Savagery at DU: They beat him, fed him, then killed him

Now he needs to show leadership and have all these despicable animals arrested and put on trial for torture/murder. While this is ongoing he needs to "demote" those two barely out of teens "advisors" to the government to just "student representatives".

The suspects are in custody.

And under what basis do you propose do 'demote' the student advisors if I may ask?

Sorry to say but this was all predictable when you give immature and frustrated jobless young men too much reverance and power.

And the Awami League/Chatro League were any better?
The records of color revolution have been... poor as far as revolting countries go. It will be interesting to see how situation evolves in Bangladesh.

Mob rule will always favour the violent and psychotics.

Combination of the two means they will thrive because they are prepared to do things that civilised people cannot.


Protests erupt at JU following ex-BCL leader Shamim Molla's mob lynching​

Protests have escalated at Jahangirnagar University (JU) as students and alumni rally against escalating violence on campus, demanding justice for the recent murder of former student and Chhatra League leader Shamim Ahmed alias Shamim Molla.

Several groups, including progressive student organizations and former students, have staged demonstrations and human chains, calling for an end to extrajudicial killings, mob justice, and negligence by campus authorities.
At 1:30 pm on Saturday, current students staged a human chain on Saturday, demanding an end to extrajudicial killings and mob justice nationwide. The demonstration began with a procession from Murad Chattar, culminating in a human chain in front of the Shaheed Minar. ...

Full article:
Two individuals who led this mob murder was identified as Chatra League member, the student wing of Awami League. That being said, what were the general students doing? Why were the e BSL members allowed back in campus?

This mob vigilantism is getting out of hand, and will result in reintroduction of BAL. All those involved must be tried and sent to prison.
Changed headline.

Savagery at DU: They beat him, fed him, then killed him​

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His cousins say he "lost his mind" after the death of his parents and brother and became a drifter.

The Dhaka University students who tortured the 35-year-old to death at Fazlul Huq Muslim Hall on Wednesday night thought he was a thief and assumed the roles of a judge, jury, and executioner.

From 6:30pm onwards, they tortured him, paused for a while, made him walk from one building to another, fed him, and then tortured him again. The dorm authorities and proctor's office were informed, but nothing was done to stop the lynching.

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Mob justice is just murder

By the time the university administration took Tofazzal to Shahbagh Police Station, nearly five hours had passed and he was barely breathing. Police were surprised that the officials brought a dying man to a police station instead of taking him to a hospital.

A vehicle of the DU Proctor's office then took him to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead.

Amid widespread outrage over the killing, the university administration yesterday filed a case.

As of last night, police arrested six students named Muhammad Jalal Mia, Suman Mia, Mottakin Shakin, Al Hussain Sajjad, Wajibul Alam, and Ahsanullah.


After the first round of torture, the students took Tofazzal to the canteen and bought him a meal.

Some took photos and filmed him eating and shared those on social media groups, writing, "A thief has been apprehended at FH Hall. After beating him up, we are feeding him. He will tell us the names of his gang members after eating."

Young men were heard laughing and joking in the background.

After dinner, Tofazzal was taken to the guest room of the extension building, where witnesses say he was tortured again.


In another footage, Tofazzal is seen lying on the floor littered with blood stains. His body was covered in bruises.

A cricket stump was placed on his arm, and two students took turns jumping over it as Tofazzal pleaded for them to stop.

One of the students has been identified as Jalal, a student of physics. He was also a former deputy secretary of science and technology affairs of the dormitory's Chhatra League unit.

He resigned from Chhatra League to join the quota reform protests in July.

In another video, Shakin, a student of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, is seen repeatedly hitting Tofazzal with a stump.

Jalal told this newspaper that he was not involved with the beating.


After six phones were stolen while students were playing cricket in the afternoon, the students were looking for the thief.

Then a group caught Tofazzal loitering near the gate. At least five students said Tofazzal was not near the place from when the phones were lost.

While students were hitting him at the guest room, Tofazzal said he was involved in the stealing and would tell them everything, but he needed to eat first.

