RAW's activities in Bangladesh: interviews with six former intelligence chiefs.


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Interviews with former directors general of intelligence agencies

From the book, 'RAW in Bangladesh.' (in Bangla)

(A series of reports entitled Anti-Bangladesh activities of RAW in the eyes of intelligence officers was published in the Daily Revolution in October 2000. The author made extensive effort to interview officials of DGFI and NSI. (Here are interviews with six officials.)

1. Brigadier (retd) Aminul Haque, Bir Uttam, former Director General, NSI

"Almost all the important intelligence agencies of the world continue spying in this country. C. I. A. Russian Intelligence, British MI-6 or ISI. However, In any case, nobody's interest in this country is as extensive and direct as RAW's . Since India's target in Bangladesh is omnipresent, so naturally spy compared to agencies of other countries The activities of RAW in this country are very, very high."

-Brigadier (retd.) Aminul Haque, former director general of the agency i.e. NSI.

Question: You were once in NSI, one of the main intelligence agencies of Bangladesh, employed as Director General. In the light of that experience, in this country, What do you think is the objective of RAW?

Bigediar Aminul: In this country, the goal of "RA" is wide. But the main purpose is To keep Bangladesh in its (India's) sphere of influence. So, no relations with any hostile power should be established in the region that can hinder India's Dominance in any way. Of course, India is always talks about 'Friendly nation' Bangladesh. In fact, the meaning of the word 'friendship' is that, Bangladesh should adopt such foreign policy, military policy which is similar to India's policy model. If so, then Bangladesh will be a multiplier for India's balance of power in South Asia.

In short, it can be said that India wants Bangladesh to remain 'friendly' toward India. And its foreign policy in alignment with India's. For this, a 'friendly' Bangladesh government is needed. And It is the responsibility of the RAW is to install such a government or to exsert pressure on/influence the existing government to adopt a flexible attitude towards India.

Question: In which sector does RAW work in Bangladesh?

Brigadier Aminul: a better question is, in which sector it doesn't work? My experience says, There is no field where RAW has not infiltrated. political, social, Apart from economic, commercial, cultural sector, military and even in religious domain RAW has spread its paws in Bangladesh.

Just like how they tries to influence the actors in the political domain, similarly, in art-culture Arena they have developed their own 'mouth pieces'. Along with irregular agents, they also have employed regular agents with monthly salaries. RAW has developed its influence in media domain. There are several newspapers that receives secret funding from RAW. There are even specific columnists that receives allowence, opportunities to travel aboard, even various medals, honorary titles (through various 'cultural organisation & activities') from RAW. Basically, they work as Mount pieces of India. Also, when needed they are employed for disinformation and propaganda campaigns. For example, India doesn't wants Bangladesh to have an strong armed forces. So, various BD columnists and thinkers has talked and wrote in this regard. And RAW has been able to develop a sizable anti armed forces sentiment in BD people. (Remember when some f**ker said, why we need BD army for? India is our friend and they will protect us)

Meanwhile, along with the political, cultural and economic sectors, RAW has been for a long time trying to infiltrate the our armed forces and intelligence agencies. In this case, without going into the specifics of how much they have succeeded or failed, it can be said that RAW has spread it's paw in all sectors of this country.

Question: Almost all the political parties in Bangladesh have RAW agents. In this case, in which party do you think so the penetration of RAW is high?

Brigadier Aminul: This is true in almost all political parties in Bangladesh, big or small, RAW has infiltrated in. However, the presence of other spy agencies like CIA, ISI is also observed in these groups. Once upon a time, the Soviet Empire During their existence, the country's socialist parties were in many cases Walked with KGB's guidance and support. Later a top leader of the Communist Party revealed the "secret history" in this regard. But it must be said that, Be it CIA, KGB or ISI, anyone else's interest in this country is not as comprehensive and direct as that of RAW's. Since India has an all-encompassing target in Bangladesh, RAW's activities are an order of magnitude higher. In this case again to keep the channel open in the political arena, RAW has infiltrated almost every significant group. Of course, the RAW's penetration in the A-League is the highest due to historical reasons...........................(here he talks about RAW's involvements in events leading up to and during liberation war.)

In this case, as a party A-League is less to blame. The main culprit are several corrupt leaders within party who thinks without India's help It is not possible to go to power and survive. That is why they easily fall into the clutches of RAW. And RAW help them extensively.

Later, in this way, against Bangladesh, the Kaderia army was supported with weapons and shelter by RAW. You can Find details on this in the book 'Inside RAW' by Ashoka Raina.

Question: Killing of a popular president of this country, Shanti Bahini, Bangabhoomi, (seperstist movements) etc issues. What do you think about RAW's role behind these?

