense budget and gdp of India with 99% of the worlds figures

Leave it Yasser ...just stick to the topic

Again, you argue and post and when you get beat you want to change the subject, you and the other indian posters were claiming money is no issue, just 5 years after you sent a 50 year old MIG to be shit down by an F-16....


Dec 16, 2023
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Again, you argue and post and when you get beat you want to change the subject, you and the other indian posters were claiming money is no issue, just 5 years after you sent a 50 year old MIG to be shit down by an F-16....

It does not change the fact that the Indian military is full of expensive new toys from.usa France Israel and our indengious systems

But you know that already

I guess the challenge for you is this spending will keep rising it's not stopping
More Rafales
More drones
More Missles
More carriers
More destroyers
More technology

How can you curb it

The next time your enter Indian airspace my bet is you will encounter

This first
Last edited:


Full Member
Jan 3, 2024
It does not change the fact that the Indian military is full of expensive new toys from.usa France Israel and our indengious systems

But you know that already

I guess the challenge for you is this spending will keep rising it's not stopping
More Rafales
More drones
More Missles
More carriers
More destroyers
More technology

How can you curb it

The next time your enter Indian airspace my bet is you will encounter

This first

Mate, easy, Pakistan also has much new equipment. Fact of the matter is only around a third of IAF can be considered modern

Last time PAF entered Indian air space our 50 year old Mirages returned unscathed


Dec 16, 2023
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Mate, easy, Pakistan also has much new equipment. Fact of the matter is only around a third of IAF can be considered modern

Last time PAF entered Indian air space our 50 year old Mirages returned unscathed

Check that massive claim.of one third modern again please

The airforce has never been stronger than now
And it's going to get even more formidable


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Jan 2, 2024
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Come on ... I know China is not peace on earth and far from perfect, but at least China is not constantly bragging around with wild claims, endless fantasies and wet dreams, the just do their work and the - just like with the latest KJ-700 AEW - they reveal it without much fanfare. Yes for sure, it si not an open society nor a democracy.

But as long as India only is on paper a democracy - its ruling and party system at all is not really democratic - and as long as it does not change anything on its system at all, nothing will change. As such, only since India calls itself an open society or even democracy does not mean it is an open society or does not have its own dark secrets, no-one in the public should know.

Or why this?

Can you give a better source than a tweet from an unknown journalist.


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Jan 2, 2024
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That does not really answer my question, as usual, many words, so little communication
We have the CCS. They have the budget. They have the wishlist of the armed forces. It is their job to do the balancing of the two. If they take up an item for negotiation, it means funds are available.


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Mar 1, 2015
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His biggest grouse is that we Indians don't respect China, or treat it with the deference he expects us to, which gets his German goose, since he specializes in Chinese defence matters based on OSINT purely. Of course, no real, hard data is ever known, none of the problems, challenges or delays ever come out, since their media is completely controlled, so he thinks that Chinese are just immune to all challenges. Ignorance truly is bliss for him.

And of course we Indians have our own share of bimbos who make exaggerated claims..but instead of laughing them off, he chooses to take highlight only them and then mocks all Indians. As if India has gotten to where it has on the basis of just air.

But mind you, he won't do that with all the wild all delusions of grandeur that Pakistanis have on this forum. Reading the various threads and posts pretending that Pakistan was soo competent a nation and nationality, you wouldn't be able to figure out why Pakistan is such a mess that it is.

He's now basically gone from being a somewhat moderate mid of the range, slightly biased moderator to a full on troll who loves nothing more than to rant and rave about Indians in a negative light.

I think there's a cultural difference at play here. Germans tend to be very evidence-based and rely heavily on established facts. This focus on quantitative analysis might make it difficult for him to grasp the concept of "fanboy" enthusiasm, which is often more emotional and subjective. This emphasis on proven facts can make it hard to understand things that haven't been demonstrably true yet, even if they seem likely.

Trust me his this kind of behaviour isn't unique to Indians. Many people from Pakistan, Turkey, and China experience it too. This is a common experience for many fanboys, especially for those who are very vocal about their fandom.


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Dec 31, 2023
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I think there's a cultural difference at play here. Germans tend to be very evidence-based and rely heavily on established facts. This focus on quantitative analysis might make it difficult for him to grasp the concept of "fanboy" enthusiasm, which is often more emotional and subjective. This emphasis on proven facts can make it hard to understand things that haven't been demonstrably true yet, even if they seem likely.

Trust me his this kind of behaviour isn't unique to Indians. Many people from Pakistan, Turkey, and China experience it too. This is a common experience for many fanboys, especially for those who are very vocal about their fandom.

We saw his evidence based mindset when he quoted a baseless tweet of random Pakistani establishment puppet Journalist whose job was to lie and show that Pakistani Jurnails are not the only corrupt ones.


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Mar 1, 2015
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We saw his evidence based mindset when he quoted a baseless tweet of random Pakistani establishment puppet Journalist whose job was to lie and show that Pakistani Jurnails are not the only corrupt ones.

I am not his spokesperson nor sure which post you are referring neither know the background of that discussion. I only shared my views.


Nov 9, 2014
Can you give a better source than a tweet from an unknown journalist.

In fact I made a mistake and even admitted for this, this Tweet was indeed fake and I didn't check properly! :(

His biggest grouse is that we Indians don't respect China, or treat it with the deference he expects us to, which gets his German goose, since he specializes in Chinese defence matters based on OSINT purely. Of course, no real, hard data is ever known, none of the problems, challenges or delays ever come out, since their media is completely controlled, so he thinks that Chinese are just immune to all challenges. Ignorance truly is bliss for him.

And of course we Indians have our own share of bimbos who make exaggerated claims..but instead of laughing them off, he chooses to take highlight only them and then mocks all Indians. As if India has gotten to where it has on the basis of just air.

But mind you, he won't do that with all the wild all delusions of grandeur that Pakistanis have on this forum. Reading the various threads and posts pretending that Pakistan was soo competent a nation and nationality, you wouldn't be able to figure out why Pakistan is such a mess that it is.

He's now basically gone from being a somewhat moderate mid of the range, slightly biased moderator to a full on troll who loves nothing more than to rant and rave about Indians in a negative light.

Can you please calm down and even more stick to the facts including to tΒ΄stop with stupid insults?!

Anyway it is not a cultural issue and even more I do not care in the slightest way if you respect or disrespect China or Chinese, my point is only on the one side some of you are hypersensitive in terms of facts - like above; Yes I made a most stupid mistake, but at least I admit it! - while at the same time some of you spread constantly non-sense, nationalistic BS, present dreams and plans as facts and when confronted with facts or even alone critical questions, you get offended!

As such, if you think I am a troll only since I question any such plans, announcements and copium, then I have to live with, but it is a well known fact - as demonstrated by this typical report below - that (some) Indians have a twisted relationship to reality:


By the way, surely the author realises that the Indian approach of "progressive domestic manufacturing" of the Su-30MKI, seems not to have achieved the stated goal to "gain the knowledge and expertise to potentially design and develop future generations of fighter jets." :whistle:

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