The students fed him and later started beating him again.

Almost three hours after Tofazzal was caught, a team from the proctor's office arrived around 9:30 but failed to intervene.

A team member, requesting anonymity, said, "When we reached there, the students stopped us, saying we would have to return their phones if we wanted to rescue Tofazzal. Only when his condition became critical did they hand him over to us."

House Tutor Sheikh Zahir Raihan, who went to the scene minutes after Tofazzal was caught, said, "The students were not listening to us. We tried our best."

A witness said, "A student asked the house tutors, 'Have your phones been stolen? Why are you interfering? Let us handle this.'"

CCTV footage shows that around 11:00pm, two students helping Tofazzal get into a vehicle of the proctor's office.

The vehicle went directly to Shahbagh Police Station. Contacted, the station's Officer-in-Charge Shahabuddin Shaheen said, "When the proctorial team brought him, his condition was critical. We told them to go to Dhaka Medical."

As per Dhaka Medical College Hospital records, Tofazzal had died before he was taken there.

The inquest report mentions he might have died from internal bleeding and there were injury marks on his back, arms, and lower parts of his body.

When asked why they didn't take him directly to the hospital, an official of the proctor's office said, "We followed the protocol. We didn't think his condition was that severe. He was still alive when we took him to DMCH."


Tofazzal's father died in an accident in 2016 and his mother died from cancer in 2019. His elder brother, who was a police officer, also died of cancer in 2023.

According to his cousins Riyazul Islam and Asma Akhter, his mental health deteriorated after that. He didn't live anywhere for long and drifted between his hometown Barguna and Dhaka.

"He often sought refuge at Dhaka University, where he felt safe," Riyazul said.

Asma said after 11:00pm on Wednesday, her father received two phone calls from men introducing themselves as DU students.

They demanded Tk 35,000, and asked him to go to the campus if he wanted to save Tofazzal.

Tofazzal's sister-in-law Shilpi, who lives in Pirojpur, also received calls from the same numbers. The callers demand Tk 2 lakh from her.

On Truecaller, the numbers are recorded as "Mafi Junior Infs" and "Mehedi Vai M".

DU Proctor Saifuddin Ahmed said, "The university authority is fully cooperating with the investigation."

Hundreds of students demonstrated on campus throughout yesterday, demanding justice for the killing.

Once again killed by esteemed BCL.
Once again killed by esteemed BCL.

Many in Bangladesh are appalled at violence committed by 'student' wings of all the big parties, Awami League, BNP, Jamaat.

ZulkarnainSaer said this:

'The entire interim government must unqualifiedly condemn the killing of Abdullah Al Masud, a former Rajshahi University Chhatra League leader, day before yesterday at the hands of an angry mob, which included students. This is never okay in a civilised nation and all levers of the government must speak up strongly against it and take exemplary actions against the individuals involved in the lynching.'

This has to stop.
@Everyone - please avoid name calling and off topic discussions.
Very sad, there is no justification for mob violence that is why there is law of the land.
Many in Bangladesh are appalled at violence committed by 'student' wings of all the big parties, Awami League, BNP, Jamaat.

ZulkarnainSaer said this:

'The entire interim government must unqualifiedly condemn the killing of Abdullah Al Masud, a former Rajshahi University Chhatra League leader, day before yesterday at the hands of an angry mob, which included students. This is never okay in a civilised nation and all levers of the government must speak up strongly against it and take exemplary actions against the individuals involved in the lynching.'

This has to stop.
It’s alright , even BCL does not use missiles to resolve issues, at least not yet !
It will stop on the day Manipur is free !!
So, what happened to the police force?

Police aren’t going back to work until the army goes back to barracks.

You can either have the police or the army enforcing law and order.

You cannot have both at the same time.

If the military was any good at nation building - all the successful countries in the world would be military dictatorships!

US military had a go at nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan - after 20 years of brute force - it had to accept defeat.

And the BD military is relative pigmy compared to the U.S. military.


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