Shaheen 2 Training launch

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Cruise missiles are too slow, they need to be replaced by hypersonic missiles.
Hypersonic cruise missiles is really new technology only few countries have them for subcontinent subsonic cruise missiles is best we are not in a hurry, we need to move step by step approach first subsonic (achieved) second supersonic ASCMs (working) and then Hypersonic (long way to go)

And last we haven't any Hypersonic wind tunnel in the country to test aerodynamics of missiles and Have no SCRAMJET technology and don't expect China will give these technologies to Pakistan
Most Iranian cruise missiles were shot down on their way and only the hypersonic missiles got through to their targets.
Not Hypersonic missiles but BMs warheads falling through from space, Iranian Hypersonic missile is just in a mockup or in testing phase not ready for combat
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