S. Korea approves cutting Indonesia's contribution for joint KF-21 fighter project to 600 bln won

Why is this 'good news'?

Ofcourse it is a good news as South Korea agreed on Indonesia demand to only pay 1/3 of the previous deal

Most of people dont understand that Indonesian Aerospace only see the participation during Development phase as the main thing regarding to TOT.

The limitation during participation break the previous deal. Both Indonesian and SK has each own Lead Engineers on different technology shows that Indonesia should participate on all technologies like software, etc

This is the company who has developed a plane since late 1970's

These are the technologies where both SK and Indo have each own lead Engineers and phase 1 during TD phase it happens

Aerodynamics, configuration design, system engineering, subsystem, propulsion, flight control, air combat system, project management, structure analysis, and design structure.

But since US enter the program since 2016, Indonesia engineers participation is limited and only able to participate at 30 % of the technology development
Beside that only Indonesian Aerospace that is allowed to join the program while SK has many companies supplying the component of the plane. 60% of the plane components from SK and it has many companies contributing

While Indonesia only has Indonesian Aerospace

We want to include our avionics company as well, Info Global. Lets see on the future whether it can happen or not....
So base on 2009 Deal, we have a target to get. The target was seen achievable during TD phase that started in 2011

But during EMD phase that started in 2016, US limit Indonesian engineers participation, so we only reach 30 % of the target set based on 2009 deal

So this is where Indonesian team demand to reduce our cost share come from
Most people think TOT is in the form of papers, training, etc

Indonesian Aerospace dont see thing like that valuable, they see TOT in the form of real participation during the development. When the development is about to end, they dont see much left to get

So paying only 30 % while said in the media will have TOT reduce as consequence is not really a problem from the Indonesian team point of view.
Most people think TOT is in the form of papers, training, etc

Indonesian Aerospace dont see thing like that valuable, they see TOT in the form of real participation during the development. When the development is about to end, they dont see much left to get

So paying only 30 % while said in the media will have TOT reduce as consequence is not really a problem from the Indonesian team point of view.

Why the development is so crucial in Indonesian Aerospace point of view ? It is because the target is to have the capability in developing jet fighter program (IFX). This is why Indonesian Aerospace/Indonesian team need 1 prototype to be given to them. It is intended to develop IFX over time. As technology will be absolete 7-10 years from now, so the ability to develop a fighter jet become their main target

While manufacturing a plane is also thing that is valuable, but in the form of jet fighters getting obsolete means they will lost the war. So this is the reason that I can think of why Indonesian team focuses more on development capability than just manufacturing the plane.

This is why Indonesia want to participate on the development. Each developers have each own work share during development. So when SK break the previous deal and Indonesian team only get 30 % of work share during development from the previous deal so Indonesian team demand their cost share should be reduced as well.

We comprehensively considered the cooperative relationship between the two countries, including the mass production of the Indonesian version of the fighter (IF-X) and the possibility of securing insufficient funds." They added, "We will finalize the cost-sharing negotiations with Indonesia to ensure that the project can be successfully completed in line with public expectations."


So, was the issue basically that ROK was asking Indonesia to pay 20% of the program, but Indonesia wasn't getting 20% of the work-share rights, input or industry rights, etc?

So, was the issue basically that ROK was asking Indonesia to pay 20% of the program, but Indonesia wasn't getting 20% of the work-share rights, input or industry rights, etc?

The problem only during EMD phase 2016 - 2026 when USA enter the program and limit Indonesian team participation.

There is no violation on industry right. Indonesian Aerospace will still be the second aerostructure supplier beside KAI and Korea allow Indonesian Aerospace to get 1 prototype that will be used for development test bed by Indonesian Aerospace
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I have already smell the problem when Lockheed Martin ( USA ) is choosen as Technical Assistant instead of Europian consortium in 2015

Actually LM needs to fund 20 % but they dont want after KAI that bring LM win the tender in 2015 while European consortium promise to fund 20 %
From the manufacturing point of view, about a month ago Defense ID (Indonesian SOE Defense Holding, parent company of Indonesian Aerospace) has shown its plan to invest in Indonesian Aerospace aerostructure facility. The investmend fund have already been allocated ( the fund is exist )

While based on Indonesian Aerospace plan, 2025 is the time for them to start manufacturing KF21 composits aerostructure. KF21 composit Production Hangar and some composite production machinery like autoclav have already been exist inside Indonesian Aerospace complex.

There is no news about completion of IFX assembly line facility though, but the hangar and some machinery have already been there as well. There is photo of Robotic hand that I have shared in IFX thread in old PDF.

The fund needed to complete IFX Assembling facility is not that much.
Political aspect

Next Indonesia Defense Minister will likely be some one that will support KF21 program

1. AHY (son of SBY who initiated KFX/IFX program with Korean PM in 2009)


2. Safrie Syamsudin (Person who lead KFX/IFX program inside Defense Ministry during SBY administration)


Syafrie with Soeharto in Bosnia


Indonesian new Cabinet members under Prabowo will be announced in September next month
Syafrie Samsudin with Prabowo Subianto. He is friend of Prabowo when both were still in Special Force (Kopassus)

From the manufacturing point of view, about a month ago Defense ID (Indonesian SOE Defense Holding, parent company of Indonesian Aerospace) has shown its plan to invest in Indonesian Aerospace aerostructure facility. The investmend fund have already been allocated ( the fund is exist )

While based on Indonesian Aerospace plan, 2025 is the time for them to start manufacturing KF21 composits aerostructure. KF21 composit Production Hangar and some composite production machinery like autoclav have already been exist inside Indonesian Aerospace complex.

There is no news about completion of IFX assembly line facility though, but the hangar and some machinery have already been there as well. There is photo of Robotic hand that I have shared in IFX thread in old PDF.

The fund needed to complete IFX Assembling facility is not that much.

Why KF21 composite production line is prioritized ? Because KF21 mass production has been started in South Korea.

Why IFX assembly line is not yet completed ? Because Indonesian Aerospace still needs to develop the IFX version that still need some years and can be done with current facility
Based on Korean side, the deal will be concluded in the end of this month inshaAllah

There is some renegotiation that will still be happening talking about smaller problem but more detail regarding several issues and targeted to be completed in the end of this year inshaAllah.

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