Brigadier Aminul: It must be admitted that India has never liked the strong leadership of president Zia. Especially his promoted nationalists Ideology, and his attempt to get out of the Indian sphere of influence made Indian decision makers angry. That is why President Zia was brutally killed. Meanwhile, the (seperstist) Shanti bahini, Bangabhumi forces wouldn't even exist without RAW's help. Where are the sources of arms, ammunition, logistics? The name of India came up while looking for the answer to the question..................

abbreviated from the original interview.

To be continued with other interviews.

@Al-Zakir @LeonBlack08 @Bengal71 @Arthur @Michael Corleone @bengalcdn @Sikārī @Alter_Ego @AbuShalehRumi @Joe Shearer @Oscar @RescueRanger @Musings et al.
Makes a lot of sense - why not focus on making a country a vassal state because it sticks out like a sore within your geography.

Well, it isn't going very well from the current look of it.
Interviews with former directors general of intelligence agencies

From the book, 'RAW in Bangladesh.' (in Bangla)

(A series of reports entitled Anti-Bangladesh activities of RAW in the eyes of intelligence officers was published in the Daily Revolution in October 2000. The author made extensive effort to interview officials of DGFI and NSI. (Here are interviews with six officials.)

1. Brigadier (retd) Aminul Haque, Bir Uttam, former Director General, NSI

"Almost all the important intelligence agencies of the world continue spying in this country. C. I. A. Russian Intelligence, British MI-6 or ISI. However, In any case, nobody's interest in this country is as extensive and direct as RAW's . Since India's target in Bangladesh is omnipresent, so naturally spy compared to agencies of other countries The activities of RAW in this country are very, very high."

-Brigadier (retd.) Aminul Haque, former director general of the agency i.e. NSI.

Question: You were once in NSI, one of the main intelligence agencies of Bangladesh, employed as Director General. In the light of that experience, in this country, What do you think is the objective of RAW?

Bigediar Aminul: In this country, the goal of "RA" is wide. But the main purpose is To keep Bangladesh in its (India's) sphere of influence. So, no relations with any hostile power should be established in the region that can hinder India's Dominance in any way. Of course, India is always talks about 'Friendly nation' Bangladesh. In fact, the meaning of the word 'friendship' is that, Bangladesh should adopt such foreign policy, military policy which is similar to India's policy model. If so, then Bangladesh will be a multiplier for India's balance of power in South Asia.

In short, it can be said that India wants Bangladesh to remain 'friendly' toward India. And its foreign policy in alignment with India's. For this, a 'friendly' Bangladesh government is needed. And It is the responsibility of the RAW is to install such a government or to exsert pressure on/influence the existing government to adopt a flexible attitude towards India.

Question: In which sector does RAW work in Bangladesh?

Brigadier Aminul: a better question is, in which sector it doesn't work? My experience says, There is no field where RAW has not infiltrated. political, social, Apart from economic, commercial, cultural sector, military and even in religious domain RAW has spread its paws in Bangladesh.

Just like how they tries to influence the actors in the political domain, similarly, in art-culture Arena they have developed their own 'mouth pieces'. Along with irregular agents, they also have employed regular agents with monthly salaries. RAW has developed its influence in media domain. There are several newspapers that receives secret funding from RAW. There are even specific columnists that receives allowence, opportunities to travel aboard, even various medals, honorary titles (through various 'cultural organisation & activities') from RAW. Basically, they work as Mount pieces of India. Also, when needed they are employed for disinformation and propaganda campaigns. For example, India doesn't wants Bangladesh to have an strong armed forces. So, various BD columnists and thinkers has talked and wrote in this regard. And RAW has been able to develop a sizable anti armed forces sentiment in BD people. (Remember when some f**ker said, why we need BD army for? India is our friend and they will protect us)

Meanwhile, along with the political, cultural and economic sectors, RAW has been for a long time trying to infiltrate the our armed forces and intelligence agencies. In this case, without going into the specifics of how much they have succeeded or failed, it can be said that RAW has spread it's paw in all sectors of this country.

Question: Almost all the political parties in Bangladesh have RAW agents. In this case, in which party do you think so the penetration of RAW is high?

Brigadier Aminul: This is true in almost all political parties in Bangladesh, big or small, RAW has infiltrated in. However, the presence of other spy agencies like CIA, ISI is also observed in these groups. Once upon a time, the Soviet Empire During their existence, the country's socialist parties were in many cases Walked with KGB's guidance and support. Later a top leader of the Communist Party revealed the "secret history" in this regard. But it must be said that, Be it CIA, KGB or ISI, anyone else's interest in this country is not as comprehensive and direct as that of RAW's. Since India has an all-encompassing target in Bangladesh, RAW's activities are an order of magnitude higher. In this case again to keep the channel open in the political arena, RAW has infiltrated almost every significant group. Of course, the RAW's penetration in the A-League is the highest due to historical reasons...........................(here he talks about RAW's involvements in events leading up to and during liberation war.)

