Shameful! PTI is now supporting Afghanistan over Pakistan


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
Forget Internal Politics....

It's quite pathetic of PTI to support foreign frenemy (Afghanistan) over her own country

But what can one expect?

Going from blaming Americans for interference in local matters to making them pass congress resolution in her favor - PTI has gone full retard in her hatred of Army.

PTI has fallen deep



Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
Forget Internal Politics....

It's quite pathetic of PTI to support foreign frenemy (Afghanistan) over her own country

But what can one expect?

Going from blaming Americans for interference in local matters to making them pass congress resolution in her favor - PTI has gone full retard in her hatred of Army.

PTI has fallen deep

Because Pakistan is a failed Banana Republic of Faujistan!

Maybe Afghanistan can bring democracy and freedom to Pakistan by killing off the corrupt Generals and Politicians?... Hopefully.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Because Pakistan is a failed Banana Republic of Faujistan!

Maybe Afghanistan can bring democracy and freedom to Pakistan by killing off the corrupt Generals and Politicians?... Hopefully.

We have already destroyed the Afghan republic

We kicked out your NDS, the U.S, India, and NATO left with their tails tucked between their legs

What's left of Afghanistan? It will be gradually killed off


Jun 12, 2024
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I have many Afghan friends, they are straightforward and honest people. We can get along with them very easily if we want to.

We should have a proper procedure for naturalising Afghans living in Pakistans and making them full citizens. Lot of good people got deported recently who had been living here for decades and were more Pakistani than Afghan.

We have already destroyed the Afghan republic

We kicked out your NDS, the U.S, India, and NATO left with their tails tucked between their legs

What's left of Afghanistan? It will be gradually killed off
Afghanistan still exists as a country though, just not recognised.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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We have already destroyed the Afghan republic

We kicked out your NDS, the U.S, India, and NATO left with their tails tucked between their legs

What's left of Afghanistan? It will be gradually killed off
well this is called shooting yourself in the foot and that too repeatedlly ;) :p

let me explain

from ages lands east of Khybar were rich and were invaded by nomads from persia to whats afghanistan and then Ghandarra tribes which always kept fighting with each other

now even so called Alexendar the grate could not bring them under his control so did even the so called Moghuls and then even after three majore battles Empirial British at hight of there power in 18th and 19th centuary could not control them in 1970s sovietes after invitation from afghan king came and left after getting a bloody nose and after them the mighty USA & NATO

so WAR is in the blood of these tribes that now call themselfs as pakhtoon or afghans , WAR there cottage industry they only know that and from Ghazni to Ghauri to Abdali they came to India wia whats now Pakistan and from GHaznavi to Ghauri to Abdali all pilleged and ravged the major cities in whats now Pakistan then be it Multan or quetta or Peshawar or Lahore which last time was burned to ground by Abdali whome pakistani's still see as a hero cause he defeted Marathas in 3rd battle of Panipat its another matter within a span of decade they regained there power and beacme even more powerfull

but what will now Pakistan do when same Afghans come and do what they always did in history as now niether they have USA to give free weapons or money or the russians and even chinese are reluctant to fight these afghans for pakistan .... so think before you wish for what your asking for ;) :p


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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I have many Afghan friends, they are straightforward and honest people. We can get along with them very easily if we want to.

We should have a proper procedure for naturalising Afghans living in Pakistans and making them full citizens. Lot of good people got deported recently who had been living here for decades and were more Pakistani than Afghan.

Afghanistan still exists as a country though, just not recognised.

Yeahhh, get them out

You gave space, you invited millions into the country to save them from enemies

What did Afghans ever do for Pakistan, what good did they ever do for Pakistani

Kick them out
Keep the namak harams in Afghanistan
Have a strong effective border
And have trade and relations on a normal state to state basis

Nothing more and nothing less

If the Afghans were Hindus we would have torn them to absolute shreds by now if they behaved in the same manner


Jan 30, 2024
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Yeahhh, get them out

You gave space, you invited millions into the country to save them from enemies

What did Afghans ever do for Pakistan, what good did they ever do for Pakistani

Kick them out
Keep the namak harams in Afghanistan
Have a strong effective border
And have trade and relations on a normal state to state basis

Nothing more and nothing less

If the Afghans were Hindus we would have torn them to absolute shreds by now if they behaved in the same manner
No Punjabi Muslim has ever ruled over Afghanistan, no Punjabi Muslims have ever governed any area in Punjab, let alone Afghanistan.
Afghans consider you an inferior race for a reason


Jan 30, 2024
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I have many Afghan friends, they are straightforward and honest people. We can get along with them very easily if we want to.

We should have a proper procedure for naturalising Afghans living in Pakistans and making them full citizens. Lot of good people got deported recently who had been living here for decades and were more Pakistani than Afghan.

Afghanistan still exists as a country though, just not recognised.
Afghans are generally less radical compared to Indian, Bangladeshi, or Pakistani Muslims. They are not anti-India or anti-Hindu; in fact, they often feel very happy when meeting an Indian Hindu.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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No Punjabi Muslim has ever ruled over Afghanistan, no Punjabi Muslims have ever governed any area in Punjab, let alone Afghanistan.
Afghans consider you an inferior race for a reason

Don't worry Hindu, all you Hindus are a inferior race to us

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Don't worry Hindu, all you Hindus are a inferior race to us
well same Hindu by name is responsible for your national dress @ Shalrwar Kameez or Pathani suit as you call it as it was owt of fear of Hari Singh Nalwa pathans started wearing womens clothing and later pakistanies made same pathani suit or shalwar kameez there national dress ;) :p



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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well same Hindu by name is responsible for your national dress @ Shalrwar Kameez or Pathani suit as you call it as it was owt of fear of Hari Singh Nalwa pathans started wearing womens clothing and later pakistanies made same pathani suit or shalwar kameez there national dress ;) :p

Surrrrrrrreee and Hindus weren't butchered and your temples destroyed whilst you stood on the sideline like pusseys

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