In this case, as a party A-League is less to blame. The main culprit are several corrupt leaders within party who thinks without India's help It is not possible to go to power and survive. That is why they easily fall into the clutches of RAW. And RAW help them extensively.

Later, in this way, against Bangladesh, the Kaderia army was supported with weapons and shelter by RAW. You can Find details on this in the book 'Inside RAW' by Ashoka Raina.

Question: Killing of a popular president of this country, Shanti Bahini, Bangabhoomi, (seperstist movements) etc issues. What do you think about RAW's role behind these?

Brigadier Aminul: It must be admitted that India has never liked the strong leadership of president Zia. Especially his promoted nationalists Ideology, and his attempt to get out of the Indian sphere of influence made Indian decision makers angry. That is why President Zia was brutally killed. Meanwhile, the (seperstist) Shanti bahini, Bangabhumi forces wouldn't even exist without RAW's help. Where are the sources of arms, ammunition, logistics? The name of India came up while looking for the answer to the question..................

abbreviated from the original interview.

To be continued with other interviews.

@Al-Zakir @LeonBlack08 @Bengal71 @Arthur @Michael Corleone @bengalcdn @Sikārī @Alter_Ego @AbuShalehRumi @Joe Shearer @Oscar @RescueRanger @Musings et al.

Not any surprises concerning RAW assets in BD.

It is remarkable how RAW has pretty decent intel in BD but seem to lack that in Sri Lanka and to lesser degree Nepal.
Is it because of long land border combined with west bengal factor?
The interview is in Bangla. It's spelled as one letter. 'র'. Yeah, during translation, i should've looked it up the formal English spelling for R&AW. But seems like you are a bhakt deepshit here to troll anyway. Because newspapers, articles and even books do use 'RAW' spelling also.


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Behold (verified):


Yes, it was that bad.


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Behold (verified):

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Yes, it was that bad.

Even for BAL election nominations - BAL candidates would go through an additional RAW vetting for certain constituencies especially those in critical bordering areas like Chittagong. No matter how popular BAL leader you were, if you were not in RAW's good book, you wouldn't get nomination. There were disgruntlement within BAL party members regarding this.

A foreign intelligence agency had the power to dictate who should be the member of parliament of an "independent" country. It was really that crazy.
Even for BAL election nominations - BAL candidates would go through an additional RAW vetting for certain constituencies especially those in critical bordering areas like Chittagong. No matter how popular BAL leader you were, if you were not in RAW's good book, you wouldn't get nomination. There were disgruntlement within BAL party members regarding this.

A foreign intelligence agency had the power to dictate who should be the member of parliament of an "independent" country. It was really that crazy.

Everything was compromise significantly. Only thing was left is armed forces buying Indian Tejas, artillery and frigate. With that (India's hold on our national security) we would have formally graduated to a vessel state. In fact Hassina and Tariq Siddiqui put significant pressure on Army to buy from India. 36th July was now or never moment for us. Have we failed and evil survived, it would've been end of everything.
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Everything was compromise significantly. Only thing was left is armed forces buying Indian Tejas, artillery and frigate. With that (India's hold on our national security) we would have formally graduated to a vessel state. In fact Hassina and Tariq Siddiqui put significant pressure on Army to buy from India. 36th July was now or never moment for is. Have we failed and evil survived, it would've been end of everything.

A few more years, we would have seen that happening as well. Army top brass would have been completely dominated by BAL loyalists by that point.
Even for BAL election nominations - BAL candidates would go through an additional RAW vetting for certain constituencies especially those in critical bordering areas like Chittagong. No matter how popular BAL leader you were, if you were not in RAW's good book, you wouldn't get nomination. There were disgruntlement within BAL party members regarding this.

A foreign intelligence agency had the power to dictate who should be the member of parliament of an "independent" country. It was really that crazy.

Not surprising. Remember Dipu Moni? She was a RAW agent through and through. She was anti-Pakistan and even anti-Muslim in some occasions based on my interactions with her and her family. Her husband (Toufic) was a fairly renowned lawyer. They have one son and one daughter (a feisty one, I liked her). Both of them are lawyers by profession. High commissioner P. R. Chakraborty often visited her residence in Uttara back in the 2007-2009 period. She soon became foreign minister (AKA tourist minister) and the rest we know is history.

See, these type of people get tracked down by the very same flawed principles they lived by. It is only a matter of time.

I pray that all of them be tried for treason unless they have give back something that can prove useful.

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